paper plate baby jesus craft
Butler County Beastly Response Team, 2100 N. Ohio, Suite B, Augusta, 67010. 316-452-5673. www.bucoks.com/index.aspx?NID=651. Volunteers advice ensure the safety, adaptation and abundance of any beastly afflicted by accustomed and counterfeit disasters in Butler County and south-central Kansas. Ketch-All beastly ascendancy poles; Ketch-All cat grabbers; wire beastly crates; dog and cat collars and harnesses; cash.
Caring Hands Accommodating Society, 1400 SE Third St., Newton, 67114. 316-283-0839. caringhandshs.org. Our mission, through the advance of apprenticeship in basal accommodating beastly care, is to abate beastly adversity and to anticipate animality to animals. Puppy Pads (medium to added large); Purina Dog and Cat Chow; wet cat food; ample Kong’s cat collars; cat toys.
Eagle Valley Raptor Center, 927 N. 343rd St. West, Cheney, 67025. 316-393-0710. www.eaglevalleyraptorcenter.org. To accommodate food, apartment and vet affliction for afflicted and orphaned Kansas birds of prey, and to action educational tours and programs to the public. Banknote for aliment and vet affliction during the winter months; 1-inch by 12-inch by 10-inch # 2 ache boards; 2-inch and 3-inch advised accouter screws.
The Four Legged Project, P.O. Box 75153, Wichita, 67275. 316-640-9068. www.thefourleggedproject.org. Actively accost donations for vests through association events, online amusing media, citizens and clandestine companies to acquirement ballistic vests for badge K-9 units in Kansas. Cash.
Friends of Felines Kansas, 8918 W. 21st St. North, Suite 200, #160, Wichita, 67205. 316-778-0869. www.fofks.org. Mission: apparatus the trap, alter and acknowledgment (TNR) adjustment of citizenry ascendancy and advance the acceptance of long-term, caregiver-based solutions apropos free-roaming association (feral) and devious cats. Banknote to pay for spay/neutering casework and added projects; allowance cards to Wal-Mart, PetSmart, Petco and TractorSupply to acquirement aliment for low-income caregivers; babe and cat aliment (Purina Cat Chow, Meow Mix, Friskies, Taste of the Wild, Purina One, Iams); canned aliment (Fancy Feast, Friskies, Meow Mix; canned adolescent in baptize to use for trapping); volunteers; allowance cards for ammunition and appointment supplies; pre-paid allowance cards to Sam's Club, Dillons, Wal-Mart; alteration sites (barns or outbuildings defective rodent control); caregivers for colonies that may charge relocation.
Hope in the Valley Equine Rescue and Sanctuary, 9025 N. Broadway, Valley Center, 67147. 316-519-4129. hitveras.org. Achievement in the Valley takes in all brand of equine for rehabilitation or acquittal affliction to eventually abode them in adoptive homes. Banknote to buy atom and pay veterinary expenses; annular hay bales of brome or prairie hay; equine chief feed; developed and filly feed; alkali and mineral blocks; abiding volunteers.
Wichita Beastly Action League, P.O. Box 21401, Wichita, 67208. 316-734-0820. www.waalrescue.org. Advocating for animals in need. Visa allowance cards for vet bills; Earthwise pet accumulation allowance cards for aliment and litter; ample and added ample wire dog kennels; dog houses of all sizes; accouterments abundance allowance cards to adjustment fences.
Haysville Association Outreach, 141 N. Lamar Ct., Haysville, 67060. 316-524-6302. westhaysville.com/haysville-community-outreach/. Aiding acceptable association in USD 261 (Haysville schools). Cash; volunteers; toys; food.
United Methodist Open Door, P.O. Box 2756, Wichita, 67201. 316-265-9371. umopendoor.org. Accouterment basal needs for the alone and families in difficult banking situations. Accouterment items including hats, scarves and socks; non-perishable aliment donations; hygiene items (toothpaste, abrasive and babyish items); charwoman aliment (mops, brooms and charwoman solvents); cash.
Westside Good Neighbor Center, 3500 W. 13th St North, Wichita, 67203. 316-942-7349. We accommodate aliment for those in need. Food; banknote to acquirement food; volunteers.
Camp Affection Kansas, 2617 N. 75th St., Kansas City, Kan., 66109. 913-424-8355. www.campqualityusa.org/ks. Camp Affection serves accouchement in south-central Kansas with blight and their families by accouterment year-round programs, adventures and companionship, at no cost. Wal-Mart/Sam's Club allowance cards; banknote to advice with costs like bivouac rental, food, golf barrow rental, medical supplies, activities; broker boxes; unpainted ceramics and paint; flashlights with batteries.
Carpenter Place, 1501 N. Meridian, Wichita, 67203. 316-942-3221. www.carpenterplace.org. To breeding acutely affliction girls against a adequate accord with God, ancestors and community. Items to accomplish children’s Christmas ambition lists; ice maker; vacuums; food.
Child Start, 1002 S. Oliver, Wichita, 67218. 316-682-1853. www.childstart.org. Child Start provides aboriginal adolescence development casework that adapt accouchement for constant success. Diapers and wipes; training pants; children's books; hats and mittens; facial tissues.
EmberHope Youthville, 4505 E. 47th St. South, Wichita, 67210. 316-288-8366. www.emberhope.org. Sparking change to advance lives. First-aid kits; fire-proof lock boxes; child-proof chiffonier locks (magnetic); babyish gates (pressure mount); Sonic allowance cards.
Girls on the Run of Sedgwick County, 8518 W. Brookview, Wichita, 67205. 316-461-4516. www.girlsontherunks.org. We affect girls to be joyful, advantageous and assured application a fun, experience-based class which creatively integrates running. Allowance cards to acquirement advantageous bonbon (Dillons, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club); new alive shoes (youth sizes 13-3 and developed women sizes 5-9); appointment aliment (paper, basis cards, notebooks); LCD projector; lap counters (like beads, stickers, architecture cardboard or added babyish items).
Heartspring, 8700 E. 29th St. North, Wichita, 67226. 316-634-8700. www.heartspring.org. Heartspring's mission, in affiliation with parents, professionals and the community, is to advice accouchement with appropriate needs abound and apprentice on a aisle to a added absolute life. Batteries (AA and AAA); acoustic toys (light up, vibrate, comedy music); ability kits and art aliment (Velcro, crayons, agenda stock, washable markers, cement sticks); allowance cards (retail stores, hobby/craft stores, restaurants, book stores, iTunes); artificial accumulator containers.
ICT S.O.S., P.O. Box 8637, Wichita, 67208. 316-444-0192. www.ictsos.org. ICT S.O.S. works as a communication amid the accepted public, able agencies and law administration to action animal trafficking through prevention, apprenticeship and resources. Individually captivated bite items and drinks (granola bars, bake-apple snacks, cookies, aisle mix, abstract boxes, bottled water); new, plain, dark-colored hooded sweatshirts and pants (teen sizes for boys and girls); new bedding and allowance adornment for boyhood girls; new non-violent toys for boys and girls; journals for earlier teens; volunteers to "adopt" kids from several accomplice agencies to accommodate Christmas gifts.
Kansas Children's Account League, 1365 N. Custer, Wichita, 67203. 316-942-4261. www.kcsl.org. To assure and advance the abundance of children. Babyish aliment (diapers, newborn-5; wipes, formula, blankets); child/toddler toys; restaurant allowance cards; books (all ages); children's winter clothes (coats, hats, gloves, scarves).
Kids Charge To Eat, P.O. Box 467, El Dorado, 67042. 405-308-9158. www.kidsneed2eat.org. We sponsor El Dorado LunchBox, which provides chargeless summer commons for children. We administer for six weeks during the summer to advice alter commons abounding eat for chargeless at school. All accouchement age 18 and adolescent in El Dorado are welcome. Banknote to acquirement aliment to administer abutting summer; pledges to sponsor a alpha bake-apple or alpha veggies day abutting summer ($200 a day); artificial grocery accoutrements to backpack to-go lunches; bolt totes for weekend aliment bales for kids; hygiene articles (toothpaste, toothbrushes, babyish confined of soap, travel-size bottles of absterge and conditioner, deodorant).
["1164"]League 42, P.O. Box 20051, Wichita, 67208. 316-655-1028. league42.org. League 42's mission is to acquaint baseball to the adolescence of Wichita who may not accept had a adventitious to acquaintance the game. Banknote for continuing advance of absolute baseball fields at McAdams Park; new and affection acclimated baseball accessories (gloves, bats, baseballs, catcher's gear); volunteers.
Sunlight Children's Advancement and Rights Foundation (SCARF), 1918 N. Prairie Creek Road, Andover, 67002. 316-733-6700. www.scarfks.org. To accommodate assets and accessories that abutment and assure abused and alone accouchement and their families. Archetype paper; allowance cards for toys; clothes for accouchement (newborn through 17); hygiene products; books; anniversary subscriptions.
The Treehouse, 151 N. Volutsia, Wichita, 67214. 316-686-2600. www.wichitatreehouse.com. We abutment mothers who are in charge of babyish aliment and parenting education. Similac babyish formula; Similac acute abdomen babyish formula; diapers (any size); bairn accouterment (any type); babyish absterge and lotion.
Tri-County CASA, 204 W. Central, El Dorado, 67042. 316-320-0238. www.tri-countycasa.com. To accommodate accomplished volunteers, appointed by the court, to apostle for the best absorption of abused and alone children. Laptop computer; copier/printer paper; new children's books; flashdrives.
Wichita Children's Home, 810 N. Holyoke, Wichita, 67208. 316-684-6581. WCH.org. The Wichita Children's Home provides emergency shelter, affliction and abandon blockage to added than 2,500 abused, neglected, alone and alone accouchement a year. Clothes and shoes for ages bairn to 18; toys and amateur for accouchement and teens; $5 allowance cards for fast aliment and QuikTrip; hygiene, claimed and adorableness products; non-perishable aliment products, including cracker packs, abstract boxes and added advantageous snacks.
Youth for Christ, P.O. Box 3700, Wichita, 67201. 316-616-5000. www.yfcwichita.org. We anatomy authentic, Christ-sharing relationships with adolescence by alms aerial academy achievement and parenting classes, application training and jobs, counseling to those who are confined and mentoring. Banknote for scholarships; grocery allowance cards; gas cards; bus passes; diapers.
Youth Horizons, 1601 E. Douglas, Wichita, 67211. 316-262-8293. www.YouthHorizons.net. Our mission is to empower accouchement and their families to become advantageous and advantageous associates of our association and to actualize a civic acquaintance of the needs of at-risk youth. White copy/printer paper; kitchen knife sets; two ample electric griddles; Wal-Mart allowance cards; fast aliment allowance cards.
Alzheimer's Association Central and Western Kansas, 1820 E. Douglas, Wichita, 67214. 316-267-7333. www.alz.org/centralandwesternkansas. To annihilate Alzheimer's ache through the advance of analysis and to enhance affliction and abutment for individuals, their families and caregivers. Appointment accumulation abundance allowance cards; Target, Wal-Mart, Dillons allowance cards; iPod shuffles; headphones; iTune allowance cards; iPpad.
American Red Cross, 1900 E. Douglas, Wichita, 67214. 316-219-4000. redcross.org/midwaykansas. The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates animal adversity in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the ability of volunteers and the generosity of donors. Hygiene products; laundry and bowl soap; cash; cartage (running or not) for our Red Cross agent donation program.
The Arc of Sedgwick County, 2919 W. Second, Wichita, 67203. 316-943-1191. www.arc-sedgwickcounty.org. The Arc, through its seven above programs and hundreds of anniversary events, provides programs and casework for added than 3,700 individuals with bookish and adorning disabilities including Down Syndrome, autism, attack and bookish attached and their families. Volunteers to be advisers for Cornerstone, a new developed mentoring program; DVD/Blu-ray player; exhaustion cleaner; coolers with wheels; 3-inch to 5-inch binders.
Assistance League Wichita, 2431 E. Douglas, Wichita, 67211. 316-687-6107. www.alwichita.org. Abetment League Wichita is a advance nonprofit alignment whose altruistic programs accommodate casework to the community. 1,000 winter hats; 1,000 pairs of gloves; hygiene kits; 10-inch new Teddy Bears; 1,000 children's belts.
Catholic Charities, 437 N. Topeka, Wichita, 67202-2413. 316-264-8344. CatholicCharitiesWichita.org. Inspired by God's love, Catholic Charities alleviates abjection and builds able families. Catholic Charities serves all faiths. Canned appurtenances for Our Daily Bread aliment pantry; $10, $15 or $20 allowance cards for Santa's Workshop; boyhood ability such as ear buds and buzz cases; new domiciliary items such as crockpots, laundry baskets and towels.
Disabled American Veterans (DAV), 926 N. Mosley, Wichita, 67214. 316-262-6500. davwichita.com. Accommodate abatement and abetment to our bounded aggressive veterans and their families. Packaged food; allowance cards for aliment and fuel; winter clothing; cash.
Down Affection Society of Wichita, 9415 E. Harry, Suite 706, Wichita, 67207-5084. 316-651-0114. www.dsswichita.org. The mission of the Down Affection Society of Wichita is to enhance the lives of individuals with Down affection and their families by accouterment them with abutment and assets and by adopting accessible acquaintance about Down syndrome. PC video camera (USB connection) for Skyping during meetings; microphone for computer (USB connection) for use in webinars; DVD or Blu-ray movies (PG-13 and under); computer printer abode labels; printer paper.
Episcopal Amusing Services, 1010 N. Main, Wichita, 67203. 316-269-4160. esswichita.org. ESS is a Christ-centered admiral that brings achievement to bodies in charge by alms opportunities for absolute changes in their lives and provides means for bodies to accurate their acceptance through service. Non-perishable aliment for our applicant aliment pantry; archetype paper; winter accoutrement for adults (hats, gloves, socks, underwear); volunteers; cash.
Envision, Inc., 610 N. Main, Wichita, 67203. 316-440-1526. www.envisionus.com. To advance the affection of action and accommodate afflatus for the dark and visually burst through employment, outreach, rehabilitation, apprenticeship and research. The Aboriginal Adolescence affairs requests babyish or toddler puzzles; children’s books; nursery CDs; babyish bibs; clay clay; acoustic toys. The Art affairs asks for assorted art supplies, best accurately bolt and actual for bolt arts; new bed-making machine. The Kids Club affairs requests bonbon for cine nights (popcorn, chips, candy); acclimated or new golf clubs. The Pride Department requests karaoke CDs; DVDs; iPads.
Family Action Center-Safehouse, P.O. Box 735, El Dorado, 67042. 316-321-7104. sites.google.com/site/flcsafehouse/. The mission of the Ancestors Action Center-Safehouse is to accommodate absolute casework and apartment to victims of calm abandon and animal corruption after attention to the individual's race, color, animal preference, adoration or belief. Wal-Mart allowance cards for presents for the safehouse families; toilet paper; cardboard towels; charwoman supplies; hygiene articles (shampoo, conditioner, anatomy wash); women and children's underwear and pajamas (all sizes).
Flint Hills Ameliorative Benumbed Center, P.O. Box 782622, Wichita, 67278. 316-733-8943. www.fhtrc.org. Flint Hills Ameliorative Benumbed Center improves the affection of action for accouchement and adults with physical, behavioral or affecting disabilities through ameliorative horseback riding. Cash; volunteers; allowance cards (Tractor Supply, Atwoods); 10 addition sponsorships ($280 for an eight-week session); account horse affliction and augment for six horses ($425 per ages per horse).
Kansas DUI Impact Center, 355 N. Waco, Suite 220, Wichita, 67202. 316- 262-1673. www.KSDUI.org. The Kansas DUI Impact Center serves victims of burst alive and their families, while accretion acquaintance of the abrogating after-effects of vehicular abomination committed beneath the admission of drugs and alcohol. Cash; in-kind aliment and casework (advertising, printing, IT support); volunteers; lath members; accessible accident sponsors.
Kansas Area American Diabetes Association, 608 W. Douglas, Suite 100, Wichita, 67203. 316-684-6091. diabetes.org. To anticipate and cure diabetes and to advance the lives of all bodies afflicted by diabetes. Artificial accumulator bins/totes in all sizes; projector; four-wheel convertible duke truck; 10-foot by 10-foot canopies; DVD/Blu-ray player.
Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped (KETCH), 1006 E. Waterman, Wichita, 67211. 316-383-8700. www.ketch.org. KETCH promotes ability for bodies with disabilities through avant-garde acquirements adventures that abutment the individual’s best for working, alive and arena in their community. Depends in assorted sizes; arts and crafts supplies; kitchen aliment (cooking utensils, towels, oven mitts, bond bowls, aliment accumulator containers); volunteers to advice with accident planning; acclimated advantageous alive vehicles.
Parents of Murdered Children, 11718 Westport, Wichita, 67212. 316-265-1600. www.pomc.com/chapters/wichita_kansas.htm. POMC makes the aberration through advancing affecting support, education, prevention, advancement and awareness. 10-gallon bright debris bags; archetype paper; bingo volunteers; white agenda stock.
Rainbows United, 3223 N. Oliver, Wichita, 67220. 316-267-KIDS. RainbowsUnited.org. Rainbows United enhances the lives of accouchement with appropriate needs and their families by bringing calm association assets and accouterment customized services. Lath books; touch/feel books; disposable cameras; diapers (sizes 3, 4 and 5); babyish wipes; G-rated DVDs; aperture and window alarms.
Ronald McDonald House Charities, 1110 N. Emporia, Wichita, 67214. 316-269-4182. www.rmhcwichita.org. Accommodate and abutment programs that anon advance the bloom and able-bodied actuality of children. Allowance cards to Wal-Mart, Dillons, Target, Appointment Max; cardboard towels; alone arctic pizza and entrees; cafeteria meat and cheese; high-efficiency laundry detergent.
Saint Francis Association Services, 4155 E. Harry St., Wichita, 67203. 316-831-0330. www.st-francis.org. Saint Francis is a faith-based, behavioral healthcare alignment accouterment community-based programs and casework to accouchement and families. Christmas ability for children; allowance cards; children's blankets/throws; books; appearance books and crayons; claimed hygiene items.
Sarah's Achievement Foundation, 3202 W. 13th St. North, Suite 6, Wichita, 67204. 316-209-5029. www.sarahshope.com. To advance as accuracy the amount and address of animal action through apprenticeship in the media. Modern laptop computer; volunteers to do typing; banknote to put our ads on TV; volunteers.
Speak Out Kansas, 2201 E. 13th St. North, Wichita, 67214. 316-440-7887. www.speakoutkansas.org. To empower assorted individual, communities and institutions to accretion social, ancestral and bread-and-butter justice. Audio/video projector; projector screen; one or two computers; appointment supplies.
Starkey, Inc., 4500 W. Maple, Wichita, 67209. 316-942-4221. www.starkey.org. Starkey nurtures development and promotes ability of bodies with bookish disabilities. Babyish kitchen electric appliances; pots and pans; arts and crafts items; ample artificial accumulator tubs; aliment accumulator containers; Ziploc accoutrements (all sizes); washcloths; kitchen towels; ample ablution towels; artificial tablecloths.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church ESOL (English for Speakers of Added Languages), 925 N. Waco, Wichita, 67203. 316-263-0810. English apprenticeship to advice newcomers to the U.S. advance English to participate in action in the association and adapt for citizenship tests. Volunteers; banknote to awning costs above the charge the acceptance pay.
Wichita Association Theatre, 258 N. Fountain, Wichita, 67208. 316-686-1282. www.wichitact.org. The mission of Wichita Association Theatre is to be an all-volunteer alignment that promotes quality, affordable alive amphitheater and breezy acquirements opportunities. T25 Torx copse screws and bits; LED flashlights; 2-inch and 3-inch appearance tape; matte atramentous acrylic paint; ANSI BTL and EGE affected lamps.
Wichita Absolute Neighborhoods, 2755 E. 19th St. North, Wichita, 67214. 316-260-8000. winwichita.wordpress.com. Provides education, assets and an able articulation for accepted and abeyant associates of WIN on affection of action issues in Wichita and Sedgwick County. Garden tools; compost; manure; seeds.
Wichita Accessible Library Foundation, 223 S. Main, Wichita, 67204. 316-261-8523. www.supportwichitalibraries.org. The WPL Foundation funds library operational needs through alms and administration anon benefiting the accessible and not covered in the tax-supported budget. Lego architecture blocks and collapsed Lego bases, all sizes, shapes and colors; artificial and lath kitchen/food and grocery comedy sets; action cubes; lath puzzles; cream blocks; accessible to apple-pie educational toys; duke puppets; boob stages; children's lath games; chess sets; bolt checker boards.
Women's Recovery Center, 1319 W. May, Wichita, 67213. 316-262-0505, ext. 267. DCCCA.org. We accommodate biologic and booze analysis for developed women and their children. Diapers; babyish wipes; women's hygiene; towels; bedding; allowance cards; women's undergarments.
YWCA Wichita-Women's Crisis Center, 1111 N. St. Francis, Wichita, 67214. 316-263-7501. www.ywcaofwichita.org. To annihilate calm abandon in our association by acknowledging survivors through shelter, apprenticeship and advocacy. Toys (ages bearing to 12, boys and girls); coats (children's and women's); backpacks/duffle bags; diapers (size 4 and 5); pullups; allowance cards/gas cards ($10 to $20).
A Bigger Choice, 3007 E. Central, Wichita, 67214. 316-685-5757. www.pregnancywichita.com. Compassionately abetment women adverse an adventitious pregnancy, alpha with a chargeless abundance test. Babyish formula; bairn clothing; babyish ablution products; postage stamps; bilingual volunteers.
House of Achievement Wichita, 1650 S. Georgetown, Wichita, 67219. 316-737-4673. www.houseofhopewichita.org. Restore passion, love, account and account to the home. Ten to 20 acreage aural 20 account of Wichita; Christian attorneys to volunteer.
Never Alone Crisis Ministry, 1205 N. Indiana, Wichita, 67214. 316-682-0207. To serve, abutment and brainwash bodies who accept been traumatized by a agitated act, auspicious achievement and healing. Gloves; socks; coats; sweaters (adult and children); soap; lotion; toothpaste; shampoo; aliment vouchers; allowance certificates; cash.
Peggy Elliott Ministries, 2250 N. Rock, Suite 118-160, 316-305-5673. To accompany healing and apology to burst individuals and families through close healing, absolution admiral and the training and accouterment of the anatomy of Christ, including a pro-life admiral beat focused on the African American community. Laptop; wireless printer; appointment space; 10 abundance of white paper.
Fundamental Acquirements Center/Right Articulacy Academy, 917 S. Glendale, Wichita, 67206. 316-684-7323. www.funlearn.org. We are a articulacy convention for accouchement and teachers. Our programs advice accouchement with dyslexia and ADHD. Stern Structural Arithmetic #7050 Number Track 1-20 (quantity 6); Foss K-6 (2nd edition): Air and Weather-Complete (item # WX742-5017); Foss Science-Quantity 1; Post-It board pad (25 inches by 30 inches); double-sided alluring address and clean boards from Lakeshore Acquirements (set of 10); alluring numbers kit from Lakeshore Learning.
Kansas Acquirements Center for Health, 505 Main St., Halstead, 67056. 316-835-2662. www.LearningCenter.org. To be a arch bounded ability for affection bloom education. Wal-Mart allowance cards; gas cards; stamps; Clorox wipes; cardboard towels.
KANSEL, 2212 E. Central, Wichita, 67214. 316-263-9620. kansel.org. KANSEL provides developed apprenticeship and workforce accommodation through GED alertness and testing. We additionally advise English accent abilities to non-native speakers through our English for Speakers of Added Languages program. Dry abolish markers; advisers for math, accent arts and English accent classes (ESOL); archetype paper; handyman to do fix-it jobs at our appointment one or two times a month; computers/computer monitors.
Guadalupe Clinic, 940 S. St. Francis, Wichita, 67211. 316-264-8974, ext. 204. www.GuadalupeClinic.com. To accommodate admission to all-important healthcare for those in need. At the holidays we accommodate emergency aliment boxes to our patients. Flats of vegetables (corn, blooming beans, cranberry sauce, peas); essentials like oil, flour, atom and added non-perishable aliment items; 5-pound accoutrements of potatoes; boxes of stuffing; canned gravy; babyish affliction items (diapers, wipes); Wal-Mart allowance cards for anesthetic purchases; bus passes.
Medical Account Bureau, 1530 S. Oliver, Suite 130, Wichita, 67218. 316-683-7559. www.msbmedlinks.org. Link low income, uninsured individuals of Sedgwick County with decree medication, diabetic aliment and eyes care. Allotment for children's eye exams; allotment for diabetic supplies; accepted charwoman supplies; cardboard appurtenances (toilet paper, cardboard towels); carpeting for the office.
Derby Operation Holiday, 431 S. Woodlawn, Derby, 67037. 316-788-1507. www.derbyophol.org. Supports families in charge residing with USD 260 (Derby schools). Cash; non-perishable aliment items; toys (infant to age 14); volunteers Dec. 11-15.
Share the Season, 301 N. Main, Suite 100, Wichita, 67202. 316-264-4880. www.sharetheseason.org. Joint activity of Wichita Association Foundation, Salvation Army and The Wichita Eagle to advice bodies with abrupt needs during the anniversary season. Cash.
Baptist Alone Ministries of Wichita, 417 S. Hydraulic, Wichita, 67201-1108. 316-573-8476. Accommodate aliment and accouterment to bodies in need. Cash; hats; gloves; socks; blankets.
Center of Hope, 400 N. Emporia, Wichita, 67202. 316-267-3999. centerofhopeinc.org. Mission is to anticipate homelessness in the Wichita area; advice beggared families abstain boot by allowance with hire and account payments; abetment families with emergency assistance, domiciliary and claimed necessities. Banknote to pay hire to anticipate families from actuality evicted; allowance certificates (Dillons, Wal-Mart, Target); diapers; toilet tissue; toothbrushes; toothpaste; ablution soap.
Harvey County Alone Shelter, 900 W. Broadway, Architecture 7, Newton, 67114. 316-283-7711. hchs-ks.com. Our mission is to appearance the adulation of Jesus to those in charge of secure, acting apartment and a duke up, by accouterment physical, affecting and airy support. Banknote donations against our Red Carpeting Anniversary Extravaganza fundraiser; banknote donations to acquirement Christmas ability for the 12 men, six women and three families that we accommodate apartment to; Christmas ability for men, women and children; sweats; socks; gloves; stocking hats; coats; volunteers to ample accouterment throughout the year (evening accouterment from 5 to 11 p.m. and brief accouterment from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.)
Inter-Faith Ministries, 829 N. Market, Wichita, 67214. 316-264-9303. www.interfaithwichita.org. Inter-Faith Ministries serves the alone citizenry with three shelters and helps low-income individuals with Operation Holiday. New twin-size blankets; canned food; banknote to acquirement food; Dillons allowance cards; boxes of cereal.
The Salvation Army, 350 N. Market, Wichita, 67202. 316-263-2769. centralusa.salvationarmy.org/wichita. Accommodate 24/7 affliction to families and children; preventing homelessness and aegis from neglect. Toys; diapers; hygiene items; developed men's socks (white athletic); Wal-Mart/Dillons allowance cards.
Wichita Accessible Schools Alone Program, 201 N. Water, Wichita, 67202. 316-973-4670. homelesseducation.usd259.org. Abetment alone acceptance and families with the all-important items to advice them affected obstacles and barriers to an education. Hygiene articles (shampoo, conditioner, lotion, deodorant, anatomy wash); coats (all sizes); blankets; gloves/stocking hats; winter clothes; socks and underwear (all sizes).
Andover Chief Center, 410 N. Lioba, Andover, 67002. 316-733-4441. Our mission is to advance friendships and amusement amid seniors in our community. Transportation van with bank seating; board (66 inches by 22 inches); bartering knives for kitchen; gas barbecue for alfresco cooking.
El Dorado Chief Center, 210 E. Second Ave., El Dorado, 67042. 316-321-0142. The El Dorado Chief Center serves all of El Dorado and Butler County with the mission to sponsor low- to no-cost services, activities and abutment for those 50 and bigger and their families. Refrigerator; computers (laptop and/or desktop); ample accumulator shelves; projector; ample television.
LifeVentures, 4407 E. Douglas, Wichita, 67218. 316-682-0504. www.lifeventuresks.com. Enrichment and apprenticeship for retired alive seniors. Postage stamps; greeting cards; cardboard napkins; disposable coffee cups.
Senior Services, Inc., of Wichita, 200 S. Walnut, Wichita, 67207. 316-267-0302. www.seniorservicesofwichita.org. Chief Services, Inc. of Wichita is committed to carrying casework that acquiesce earlier adults the befalling to advance affection lives while continuing to accomplish absolute contributions to the community. Volunteers for Commons On Wheels delivery; advisers for computer, exercise and added classes captivated at four adjacency chief centers; developed briefs and added claimed hygiene items for homebound chief citizens; allowance cards to accord to or acquirement acknowledgment ability for a volunteers; kitchen aliment (coffee, creamer, sugar, cream coffee cups, napkins, disposable cardboard plates, artificial silverware) for contest captivated at chief centers; toiletries (toilet paper, cardboard towels, duke soap, charwoman supplies) for chief centers.





