Booker T Washington And Web Dubois Venn Diagram
It seems aberrant – the casual of three and a bisected decades of time.
["388"]Three and a bisected decades. Thirty-five years.
Time that anesthetized about like thirty-five seconds.
And our lives in thirty-five years all went in thirty-five altered directions.
And aftermost night, some of our lives alternate from our journeys throughout the diaspora. We got calm already afresh – the aboriginal time of what we achievement will be abounding times – to bethink addition who guided us on our journey.
That being who guided us was Lillian Tillman (later DeWitt), the arch of my aerial school, Street Academy of Albany. And aftermost night, Lillian and her bedmate Ken enjoyed a alliance meal with myself (Class of ’81), Jennifer Jeffers (Class of ’80) and Freda Tillman (Class of ’81).
["388"]And in that evening, we had a bang reminiscing about the old days. About accomplishing the comedy Black Through The Years. How LaRodd Graves could attach the Harry Belafonte song “Sylvie” every distinct time in that show. The acceptance who performed the “debate” amid W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington. And that one time – during a Martin Luther King Jr. Day achievement at Cathedral Academy, one of the acceptance went off-script and everybody had a hasty moment – but we laughed about it afterwards.
And about the memories – and abode – of our classmates and teachers. We remembered the moment back Miss Mackey (the anteroom adviser who was everybody’s adopted grandmother) would apprehend the newspaper, and how George Mastrangelo (our music teacher) would bandy out that day’s Times Union for one from aftermost anniversary to see if she would apprehension – or the time back Miss Mackey bankrupt up a countertop in the advanced office, and accidentally threw out Poochie Patton’s cafeteria – which did not accomplish Poochie actual happy. Not at all.
We aggregate our journeys and our travels, what has happened to us with our apprenticeship and our bloom and our families and our accouchement and grandchildren. Grandchildren. Jennifer and Freda accept grandchildren. It’s still demography a amplitude for me to brainstorm my aerial academy classmates as grandparents. Parents, maybe. It’s still so abundant to grasp.
Freda brought Mrs. Tillman a admirable boutonniere of red roses. The agenda on the boutonniere said “Mrs. T.” Alike admitting we had a airy attitude with our agents (we could alarm them by their aboriginal names, for example), Mrs. Tillman was consistently “Mrs. Tillman.” Or “Mrs. T.” Or, in attenuate occasions, “Lady T.” But that’s as far as it got. Heck, I didn’t alike alarm her “Lillian” until maybe ten years afterwards I accelerating from college. That’s account appropriate there.
And we let Mrs. Tillman apperceive how beholden we were for her advice and for the advice of our agents to advice us biking on the actual path. We didn’t charge a handout. She showed us a way out.
We swapped addresses and buzz numbers and acquaintance information. And we set affairs for addition Street Academy reunion, this time in backward May, and hopefully added of our classmates and educators can accompany us then.
Oh yeah. Wouldn’t be a alliance after a alliance photo.
L-R: Jennifer Jeffers (SA ’80), Chuck Miller (SA ’81), Lillian Tillman-DeWitt. Photo taken by Alfreda Tillman (SA ’81).
More stories. Added hugs. Added accomplish forward.
This is the aboriginal of what I achievement will be abounding reunions. And these are not aloof “class” reunions.
Because our classmates absolutely were our brothers and sisters.
And our agents and abutment agents were our parents and aunts and uncles.
These reunions are our ancestors reunions. And the added reunions we have…
The added our “family” can appear together.

