paper magic pop up paper craft origamic architecture
The Urban Ecology Centermost in Riverside Esplanade is the armpit of a Nov. 16 buffet banquet absorption on how adolescence are growing, acquirements and earning.(Photo: Urban Ecology Center)
Boerner Botanical Gardens: Workshops, appropriate contest and activities for all ages. Whitnall Park, 9400 Boerner Drive, Hales Corners. Information: (414) 525-5653; www.boernerbotanicalgardens.org
Homestead Animal Farm: Corn Maze and Pumpkin Farm, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Oct. 29. W320-N9127 Highway 83, Hartland, (262) 966-3840; www.homesteadanimalfarm.com
Lynden Carve Garden: Lynden offers anniversary gift-making workshops in November and December for families with abate accouchement to added avant-garde workshops for adults. Acquaintance art in attributes through its accumulating of added than 50 awe-inspiring sculptures sited beyond 40 acreage of park, basin and woodland. 2145 W. Brown Deer Road. (414) 446-8794; lyndensculpturegarden.org
Milwaukee Bonsai Society: Lynden Carve Garden Bonsai Exhibit accessible to the accessible Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, (through Oct. 31). Acceptance is chargeless to Lynden associates or with acceptance to the carve garden. 2145 W. Brown Deer Road. www.lyndensculpturegarden.org/Bonsai
Minor’s Garden Center: Chargeless classes on a array of agronomical topics, 9 a.m. Saturdays. 7777 N. 76th St., (414) 354-4830; minorsgardencenter.com
Mitchell Esplanade Horticultural Conservatory: “Flower Power” Fall Floral Show celebrates the 1960s (through Nov. 5). Colorful flowers and a consciousness-expanding mural will accomplish you feel groovy. 524 S. Layton Blvd. (414) 257-5600; milwaukeedomes.org/
Rotary Botanical Gardens: Fall Symposium “Functional Mural Design,” 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Nov. 4. $85. Allotment required. A 20-acre nonprofit blooming garden accessible year-round, with a company centermost and affair ability alms classes and workshops. 1455 Palmer Drive, Janesville. Information: (608) 752-3885; www.rotarybotanicalgardens.org
Schlitz Audubon Attributes Center: Explore six afar of trails through 185-acres of assorted habitats, including forests, wetlands, prairies and Basin Michigan Shoreline. 1111 E. Brown Deer Road, Bayside, (414) 352-2880; www.schlitzaudubon.org/
Stone Bank Farm Market: Visit the bazaar for organic, locally developed produce, dairy products, poultry, pork, and grass-fed beef, as able-bodied as artisanal foods, or participate in classes. N68-W33208 County Road K, Stone Bank. (262) 563-8010; stonebankmarket.com/
Urban Ecology Center-Riverside Park: “Learn. Earn. Grow. MKE” buffet banquet with bedfellow apostle Bonnie Halvorsen, 6 p.m. Nov. 16. How MKE adolescence are farming, earning & learning. 1500 E. Esplanade Place, (414) 964-8505; urbanecologycenter.org/
Victory Garden Initiative: Agronomical classes and contest that bring a association calm about growing food. Information: (414) 431-0888; victorygardeninitiative.org
Western Acreage Garden Club: Phenology presentation, on the abstraction of circadian and melancholia accustomed phenomena, 7 p.m. Oct. 30. Free. Firefly Room, Wauwatosa Accessible Library, 7635 W. North Ave. (414) 702-2609; suesgardendesign@yahoo.com
Zoological Society of Milwaukee: Conservation Apprenticeship administration offers ecology apprenticeship classes for accouchement and families. Information: (414) 258-5058; www.zoosociety.org/Education/
Captain Frederick Pabst Mansion: Visitors will apprentice about the Pabst Abode and ancestors while exploring the aboriginal through third floors on docent-led guided tours. Flemish Renaissance awakening abode featuring handcrafted woodwork, aboriginal bank coverings and 19th-century artwork. 2000 W. Wisconsin Ave., (414) 931-0808; www.pabstmansion.com
Cedar Creek Settlement: Festive Friday Eves, 5-9 p.m. The Settlement appearance allowance and specialty shops, aged stores, galleries, festively adorned for the holidays with accustomed greenery, garlands and luminarias. N70-W6340 Bridge Road, Cedarburg. (262) 377-4763.
CelticMKE Center: Celtic Christmas Boutique, showcases Irish and added articles from artists, craftspeople and vendors, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Nov. 18. 1532 Wauwatosa Ave. Chargeless admission. (414) 476-3378; www.celticmke.com
Christmas at Kemper: Tour the Durkee Abode busy in “Woodland Birds & Berries” for the anniversary season, 1:30-5 p.m. Nov. 26, (through December). 6501 3rd Ave., Kenosha. (262) 925-8040; www.kempercenter.com
Dousman Stagecoach Inn Museum: Christmas at the Inn, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 2; noon-4 p.m. Dec. 3. Visit this celebrated armpit busy for the holidays, with guided tours, children's crafts, a broil auction and soup sampling. Adult $6; adolescent 6-12 $3; 5 and beneath free. 1075 Pilgrim Parkway, Brookfield. (262) 782-4057; www.elmbrookhistoricalsociety.org
German Christmas Market: Celebrate the German association in Wisconsin, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Nov. 24; 10 a.m.-11 p.m. Nov. 25; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 26. Polka music in balmy tents and alfresco beer gardens, applique decorating for the kids, and a Christmas Village of vendors and blaze pit. On the bend of Main St. and Wisconsin Ave., Oconomowoc. www.germanchristmasmarket.org/
Grand Geneva Resort & Spa: Black Point Acreage Tour, 12:30-3 p.m. Nov. 1, 8. Explore the summer acreage congenital in 1888 by Chicago beer baron Conrad Seipp. $25, catch required. 201 Wrigley Drive, Basin Geneva. (262) 248-4416; www.visitlakegeneva.com/events
Hales Corners Library: The Clutter Coach presents “Magic Numbers,” 6:30 p.m. Nov. 15. Free. Allotment required, alpha Nov. 1. Hunt Room, 5885 S. 116th St., Hales Corners. (414) 529-6150.
Hartford Union High School: Great Hartford Craft Exposition, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 11. View anniversary adornment allowance ideas, jewelry, wearable art, candle and clothing, wreaths and floral arrangements. 805 Cedar St., Hartford. (262) 719-5871; hartfordwomensclub.org
Hawthorne Hill Farm: Anniversary Market, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 3-4; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 5. Celebrated acreage appearance bounded artisans, best and aged home and garden decor, up-cycled and hand-crafted accessories. 16370 W. Small Road, New Berlin. www.hawthornehillfarm.com
Historic Milwaukee Inc.: Explore Milwaukee! Nonprofit educational alignment provides walking tours, guided bus tours, accelerate shows and lectures. (414) 277-7795; www.historicmilwaukee.org
Lake Geneva Baker House: Victorian Tea and Celebrated Home Tour, every Saturday at 2 p.m. $32 per person, additional tax and gratuity. Enjoy duke baddest teas and a alternative of agreeable and candied delights, while amidst by anniversary decor, and let the Victorian dressed agents adviser you through the celebrated adventure of this adequate Nationally Registered Celebrated Property. 327 Wrigley Drive, Basin Geneva. Catch required: (262) 248-4700.
Lutheran Church of the Living Christ: Christmas For A Cause Anniversary Shoppe, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 4. W156-N10660 Pilgrim Road, Germantown.
Milwaukee County Sports Complex: re:Craft and Relic Show, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 11-12. Shopping accident appearance a mix of artisans, makers, up-cyclers, and collectors, with furniture, best clothing, garden items, and home decor. 6000 W. Ryan Road, Franklin. recraftandrelic.com
North Point Lighthouse: Accessible tours of amphibian and alarm building including belfry with angle of the harbor, 1-4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. 2650 N. Wahl Ave. Admission: $8/$5. (414) 332-6754; northpointlighthouse.org/
Polish Centermost of Wisconsin: Polish Christmas Card workshop, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 6. $15 adult; $12 PHA member; accouchement ages 6 to 12, $10. Explore Polish folk art and apprentice to accomplish different handmade Christmas cards. No antecedent art acquaintance required. Pre-registration required. 6941 S. 68th St., Franklin. (414) 529-2140.
SC Johnson Golden Rondelle Theater: Association Interest Programs, RSVP requested. 1525 Howe St., Racine, (262) 260-2154; scjohnson.com/CIPreservations
Shop to Carrie On: Anniversary Accessible House, 5-9 p.m. Nov. 3; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 4; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 5. Different gifts, handmade items from bounded artisans, pillows, floral and home decor. 11045 W. National Ave., West Allis. (414) 282-1958; www.shoptocarrieon.com
Ten Chimneys: The National Celebrated Landmark home of Alfred Lunt & Lynn Fontanne. Accessible tours run from 10 a.m.-2:45 p.m. Tues-Sat; noon-2:45 p.m. Sunday. Advance anxiety recommended. $28/$35/$50. Lunt-Fontanne Program Centermost is accessible chargeless of allegation to the public. S43-W31575 Depot Road, Genesee Depot. (262) 968-4110; www.tenchimneys.org
Tippecanoe Library: Reuse, Repurpose, 6 p.m. Nov. 13. Apprentice how to use your acuteness and the assets you already accept to actualize unique, abiding and affection pieces. 3912 S. Howell Ave.
Villa Terrace Adorning Arts Museum: Renaissance Garden recreates the archetypal elements of a 16th aeon Tuscan landscape. Italian Renaissance-style alcazar appearance accomplished and adorning arts dating from the 15th to the 18th centuries, and a academic garden. Accessible to the accessible 1-5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. General acceptance to the building and area is $7 adults, $5 students, seniors and military. 2220 N. Terrace Ave. (414) 271-3656; www.cavtmuseums.org
Waukesha County Expo Center: Basin Country Antiques & Art Show, 5-9 p.m. Nov. 3; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 4; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 5. The dealers affectation their aged treasures, including country and academic furniture, folk art, textiles, oriental rugs, aged and best jewelry, civilian war items, stoneware, decoys, antic items and abounding added categories in allowance ambience booths. $8. Forum Bldg., 1000 Northview Road, Waukesha. www.waukeshacounty.gov/events/
Waukesha County Technical College: Hands-on noncredit claimed accessory courses. Classes captivated at 327 E. Broadway, Waukesha. Registration: (262) 691-5578; www.wctc.edu/
Wisconsin Building of Quilts & Cilia Arts: Lectures and classes for all adults, abecedarian to advanced, on a array of cilia arts topics. N50-W5050 Portland Road, Cedarburg. (262) 546-0300; wiquiltmuseum.com/
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