Pinoy Small House Design
Our country’s present advance to animate and affect entrepreneurship is one big footfall that continues to accomplish an appulse on our economy. Advocacies that not alone animate this but additionally highlight our abounding built-in raw abstracts are now accomplishment the fruits of their campaign. Now, we not alone anticipate Go Negosyo but additionally accede Go Local, Buy Pilipino and Sikat Pinoy.
It is a amusement to be a allotment of this growing nation-wide advancement and angle in our few cents’ worth. One of the approved segments in our TV show, Business & Leisure, is Appreciative Pinoy, breadth we affection outstanding Filipino entrepreneurs who not alone accomplish a mark locally but in adopted markets as well. We accept featured absolutely a lot of them on TV and book and, based on reactions from readers, these outstanding entrepreneurs accept become icons who affect arete aces of emulation.
One of the added contempo ones that we featured was Carissa Cruz-Evangelista, buyer of Beatriz Accessories called afterwards her earlier babe Isabella Beatriz. She is the babe of Gina Vera Perez and Philip Cruz, the granddaughter of the owners of Sampaguita Pictures and architecture magnate F. F. Cruz. Her full-blooded and assorted accomplishments notwithstanding, she has called to get her easily bedraggled in absolute assignment and not insolate in the celebrity of her illustrious name.
Carissa’s aboriginal job was with CITEM (Center for All-embracing Trade, Expositions and Missions) beneath the DTI breadth she abstruse the ropes and assisted Philippine exporters and got absorbed in beyond barter missions for two years. She was again aloof out of college, and afore continued she headed the bounded operations accumulation of DTI that brought Philippine exporters to Japan and added places in the region. She backward in the job for addition four to bristles years and got absorbed in the OTOP (One Town One Project) of DTI breadth she formed with altered ambit for the rollout of the towns’ specialties. This apparent her to our built-in raw abstracts and products, aback accouterment the aboriginal berry for her approaching endeavour. She additionally did adorning assignment for our SMEs in assorted genitalia of the archipelago, accepting apparent to exporters and baby business ventures and accepting complex in alimentation communities, appropriately added adorning the ambitious berry boring growing in her.
This comes as no surprise, advancing as she does from a big ancestors of awful acknowledged entrepreneurs in the appearance industry. Josie Natori, a appearance figure of all-embracing fame, is her aunt who guided her in her antecedent attack with her Beatriz Accessories accepted mainly for her clutches, accoutrements and bangles.
Her aboriginal big footfall was to accompany Manila FAME, the Philippines’ arch consign barter appearance breadth she got apparent to altered buyers and abstruse a lot from the experience. Appealing soon, Carissa narrated, she “had a lot of lakas ng loob,” abundant to bravely accompany the New York Now Show, for the aboriginal time.
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From there, aggregate happened so fast. She got to accommodated Oprah Winfrey and her Beatriz accoutrements were called for the Christmas copy of Top Picks of Oprah’s O Magazine aftermost year. That was a above axis point for her cast and it’s been a boundless circle of assignment for her anytime since.
Producing and business a cast is no beggarly feat. As an exporter, one has to be accomplished at administration shipping, appraisement for altered adopted markets, marketing, merchandising, etc. “Everything is a acquirements process, and I am adored to accept begin the appropriate artisans for Bella Trading,” said Carissa. Bella Trading is additionally her own aggregation that handles the Beatriz brand.
She remembers the aboriginal artefact band she launched which consisted of seven metal accoutrements with analogous bangles created by artisans from Bulacan. She has an eye for what is appealing and abnormally Filipino and confesses to accept a appropriate adulation for accoutrements and accessories and how they accompaniment an outfit. “Fashion is fun…at the Manila FAME, I formed with manufacturers and artisans and abstruse the business ancillary of creating,” said Carissa. In the process, during her assorted trips to the countryside, she additionally enjoyed her abundant new discoveries like application tilapia bark for her bags, accommodating with the acclaimed Angono painters for her clutches, and advertent added artisans for her belt links and bangles.
Carissa now works with six or seven communities and is still on the anchor for added communities to discover. At the moment, she is alive with a association in Cebu that is into admirable crocheting, an about abandoned aesthetic accomplishment in the country. Carissa is affairs these beneath addition one of her brands, Costa del Sol. Her Beatriz claws accept a arresting affectation breadth at Rustan’s Administration Stores, House of Laurel and Vito Studio.
With acknowledged brands in her belt of achievements, Carissa says she cannot allow to apathetic down. She functions as arch artist and asleep merchandiser, but she maintains a accomplished basin of designers. She listens to her manufacturers and her artisans because from them, she can accept a antecedent of designs and new ideas. She cannot blow on two or three designs, no amount how accomplished they are. She has to abide in the active at all times because she has waded into the awful competitive, assorted and capricious acreage of fashion.
But best important, Carissa emphasizes, is her aerial accepted of quality. When one puts the “Made in the Philippines” tag on a merchandise, one takes on the albatross of accustomed the Philippine banderole in adopted shores. Her articles are proudly handmade, and she knows that from the designers to the manufacturers and artisans, a lot of affection has been caked into the articles which charge canyon the analytical eye of big all-embracing administration food in adult cities beyond the globe. Now, Beatriz cilia and mother of fair carapace accoutrements and claws sit proudly in showrooms in New York and Paris.
Mabuhay!!! Be appreciative to be a Filipino.
For comments & inquiries (email) sunshine.television@yahoo.com


