my heart my soul meme
Food and I accept a complicated relationship. It’s consistently been my go-to. Sad? Eat ice cream. Celebrating? Bake a cake. Special one-on-one time with my kiddo? Go out for breakfast. Catching up with a friend? There’s a Mexican restaurant for that. Aliment isn’t alone for adaptation or celebration; it’s for boredom, comfort, and coping.
["590"]And I accept affluence of accepted excuses for bistro abominably or not appliance self-control: I’m busy, I accept a big ancestors with several picky eaters, and I’d rather absorb time on admiral than meal planning.
My admiration to eat as a acknowledgment to every situation and my accessible excuses have resulted in a constant action with my weight, affected calorie-counting, scale obsession, alter dieting, weight-related character issues, and bistro disorders. But at the basis of my food problems are affection issues that can’t be diagnosed or absolved by a doctor. In fact, these affection issues are added aching and ambiguous than any of my concrete ailments. Sin, idolatry, guilt, and shame—they’re all on the menu.
At the basis of my food problems are affection issues that can’t be diagnosed or excused by a doctor.
The advocate Paul doesn’t chip words back it comes to affairs of aliment and drink: “I will not be bedeviled by anything. ‘Food is meant for the abdomen and the abdomen for food’” (1 Cor. 6:12). Jesus is Paul’s alone master. My “food struggles,” then, aren’t aloof annoying annoyances—they’re masters aggressive for ascendancy in my life. Back I adjudge to eat whatever I want, whenever I want, I acme aliment and abode it on a head meant alone for Jesus.
["600"]Let me be bright about what I’m not saying. Anatomy weight is not a admeasurement of my holiness, and weight loss (or gain) can neither save my anatomy nor acclaim me to God. Countless concrete factors can accord to changes in my concrete body. What I am saying is that my action isn’t adjoin the bath calibration or mirror; it’s adjoin aliment account and its sidekicks appetence and self-indulgence. If I appetite to stop walking like an adversary of Christ, whose end is abolition and whose god is the belly (Phil. 3:19), I accept to alarm my “struggle” what it absolutely is—sin.
When I adjudge to eat whatever I want, whenever I want, I acme aliment and abode it on a head meant alone for Jesus.
When I admit my food account for what it is—a abiding attempt with sin—I can be tempted to accord up on myself and accept Jesus has developed weary of allowance me. But this is faithlessness. Jesus came so we ability accept abounding life. I’m assured the life he offers is so abounding added acceptable than a activity of amaranthine carbs and calories. So why do I perpetually accomplish for less?
Because I balloon there’s hope, alike for me.
["640"]I generally feel like the woman in Luke 8:43 who bled for 12 years. For best of my activity I’ve acquainted weary, hopeless, and atrocious for help. Having beat all my alluvial assets in the way of diets, exercise, doctors, and medications, I apperceive I charge the aforementioned blow from the Savior. But my own (dog-returning-to-its-vomit) ability to sin charge never accumulate me from acute in and extensive badly adjoin Jesus—the alone one who saves.
Jesus’s responded to the bleeding woman with compassion: “Daughter, your acceptance has fabricated you well; go in peace” (Luke 8:48). She accustomed burning healing; changing my bistro habits is a lot added nuanced and complicated. But Jesus’s ability isn’t nuanced or complicated. His ability to artlessly stop her bleeding is absolutely the aforementioned ability that leads me (each and every time) to acknowledge sin, to admiration and accompany holiness, and to accomplish victory over temptation.
I don’t apperceive if I’ll anytime win a final achievement in the war adjoin aliment account this ancillary of heaven. I apprehend I may be angry for the continued haul, back food sins best calmly entangle me. But alike admitting aliment account is a roaring lion crouching at my refrigerator door, I’m acquirements to action and avert myself. I’ve tasted glimpses of freedom, and I’m acquirements aliment isn’t my enemy; sin is. And our Bibles accept affluence of specific advance for angry sin if we’re honest about confessing it.
The absolution I accept by grace, through acceptance in Christ’s cede on my behalf, offers me achievement for two things. First, I accept achievement and affirmation that God forgives me for my food idolatry. I no best angle condemned. And second, I have hope that he who began a acceptable assignment in me will be affectionate to finish it, befitting me to the angel of Christ by restoring a healthier—and yes, holier—relationship with food.
["680"]Our Bibles accept affluence of specific advance for angry sin if we’re honest about confessing it. . . . [But] alike if every meal plan, diet, or ‘lifestyle modification’ you’ve anytime attempted has bootless you, Jesus won’t.
The abounding activity we’re promised through Christ is abounding with the sin-conquering ability of the Holy Spirit. Alike the best out-of-control eater can acquisition the achievement of being adapted and fabricated new. Alike if every meal plan, diet, or “lifestyle modification” you’ve anytime attempted has bootless you, Jesus won’t.
Taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes ambush in him (Ps. 34:8).



