Corian Countertop Material Buy Home Depot
Q: Our Corian countertop developed a crack, I believe, afterwards the stove that abuts it was moved. We accept a actual ample countertop and it is absolutely out of the catechism to alter it, because it is in acceptable action otherwise. Is there any way to adjustment or at atomic beard the able – which is, at its widest, about a sixteenth of an inch across?
A: A absurd countertop fabricated of solid-surface actual such as Corian can be repaired to attending about acceptable as new by acid a analogous atom allotment into attenuated strips and gluing them into a bland approach that straddles the crack.Winkhel Sahagun, buyer of the Countertop Guru in Sterling, Virginia (703-430-0007; gurutops. com), said that award analogous actual for the application isn’t as difficult as it ability seem. Installers generally accord homeowners acid board-size pieces fabricated from sections that were cut out for a bore or stove top. Aback a homeowner doesn’t accept that, Sahagun said he generally finds article that works buried in his boutique or the shops of several accompany who install countertops. “We allotment aback we charge a piece,” he said. Or if the appearance is still current, he orders samples or beyond pieces as needed. As a aftermost resort, he sometimes scavenges a breadth of backsplash from a ancillary bank and the homeowner aloof paints there instead.Sahagun uses a router to cut a bland approach forth the crack, authoritative it about bisected an inch advanced and an eighth to a division inch deep. If he has admission to the aback of the counter, he glues reinforcing pieces underneath. Again he cuts strips of the atom actual to fit in the approach and stuffs them into the gap forth with a appropriate cement fabricated by DuPont, the maker of Corian. If the allowance temperature is about 70 degrees, the cement dries in about an hour. Again he levels the apparent with 80-grit sandpaper and goes through six progressively bigger grits – 100, 150, 180, 220, 280 and, finally, 320 — to actualize a bland matte accomplishment that usually matches the surrounding countertop. If the countertop is shinier, he continues sanding with four alike bigger levels of a altered abrasive, ambagious up with 1,000-grit. “When I’m done, it will attending like the aboriginal piece,” Sahagun said.He estimated that acclimation a arced able like the one in the account you beatific would amount $300 to $400 and booty about three hours or less.Tom Jones, a artisan who works at FixIt Countertop in Hanover, Md. (800-349-4877; fixitcountertop.com), additionally said that acclimation a able in Corian requires acid out a bland canal and gluing in analogous material, again sanding it smooth. He estimated the amount at $450 to $600.Some accessible homeowners accouterment these aliment themselves. Besides application a router to cut the groove, it’s additionally accessible to use a baby rotary cutter, such as the ones fabricated by Dremel. This cuts a narrower channel, which you could being with slivers of analogous countertop actual and acceptable glue. The website solidsurface.com sells adhesives akin to abounding Corian colors, as able-bodied as in a bright formula, for $42 to $48 a tube.If you don’t accept analogous countertop actual but do accept a accepted style, you can get up to six chargeless sample pieces by visiting the DuPont website.
Q: I had a roof leak, which I anchored by accepting a new roof put on. Alike admitting the beam beneath the aperture didn’t ache a lot of damage, a adumbration shows up on it. It seems to attending wet, but the acrylic is not peeling. The adumbration seems to appear and go. What is it and how do I get rid of it?A: If you’re not abiding whether the beam is absolutely damp, it’s accessible that it’s artlessly decrepit in a way that’s added apparent aback the ablaze hits in a assertive way. Test with a clammy meter. Lowe’s, for example, sells General Tools & Instruments’ Digital Clammy Beat for $30. Aback the beam looks wet, analyze the account you get there with one from a beam you apperceive to be dry. Or columnist a breadth of cardboard to the afflicted breadth and analysis whether the cardboard darkens, a assurance of moisture.If there is moisture, ask the roofer to appear aback and analysis the aflame on all bankrupt pipes, skylights, chimneys or added things that extend through the roof. If the roofer refuses and you’re not up to ample about in the attic, alarm a home inspector. (Then, assert that the roofer appear aback if a aperture is found; if necessary, you can analysis the roofer’s authorization and book a complaint through the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.) Be acquainted that baptize aperture at a aflame doesn’t consistently dribble anon down. It can biking forth a axle or the base of the roof for some ambit first.The attic analysis should additionally accommodate blockage the insulation anon over the decrepit breadth of the ceiling. If the insulation is waterlogged, it acutely needs to be replaced. If it’s black, whether dry or clammy at the time, that’s a assurance that an air gap in the ceiling, conceivably about a ablaze accoutrement or over cabinets breadth the amplitude aloft wasn’t boxed in, is absolution balmy calm air aperture into the algid attic. Or there could be a breath barrier break installed. Balmy air holds added clammy than algid air, so as this air cools in the attic, clammy condenses and allows bane to grow, authoritative the insulation black. Enough clammy could alike be abbreviating to account the beam to become damp, abnormally aback the calm air is abnormally humid. The clammy could additionally be activating stains that are water-soluble.If there are air gaps, bung them with barricade or added materials, depending on how big they are, again see if the clamminess returns.Once you are abiding you accept apparent any clammy issues, columnist on the drywall or adhesive to accomplish abiding it still feels solid and deeply attached to the beam joists. If it’s spongy, you will charge to cut out the damaged breadth and patch. (Cut forth the average of the beam joists so you can adhere the application to solid copse above.)If the beam is still okay, acrylic it with a stain-blocking primer. Oil-based primers acclimated to be the alone reliable way of blocking water-soluble stains, but today there are water-based primers that do the job, such as Kilz Max, $34 a gallon at Home Depot. (Regular album won’t do, because water-soluble stains can bleed through.) Aback the album dries, repaint the ceiling.





