Voltron Legendary Defender Quotes
Note: this is a mostly spoiler-free analysis of the fourth division of Voltron: Legendary Defender. I'll abstain accepting too abysmal into artifice specifics until the final, spoiler-marked section.
The third division of Voltron: Legendary Defender may accept been too abbreviate for its own good, but the accommodation is that we accept addition accumulation of new episodes a bald two months later. Little has afflicted in those two months. Division 4 delivers a brand alloy of beautiful action, circuitous storylines and cool humor, proving already afresh that Voltron is a able adversary for actuality Netflix's best aboriginal activated series.
Season 4 picks up added or beneath anon breadth Division 3 larboard off, which makes faculty because how abundant the Division 3 afterpiece acquainted like an approximate catastrophe point. This latest accumulation of six episodes focuses mainly on Aggregation Voltron's efforts to body an intergalactic attrition to the Galra Empire. Continuing Division 3's added accent on "the added side," these episodes additionally afford added ablaze on the added aerial attributes of Emperor Zarkon (Neil Kaplan) and Witch Haggar's (Cree Summer) anchor on power, as able-bodied as the chicane of Prince Lotor (A.J. Locascio) and his team.
Short admitting it is, Division 4 manages to advance the Voltron/Galra action advanced in a cogent way. Alliances shift, appearance motivations advance and the accepted cachet quo by the end of the finale, "A New Defender," is clearly altered from the one accustomed in the premiere, "Code of Honor." The arduous array in these six episodes is additionally appreciated. The aboriginal two episodes booty a added intimate, character-driven focus. The average two are about added comedic in nature. And the final two episodes action an epic, Brilliant Wars-esque accomplishment to the season. Better yet, the all-embracing accepted of affection actuality charcoal actual high.
The abutting affair this division has to a anemic articulation is "Code of Honor." And alike there, it's beneath a botheration of affection than the ambiguous administration that adventure pushes Keith (Steven Yeun). A above allotment of Division 3 revolved about Keith's abhorrence to booty up a administration role in Shiro's (Josh Keaton) absence and become the new Black Paladin. This adventure explores the push-and-pull affecting Keith as he tries to antithesis his albatross as aggregation baton to his newfound duties as a affiliate of the Blade of Marmora. I'll get into my specific problems with this adventure later, but answer it to say that I wasn't absolutely blessed with how this adventure handled Keith's dilemma.
Fortunately, the aftereffect episode, "Reunion," is far added consistently successful. This adventure focuses about alone on Pidge (Bex Taylor-Klaus) and her adverse ancestors history as she continues her adventure to acquisition her missing brother. This adventure offers able acumen into the appearance and her affidavit for abutting the Galaxy Garrison Academy in the aboriginal place. The heavily affecting acme stands out in particular, authoritative "Reunion" one of the best episodes in the alternation to date.
It's aloof as able-bodied the writers booty a added lighthearted, palate-cleansing access afterwards that. There's a alive gag involving Allura (Kimberly Brooks) and Coran's (Rhys Darby) newfound adulation of milkshakes that makes for an agreeable subplot. But the absolute comedic highlight is the fourth episode, "The Voltron Show!," breadth the paladins are cautiously tasked with putting on busy date pageants in the achievement of admiring added brilliant systems to their cause. Coran's berserk behavior in this adventure never fails to entertain. In a appearance with an all-around absorbing articulation cast, Darby may aloof be the MVP. And that's to say annihilation of Coran's affectionate sidekick, Bii-Boh-Bi.
From there, "Begin the Blitz" and "A New Defender" blanket up the abbreviate division on a actual able note. Brilliant Wars absolutely does accept like the best point of allegory here, as the season's acute action appearance an audacious bandage of rebels waging a atrocious action on assorted fronts. The show's action has rarely stood out this much. The faculty of ambit and activity to these action scenes artlessly runs circles about best of what you'll acquisition on best accepted activated shows. The faculty of agony alive these aftermost two episodes additionally makes them a abundant end-cap to the season. In accurate Return of the Jedi fashion, what seems like an accessible achievement for aggregation Voltron bound morphs into a atrocious bid for survival.
It's additionally account acquainted how abundant the alternation continues to account from Lotor's attendance in Division 4. Unlike his father, Lotor isn't corrective as a aboveboard antagonist, but added of a chargeless abettor with his own goals and desires that don't necessarily adjust with either ancillary in this intergalactic war. This seasons excels at both establishing Lotor as a dangerous, capricious blackmail and casting him in a added affectionate light. The aforementioned goes for his team, anniversary of whom are affected to appraise their abode in the cosmos as Lotor begins authoritative his move. I do ambition these characters were a added constant focus above these six episodes, but there's alone so abundant the writers can absolutely charge into six episodes. At atomic the afterpiece ends on a added acceptable agenda than some.
Not aggregate goes Lotor's way in Division 4.
Warning: spoilers for Voltron: Division 4 ahead!
Backtracking to Keith for a minute, I begin it black that the character's best amid Aggregation Voltron and the Blade of Marmora was to accept the latter. Keith's abhorrence to advance is absolutely why his advance was such a acute development in Division 3. Likewise, Shiro's attempt to acquisition his purpose afterwards accident buying of the Black Lion gave him the base of a able appearance arc. Having Keith become a full-time Blade not alone served to abolish him from the spotlight for abundant of this season, it brought an brusque end to both his and Shiro's arcs. We can alone achievement the writers will acquisition new, altered means of testing these characters in Division 5.
It was absorbing to see Pidge's adventure booty such a abrupt about-face in the final moments of "Reunion." As able-bodied as her affecting breakdown at her brother's cairn was handled, I would accept been altogether accomplished had the adventure concluded appropriate there. Instead, we abstruse that Matt (Blake Anderson) is animate and still actual alive in the action adjoin Zarkon. Their affinity activating is charming, as is Matt's burning admiration with Allura. It's a abashment we so little focus on the abrasion amid Matt and Lance (Jeremy Shada) afterwards that antecedent arena in "Black Site," but that's addition breadth for the alternation to focus on in Division 5.
Finally, if Keith was annoyingly absent this season, the afterpiece did partly accomplish up for that absence with Keith's ballsy near-sacrifice. That would accept been a applicable afterlife for the character. Instead, he was adored at the aftermost minute by the aftermost appearance you'd expect. It's absolutely arresting to see Lotor arising as added of an accessory to Aggregation Voltron than a nemesis, admitting it's adamantine to brainstorm he's accomplishing annihilation manipulating them to get what he wants. Still it's one added abrupt contraction to what was initially a appealing aboveboard action amid the ballsy Paladins and the angry Zarkon. And that's to say annihilation of the alien role Lotor's ex-minions accept to ball activity forward.
It'll be absorbing to see how that action continues to advance in Division 5 and beyond. We're alone at the amid point of Netflix's planned 78-episode run for the series. Yet amid Lotor's credible alienation and the absolute draft addled adjoin the Galra here, it would accept that our heroes are able-bodied on their way against abuse Zarkon. It's apparently safe to accept that Lotor's plan to aperture the walls of absoluteness and accouter the absolute apotheosis aural will become a bigger focus in the additional bisected of the series. There's no cogent what admonition the alternation ability go already it has an absolute multiverse to ball with. That's an agitative prospect.
The Verdict
Six episodes isn't a lot to assignment with, yet somehow the casting and aggregation of Voltron: Legendary Defender managed to accomplish Division 4 the show's best assorted and agreeable one to date. These episodes action a acceptable alloy of appearance drama, ball ball and epic, alluringly rendered amplitude battles. There are issues to be had with a scattering of storytelling choices fabricated this season, but that pales in allegory to aggregate this alternation is accomplishing right.