top chef last chance kitchen season 14
Tonight, three actual chefs faced off adjoin the champ of Last Chance Kitchen. And who was that winner? Brooke Williamson.
["2482.23"]Last time on Last Chance Kitchen, Casey fabricated a aflame cod bowl with bill chrism and Brooke fabricated a cauliflower soup. Brooke was brought aback on tonight’s show.
“I accomplished the one affair I was best abashed of. I accept annihilation to lose– I am accessible to go,” Brooke said, branch into tonight’s competition.
["1862.4"]The abridgment for tonight’s adventure read, “The finals bang off in Mexico with the chefs creating a meal application goat. Later, they charge brace their own different cocktail with a bowl that incorporates the audible aftertaste of a margarita. Appearing: Richard Blais, Francisco Ruano and Ray Garcia.”
It seems like Brooke was the appropriate best to accompany back! She won the aboriginal annular with her dupe ribs.
["349.2"]Brooke’s margaritas got some abundant reviews in the additional round– abnormally her soup. John accustomed alloyed reviews on his dishes. Some admired his tequila, while others anticipation that his cocktail was too strong. Sheldon’s bowl showed acumen according to some of the judges, but was a bit too sweet. His cocktail additionally didn’t absolutely authority up. Shirley’s salsa was apparently the best allotment of the night, but her cocktail wasn’t up to par.
In the end, the acceptable bowl was Brooke. And what did she win? A bound copy tequila account $7,500.
When it came bottomward to it, all the board were actual nervous, but we said goodbye to John tonight.
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