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["2586.99"]June 20: The abstracts is aboriginal anachronous June 20 and had independent several allegorical alternate letters fabricated over the summer, according to Mother Jones. It was beatific in anachronous sections from a above Western intelligence officer to the FBI and declared Russia had abundant to bribery Trump.
It declared that Trump had been able by Russian admiral 'for at atomic bristles years.' It additionally claimed that the Kremlin had compromising actual accompanying to 'sexually abandoned acts' Trump performed at a Moscow Ritz Carlton area above Admiral Barack Obama already stayed.
Dossier additionally declared that Trump's close amphitheater was accepting a approved breeze of intelligence from the Kremlin on Hillary Clinton.
July 27: Trump asks Russian hackers to acquisition Clinton's 30,000 emails during a columnist conference.
July 31: Kremlin belief whether to absolution added advice about Clinton.
Late July: The FBI opens its analysis into Russia's arrest in the election, and the Trump campaign's accessible role in it.
August 27: Then-U.S. Sen. Harry Reid beatific a letter to then-FBI Administrator James Comey and alleged for a abounding analysis and accessible disclosure. He wrote: 'The affirmation of a absolute affiliation amid the Russian government and Donald Trump's presidential advance continues to arise and has led Michael Morrell, the above Acting Central Intelligence Director, to alarm Trump an 'unwitting agent' of Russia and the Kremlin.'
September 23: U.S. intelligence admiral began investigating links amid Trump adviser Carter Page and the Russian government, Yahoo News reported. Page had all-encompassing business links in Russia and is a above Merrill Lynch advance broker in Moscow.
October 7: The Obama administering about accuses Russia of 'directing the contempo compromises of e-mails from U.S. bodies and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations' to affect the US election.
October 30: Reid beatific Comey addition letter ambitious that Trump's accessible ties to Russia be absolutely advised and he cited the actuality of 'explosive information' that the FBI has in its possession.
November 3, 2016: Russian absolutist Dmitry Rybolovlev flies into Charlotte, North Carolina on a clandestine plane. Trump's even acreage on the alley not continued afterwards and parks abutting to Rybolovlev, whose even stays in Charlotte for 22 hours afterward. Trump rallies in adjacent burghal Concord.
November 8: Trump wins the acclamation to become the 45th admiral of the United States.
November 10: President Barack Obama warns Trump during a affair at the White House that civic aegis adviser Michael Flynn, a above U.S. Army abettor accepted and Defense Intelligence Agency chief, is a problem.
November 18: During a aegis affair in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sen. John McCain hears about the abstracts and dispatches a above US official to accommodated the antecedent of the abstracts and accumulate added information.
December 9: McCain meets Comey gives the FBI administrator the documents, The Guardian reported.
December 13: This is the aftermost date of the memos from the abstracts accounting by the British source.
December 29: The Obama administering issues new sanctions on Russia in backfire for Russia's hacking of the Democratic Civic Board in the summer and added efforts to baffle with the U.S. election.
January 10: Obama and Trump were both accustomed a two-page arbitrary of the dossier, CNN reported. BuzzFeed News then appear on the abstracts and appear it in abounding about how it alleges Trump's abysmal ties with Russia.
January 19: The New York Times appear that 'intercepted communications' amid Trump assembly and Russians are actuality advised as allotment of the FBI's analysis into Russia's acclamation meddling.
January 27: Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, holds a affair with Russian-American abettor Felix Sater and Ukrainian administrator Andrii Artemenko to altercate a backchannel 'peace plan' for Russia and Ukraine.
February 13: Flynn resigns as civic aegis adviser afterwards letters appear that he addled Vice Admiral Mike Pence.
["776"]March 2: Attorney Accepted Jeff Sessions recuses himself from the analysis into whether the Trump advance appear with Russia.
March 4: Without presenting evidence, Trump tweets that Obama had Trump Tower's 'wires tapped' during the presidential campaign.
March 15: Rep. Devin Nunes, the administrator of the House Intelligence Committee, appear that the board had not begin any affirmation to abutment Trump's wiretapping claim.
March 20: Comey said he has 'no evidence' to abutment Trump's wiretapping claim. He accepted that an analysis into Russia's election-related meddling includes an assay of contacts amid Trump assembly and Russia during the campaign.
Late March: Flynn asks for amnesty in barter for testifying to the House and intelligence committees investigating Russia’s captivation in the 2016 election.
April 1: Trump tweets: 'It is the aforementioned Fake Account Media that said there is "no aisle to achievement for Trump" that is now blame the affected Russia story. A absolute scam!'
April 3: Trump calls Putin to condemn a Saint Petersburg, Russia agitator attack.
April 6: Nunes accomplish abreast from the Russia investigation, because he himself is beneath investigation.
April 11: Page is now beneath analysis by the FBI who acquired cloister permission to adviser his communications. The U.S. believed he was acting as a Russian agent.
April 27: The Pentagon ambassador accepted is investigating whether Flynn abandoned aggressive rules by accepting adopted payments from Russia and Turkey, which is appear by a House committee.
May 8: Trump tweets ‘Russia-Trump bunco adventure is a absolute hoax’.
["993.28"]May 9: The admiral fires Comey from his position at the FBI.
May 10: Trump meets with Russian Adopted Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the White House.
May 15: The Washington Post appear that Trump aggregate awful classified advice about Islamic State with the Russian diplomats during a affair the antecedent week.
May 17: Above FBI Administrator Robert S. Mueller III is appointed the appropriate admonition to booty over the Amends Department’s Russia investigation.
Late May: Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is appear to be beneath analysis by the FBI. According to the Post, he proposed a clandestine aback approach amid the Kremlin and Trump’s alteration aggregation during a affair in December.
June 8: Comey testifies before the Senate Intelligence Board and answers questions accompanying to Russia meddling into the U.S. election.
June 13: Sessions denies colluding with Russia during Senate testimony.
June 14: The Washington Post appear that Trump is actuality advised for accessible obstruction of amends by Mueller.
September: Several account outlets, including POLITICO and Buzzfeed, are suing beneath the Freedom of Advice Act to get annal about how the federal government approved to vet the claims in the dossier.
October 24: It's appear that Hillary Clinton's advance and the Democratic Civic Board helped backing analysis that led to the 'golden showers' abstracts on Donald Trump. Clinton's advance advocate Marc Elias assassin analysis close Fusion GPS aback in April 2016 to attending into allegations of Trump's ties to Russia, according to the Washington Post.



