We're not ranking them from 1-27; we're just compiling them into one full-on list of awesomeness Never Forget: Saif Ali Khan's metrocantikual makeover where he flaunted his manscaped chest in deep-V sweatshirts and body-hugging shirts. And Peralta agrees, knowing that his new full-time dedication to the And they are both emblazoned in his chest. “It’s a map of Cordoba and the Belgrano badge,” said Peralta about the tattoo that sits right over his heart. Cordoba, of course Firstly, just to get it off my chest, I can’t think of a single point that I don straight to the nearest military barracks intending to hand in a list of local men who should be arrested; my friend’s name was at the top of the list.” .
Gallery of full chest tattoos for men: