bad image error windows 10
Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 Anniversary Amend (both adaptation 14393) were the aboriginal Windows releases that could body and run Windows Server Containers. Containers congenital application these versions can run on newer releases such as Windows Server adaptation 1709, but there are a few things you charge to apperceive afore you start.
As we've been convalescent the Windows alembic features, we've had to accomplish some changes that can affect compatibility. Earlier containers will run the aforementioned on newer hosts with Hyper-V isolation, and the aforementioned (older) atom adaptation will still be used. However, if you appetite to run a alembic based on a newer Windows body - it can alone run on the newer host build.
If you try to run an bottomless aggregate - you'll get an error:
To boldness this, you could:
Note: The "latest" tag will be adapted forth with Windows Server 2016, the accepted LTSC product. If you would like the alembic images that bout the Windows Server adaptation 1709 release, apprehend below.
It is important to ensure you apperceive what Alembic OS adaptation you will charge for your purposes. If you are application Windows Server adaptation 1709, and appetite to accept the latest patches for it, you should use the tag "1709" back allegorical which adaptation of the abject OS alembic images you want, like so:
However, if you would like a specific application of Windows Server adaptation 1709, you can specify the KB cardinal in the tag. For example, if you would like the the Nano Server abject OS alembic angel from Windows Server adaptation 1709, with the KB4043961 activated to it, you would defined it like so:
And if you charge the Nano Server abject OS alembic angel from Windows Server 2016, you can still get the latest adaptation of those abject OS alembic images by application the "latest" tag:
You can additionally abide allegorical the exact patches you charge with the action we accept acclimated previously, by allegorical the OS adaptation in the tag:
Today, Docker Swarm does not accept a congenital way to bout the adaptation of Windows that a alembic uses to a host analogous the aforementioned version. If the account is adapted to use a newer container, it will run successfully.
If you appetite charge to run assorted versions of Windows for some time, again there are two approaches that can be used. Configure the Windows hosts to consistently use Hyper-V isolation, or use characterization constraints.
["502.46"]If a account won't alpha - you'll see that the MODE is replicated but REPLICAS will get ashore at 0. To see if the OS adaptation is the problem, again use the afterward commands:
docker account ls - acquisition the account name
docker account ps <name> - get the cachet and latest attempts.
If you see "starting alembic failed: ...", you can see the abounding absurdity with docker account ps --no-trunc <container name>
Which shows the aforementioned absurdity CreateContainer: abortion in a Windows arrangement call: The operating arrangement of the alembic does not bout the operating arrangement of the host. (0xc0370101)
There are two considerations for Docker Swarm. In the case area you accept a compose book which has a account that uses an angel which is not created by you, you'll appetite to amend the advertence accordingly. See below:
The added application is if the angel you are pointing to is one that you've created yourself (say, contoso/myimage):
In this case, you would appetite to use the adjustment declared in the antecedent area to adapt that dockerfile instead of the docker-compose line.
There is a angle to abutment application Hyper-V abreast on a per alembic basis, but the cipher is not done yet. You can chase advance on GitHub. Until that's done, the hosts would charge to be configured to consistently run with Hyper-V isolation.
This requires alteration the Docker account configuration, again restarting the Docker engine.
["761.45"]![Bad Pool Caller Error on Windows 10 [Solved] - Driver Easy Bad Pool Caller Error on Windows 10 [Solved] - Driver Easy](https://images.scdn8.secure.raxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/img_589d4156a6f46.jpg)
NOTE: The daemon.json book does not abide by default. If you acquisition that this is the case back you blink into the directory, you charge actualize the file. Again you'll appetite to archetype in the agreeable below:
Close and save the file. Again restart the docker engine:
After the account is restarted, barrage your containers. Once they're running, you can verify the abreast akin of a alembic by analytical the container:
It will acknowledgment either "process" or "hyperv". If you accept adapted and set your daemon.json as declared above, it should appearance the latter.
Step 1 - Add labels to anniversary node
On anniversary node, add two labels - OS and OsVersion. This assumes you're active locally but could be adapted to set them on a alien host instead.
Afterwards, you can analysis those with docker bulge audit which will appearance the new labels added
Step 2 - Add a account constraint
Once anniversary bulge has been labeled, we can amend constraints which actuate adjustment of services. In the archetype below, substitude "contoso_service" with the name of your absolute service:
This enforces and banned area a bulge may run.
["479.18"]For added capacity on how to use account constraints, analysis out the account actualize reference
The aforementioned affair can appear back pods are appointed in Kubernetes. This can be abhorred application agnate strategies:
In this case - a deployment included a pod that was appointed on a bulge with a altered OS version, and after Hyper-V abreast enabled. The aforementioned absurdity is apparent in the contest listed with kubectl call pod <podname>. After several attempts, the pod cachet will apparently be CrashLoopBackOff
kubectl get bulge will get a account of all nodes, again you can use kubectl call bulge <nodename> to get added details.
In this case, there are two Windows nodes active altered versions:
From the sample above:
Add a nodeSelector to the alembic blueprint with beta.kubernetes.io/os = windows and beta.kubernetes.io/osbuild = 14393.* or 16299 to bout the abject OS acclimated by the container.
Here's a abounding archetype for active a alembic congenital for Windows Server 2016:
The pod can now alpha with the adapted deployment. The bulge selectors are additionally apparent in kubectl call pod <podname> so you can verify they were added.



