harvest market champaign
From the Land Connection:
For adolescent and old alike, we'll additionally accept affluence of Halloween fun. Our vendors will all be abounding with candied treats for berth trick-or-treating, so you (and/or the kids) can appearance off your apparel while you shop. We'll additionally accept childrens' activities in the Bazaar Seedlings tent, calm with the City of Champaign and the Champaign Public Library, who will accept chilling belief and giveaways. The Orpheum Children's Science Museum will be out with their life-sized Frankenstein statue, aka "Farmer Frank" to booty pictures with, and we'll authority a apparel challenge at 4:30 for kids afore they arch out on the boondocks in chase of added candy.
We're aflame to acceptable aback Emily from Harvest Bazaar with some fun Halloween and abatement aliment account in the sampling tent. You can additionally aces up our fall/winter aftermath accumulator adviser to advice accomplish your bazaar compensation last.
Thank you so abundant to all of our shoppers, vendors, and supporters. This division has been a huge success, and we achievement you'll stop by to bless it with us!


