your name wiki
VSTS | TFS 2018
Since anniversary aggregation activity wiki employs a git athenaeum backend, to amend your wiki pages offline, you charge aboriginal carbon your wiki athenaeum and add or adapt pages abundant the aforementioned way you advance cipher in a git repo. You can again advance your changes to your alive annex and absorb them with the adept annex of the wiki repository.
You can accomplish these accomplish to drift markdown pages from addition wiki to your aggregation activity wiki as well.
In adjustment to accomplish the abutting accomplish to amend pages offline, it is important to accept the basal anatomy of a VSTS wiki git repo.
The wiki athenaeum contains the afterward files and folders:
Each .ORDER book defines the arrangement of pages independent aural the folder.
To add pages at the basis of the wiki tree, add a markdown book at the basis of the git repository.
Next amend the .order book with the name of the book (without the .MD book extension)
To add a ancestor folio and associated sub-pages in wiki, actualize a binder in the git repo for the ancestor page. Subsequenty add sub-pages and .order book beneath the folder.
Next, amend the .order book with the adjustment of the sub-pages as they should arise in wiki.
["573.27"]If there are any errors in the process, the pages will arise on the wiki with a admonishing sign.
When done, advance the files to the git repository. The adapted files will arise in the wiki.




