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British Journal of Blight (2012) 107, 564–569. doi:10.1038/bjc.2012.285 www.bjcancer.comPublished online 5 July 2012
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The accident of oesophageal adenocarcinoma (EA) has added rapidly in western populations, decidedly in White men (Blot et al, 1991; Botterweck et al, 2000; Lepage et al, 2008; Voutilainen, 2008; Cook et al, 2009). Sex hormonal access has been hypothesised to be complex in the aetiology of EA and gastroesophageal junctional adenocarcinoma (EJA). However, little affirmation is currently available, except for a careful aftereffect of breastfeeding in women (Cronin-Fenton et al, 2010). Adenocarcinoma and squamous corpuscle blight (SCC) are the capital histological types of oesophageal cancer, and they accept adapted accident agency profiles. The macho to changeable arrangement (2:1 to 3:1) in SCC is explained by adapted patterns in the use of the capital accident factors, booze and tobacco smoking, in men and women (Castellsague et al, 1999), but the 5:1 to 7:1 macho advantage in EA and junctional adenocarcinoma is not absolutely explained by the capital accident factors, gastroesophageal abatement or blubber (Lofdahl et al, 2008; Whiteman et al, 2008). Antecedent studies evaluating autogenous or exogenous sex hormonal factors in affiliation to accident of EA or junctional adenocarcinoma accept been bedfast by baby sample sizes and accept provided adverse after-effects (Lagergren et al, 1998, 2005; Cheng et al, 2000; Freedman et al, 2010; Bodelon et al, 2011; Green et al, 2012a). The changeable factors adequation and age at aboriginal commitment are admired as proxies for autogenous sex hormonal acknowledgment in women (Hankinson et al, 1995) but because of the aberration of changeable adenocarcinoma, few accomplice studies accept recruited added than 30 cases to appraise the aetiologic role of such changeable factors, except one contempo abstraction from the United Kingdom (Green et al, 2012b). Furthermore, the antecedent studies acclamation changeable factors as a proxy for sex hormonal access did not accede men, but including an appraisal of men could accommodate a admeasurement of abashing by non-hormonal factors, for example, education, socio-economic status, and affairs habits, which ability access the patterns of childbearing. The continued history and nation-wide abyss of bloom registers in Sweden accommodate accomplished opportunities for ample and population-based accomplice studies with continued and complete follow-up. This abstraction acclimated such annals abstracts to assay the antecedent that changeable factors accept a role in the aetiology of EA and junctional adenocarcinoma in women. For appraisal of abashing and added biases, we additionally advised these exposures in men and in affiliation to oesophageal SCC.
This was a population-based, Swedish nation-wide case–control study, nested aural the Swedish Multi-Generation Annals during the aeon 1 January 1932 to 31 December 2008. Capacity age-old earlier than 15 years were included in the abstraction cohort. The abstraction exposures, that is, cardinal of accouchement and age at aboriginal childbirth, were adjourned from the Multi-Generation Register. The cases comprised all accomplice associates with a aboriginal (no antecedent gastrointestinal cancer) EA, EJA, or SCC. Cases with blight of the oesophagus or gastroesophageal alliance diagnosed during 1960–2008 were articular from the Swedish Blight Register. Malignancies begin aboriginal at dissection were not included. The International Allocation of Diseases adaptation seven (ICD7) codes for blight of the oesophagus and gastroesophageal alliance were ‘150’ and ‘1511’, respectively. The histological types were articular application WHO/HS/CANC/24.1 assay codes, in which the cipher ‘096’ authentic adenocarcinoma and ‘146’ authentic SCC. Blight of the gastroesophageal alliance was registered alone from 1970.
For anniversary case, 10 ascendancy capacity were about called from the antecedent cohort, and akin for sex and age (the aforementioned agenda year) of the cases. To be eligible, a ascendancy had to be alive, accept to had no antecedent assay of any gastrointestinal cancer, and no history of abandonment afore the date of the assay of the agnate case. The cardinal of births was adjourned up to the date of the assay of blight for cases and the agnate date for the controls. The abstraction endpoints were any cancer, death, emigration, or end of the abstraction aeon (31 December 2008), whichever occurred first. The abstraction was accustomed by the Regional Ethical Review Board in Stockholm, Sweden.
This abstraction was based on abstracts calm from four nation-wide Swedish population-based registers: the Multi-Generation Register, the Blight Register, the Annals of the Total Population, and the Apprenticeship Register. The claimed character number, a adapted 10-digit cardinal assigned to anniversary citizen in Sweden aloft bearing or immigration, was acclimated for the bond of all accommodating individuals amid these registers.
The Multi-Generation Annals is based on basis bodies built-in in 1932 and afterwards who accept lived in Sweden back at atomic 1961. The parents, siblings, and accouchement of anniversary included alone are recorded, appropriately enabling retrieval of abstracts on cardinal of accouchement and age at childbirths. All accomplice associates were included in this register.
The Swedish Blight Annals includes the date of diagnosis, site, and histological blazon of all cancerous tumours diagnosed in Sweden back 1958. All anew diagnosed tumours in Sweden charge be appear to the Blight Annals by the clinician, pathologist, or cytologist. All assay codes are translated into ICD7. The Blight Annals is 98% complete apropos oesophageal blight (Lindblad et al, 2006), and at atomic 96% complete apropos all cancers (Barlow et al, 2008).
The Annals of the Total Citizenry provides 100% complete and continuously adapted advice on dates of birth, death, emigration, and immigration, which were acclimated to ascertain some abstraction endpoints.
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The Swedish Apprenticeship Annals provides advice on accomplished accomplished educational akin (years of education) for around all Swedish residents. This annals is adapted yearly.
Multivariable codicillary logistic regression, conditioned on age and sex, was acclimated to appraisal allowance ratios (ORs) and 95% aplomb intervals (CIs) as measures of the affiliation amid adequation and age at aboriginal bearing in affiliation to accident of oesophageal cancers. Adequation and age at aboriginal bearing were included in the aforementioned archetypal to disentangle the abstracted furnishings of these variables afterward alternate adjustments (McKnight et al, 1999). Participants with at atomic one adolescent were categorised as abundant (has accouchement for men), admitting those afterwards any accouchement were classified as non-parous (no accouchement for men). Adequation was added authentic as the cardinal of alive births afore the accomplice affiliate accomplished any of the endpoints, and was categorised into three groups as follows: 1, 2, or 3 births. Age at aboriginal bearing was categorised into three groups: <20, 20–29, or 30 years. To analyze abeyant differences in furnishings in pre- and post-menopausal women, analyses were stratified into women earlier or adolescent than 50 years at assay or basis date, a absolute able-bodied in acceding with the antecedent assay (Gold et al, 2001; Rodstrom et al, 2003). Alone after-effects for capacity age-old 50 years or earlier were appear because of the bound sample admeasurement for capacity adolescent than 50 years. All acknowledgment variables were analogously categorised in macho participants.
Potential abashing factors were advised in the analyses based on adapted causal academic models for adenocarcinoma or SCC of the oesophagus or gastroesophageal junction: (1) apprenticeship (categorised into 9, 10–12, or 13 years), (2) diabetes (yes or no, yes including ICD codes: 260 in ICD-8, 250 in ICD-9, and E10–E14 in ICD-10 ), (3) blubber (yes or no, yes including codes 277 99 in ICD-8, 278A in ICD-9, and E66 in ICD-10), (4) tobacco smoker (yes or no, yes included diagnoses accepted to be associated with smoking, i.e., abiding adverse pulmonary ache or bronchitis with codes 501.99, 502, 527.10, or 527.11 in ICD-7, 490–492 in ICD-9 and ICD-8, and J41–J44 in ICD-10, or atherosclerosis or borderline vascular ache with codes 450.00, 450.10, 453.33 in ICD-7, 440, 443.90 or 445 in ICD-8, 440, 443X in ICD-9, and I70, I73.9 in ICD-10), and (5) booze corruption (yes or no, yes including diagnoses accepted to be associated with overconsumption of alcohol, i.e., alcohol-related alarmist ache with codes 581.10 or 583.10 in ICD-7, 571.00 or 571.01 in ICD-8, 571.A or 571.C in ICD-9, and K70 in ICD-10, history of boundless booze burning with cipher 307 or 322 in ICD-7, 291 or 303 in ICD-9 and ICD-8, and F10 in ICD-10, or vitamin-B absence associated with booze with codes 280–281 in ICD-7, 261.00–262.00 in ICD-8, 265 in ICD-9, or E51–52 G62.1 in ICD-10).
All tests were alternate with the acceptation akin of 0.05. Analyses were performed application SAS Statistical Package (version 9.0, SAS Institute Inc., Gary, NC, USA).
During the aftereffect of all women in the abstraction cohort, 115 cases of EA, 246 cases of EJA, and 363 cases of SCC were identified. The agnate numbers of macho cases were 890, 1116, and 917, respectively. The numbers of controls were 10 times the cardinal in anniversary case accumulation (Table 1). The boilerplate age at assay in women was 59, 55, and 58 years for EA, EJA, and SCC, respectively. The agnate ages in men were 59, 56, and 58 years for EA, EJA, and SCC, respectively. Some characteristics of the cases and controls are presented in Table 1. Both changeable and macho cases had, in general, a beneath education. The abundance of bodies with no accouchement was college in the controls groups compared with anniversary of the case groups.
As presented in Table 2, abundant women were at a possibly decreased accident of EA compared with non-parous women, but there was no statistically cogent aftereffect (OR=0.66, 95% CI 0.38–1.14). A decreased accident was additionally adumbrated amid women with three or added accouchement compared with women with one child, but it was not statistically cogent (OR=0.81, 95% CI 0.44–1.50). Earlier age at aboriginal bearing appropriate an added accident compared with adolescent age, but it was not statistically cogent (OR=1.33, 95% CI 0.57–3.13). In analyses belted to women age-old at atomic 50 years, agnate after-effects were begin (Table 3).
Men who had accouchement were at a decreased accident of EA compared with men afterwards accouchement (OR=0.76, 95% CI 0.65–0.90). However, the cardinal of accouchement did not access the accident (Table 2). Unlike women, men accepting their aboriginal adolescent at ages over 30 years were at a decreased accident compared with men age-old adolescent than 20 years (OR=0.64, 95% CI 0.44–0.93), but no dose-response accident was begin (P-value for trend=0.34, Table 2).
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A possibly decreased accident EJA was begin for abundant women compared with non-parous women (OR=0.76, 95% CI 0.52–1.11). Women with three or added accouchement were at a agnate accident compared with women with one adolescent (OR=0.97, 95% CI 0.65–1.46). Earlier age at aboriginal bearing adumbrated a decreased accident (Table 2). When the analyses were belted to women age-old at atomic 50 years, agnate after-effects were begin (Table 3).
Men with at atomic one adolescent were at a decreased accident EJA compared with men afterwards accouchement (OR=0.86, 95% CI 0.74–1.00), but no such affiliation was begin for those who appear to accept added than one adolescent (Table 2). Earlier age at aboriginal bearing in men was followed by a decreased accident (P-value for trend <0.01).
When accumulation EA and EJA, abundant women were at a decidedly decreased accident compared with non-parous women (OR=0.73, 95% CI 0 53–0.99). There was no added abridgement in accident in women who had accustomed bearing to at atomic three accouchement compared with those with one adolescent (OR=0.93, 95% CI 0.67–1.30). Age at aboriginal bearing did not access the accident in women (Table 2). In analyses belted to women age-old at atomic 50 years, agnate after-effects were begin (Table 3).
In men, the after-effects were similar, exceptfor a decreased accident of EA and EJA with earlier age (P for trend <0.01).
Women with at atomic one adolescent showed a decreased accident of SCC compared with women with no accouchement (OR=0.65, 95% CI 0.48–0.88), but there were no trends for added than one adolescent (P=0.25) or for age at aboriginal bearing (P=0.15). When the analyses were belted to women age-old at atomic 50 years, agnate after-effects were begin (Table 3).
Similar after-effects were empiric in men with accouchement compared with men with no children, and in men with added than one adolescent (Table 2). Earlier age at aboriginal bearing adumbrated a decreased accident of SCC (P-value for trend=0.03).
This abstraction adumbrated that childlessness is followed by an added accident of EA and EJA, admitting the after-effects of accepting added than one adolescent and age at aboriginal commitment were contradictory, apropos the hypotheses of the furnishings of sex hormone. The after-effects were agnate in men and additionally the accident estimates for SCC were similar.
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Strengths of the present abstraction accommodate the nation-wide, population-based design, ample sample size, complete and abiding follow-up, and aerial authority of Swedish annals data. Furthermore, the use of men for allegory fabricated it accessible to differentiate amid sex hormonal acknowledgment furnishings and abashing effects. However, a limitation was the disability to ascendancy for some specific abeyant confounders, that is, age at menarche and menopause, use of articulate contraceptives, hormone backup assay (HRT), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and comestible factors. Although there is a achievability to retrieve abstracts on articulate contraceptives and hormone backup assay from the Swedish Prescription Register, this anthology was accomplished alone in July 2005, abrogation a too abbreviate aftereffect time to accommodate abundant cardinal of cases, abnormally changeable cases. Moreover, education, abode of residence, and diagnoses accompanying to some added abeyant abashing factors were considered, that is, diabetes, obesity, tobacco smoking, and booze abuse. Selection and advice biases were not an issue, as the abstraction was nested aural a categorical cohort, and the acknowledgment advice was recorded absolute of the outcome. Advice on stillbirths was not available, but stillbirths aggregate alone a baby admeasurement of all births in Sweden with a amount of 1.7% in 1955 that decreased to 0.4% in 1985 (2000).
The aberration of changeable cases of EA and EJA has banned studies acclamation the affiliation with changeable factors. And the few accessible studies accept provided inconsistent results. Compared with the present study, antecedent studies included essentially beneath changeable cases of EA, except a contempo accomplice abstraction from the United Kingdom (Green et al, 2012b). Briefly, a case–control abstraction from the United Kingdom, including 74 cases of EA, appear a statistically non-significant careful aftereffect of accepting three or added accouchement compared with no accouchement (OR=0.69, 95% CI 0.23–2.01). In the Women’s Bloom Initiative analytic trials from the United States, which articular 23 EA and 34 SCC in post-menopausal women, non-significant after-effects were empiric (Bodelon et al, 2011). A affiliated assay including cases from Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia appropriate that lower adequation ability be accompanying to a college accident of EA and EJA, but the after-effects were not statistically cogent (Cronin-Fenton et al, 2010). Our accumulation conducted a case–control abstraction of 63 changeable cases of EA and EJA in which no associations with adequation or age at commitment were articular (Lagergren et al, 2005). The National Institutes of Bloom of the United States of the American Affiliation of Retired Bodies (NIH AARP diet and Bloom cohort) articular 25 EA and begin a potentially decreased accident of aerial adequation and earlier age at aboriginal birth, although not statistically cogent (Freedman et al, 2010). However, agnate after-effects were empiric for SCC, and they did not abstraction the affiliation in men (Freedman et al, 2010). Our abstraction apropos adequation is constant with after-effects from the Million Women Abstraction Accomplice conducted in United Kingdom, which included abundant changeable oesophageal blight cases (Green et al, 2012b). Both studies begin a careful affiliation of abundant women compared with non-parous women, although the role of age at aboriginal bearing were not bright in the both studies. Furthermore, the affirmation from men in our abstraction adumbrated the accessible abashing factors added than sex hormones. The antecedent after-effects accumulated with the after-effects of the present abstraction do not acerb abutment affiliation amid changeable factors and the accident of EA.
Other changeable factors, that is, age at menarche, age at menopause, anaplasty with abatement of animal organs, and breastfeeding, accept additionally been advised in affiliation to accident of EA and EJA in women, although best of them did not acknowledge cogent associations (Cronin-Fenton et al, 2010; Freedman et al, 2010; Bodelon et al, 2011). An barring is a decreased accident of these tumours accompanying to an added akin of breastfeeding amid women, which was aboriginal appropriate in a case–control abstraction from the United Kingdom (Cheng et al, 2000), and afterwards accepted in a affiliated assay of ample population-based case–control studies (Cronin-Fenton et al, 2010). Exogenous hormone backup assay does not assume to essentially access the accident of EA (Lofdahl et al, 2008; Bodelon et al, 2011); however, a nested case–control abstraction from the United Kingdom afresh articular a cogent bargain accident of oesophageal blight in women who assigned hormone therapy. Our abstraction belted the assay to women or men age-old according or earlier than 50 years, as the antecedent is that autogenous hormone levels would abatement at the time of menopause (Rannevik et al, 1995), and hormone assay ability absorb supplementation with exogenous oestrogens. As there were too few cases of pre-menopause in this study, we alone included a sub-analysis for the academic post-menopausal citizenry (age 50 years). The after-effects of this subgroup were agnate as in the all-embracing analysis.
The award of agnate furnishings of changeable factors in women and men on accident of EA or EJA in the present abstraction highlights the achievability of abashing by non-hormonal exposures. In addition, the agnate furnishings comparing adenocarcinomas with SCC advance an access of abashing rather than causality. Several factors different to sex hormones ability explain the changed affiliation amid adequation and these tumours, for example, education, socio-economic status, culture, religion, diet, and added affairs habits. Earlier age at aboriginal birth, for example, would be accompanying to college apprenticeship level, which ability explain the agnate accident patterns in women and men in this study. Moreover, bodies with accouchement ability smoke less, use beneath alcohol, or advance a about convalescent activity than those afterwards children. In addition, women with a college apprenticeship akin or socio-economic cachet would use hormone backup assay added often.
In conclusion, this ample and population-based abstraction suggests that changeable factors are associated with accident of EA or EJA, but the agnate allegation in women and men, and the agnate after-effects in patients with SCC could not aphorism out factors added than sex hormones that explain these associations. However, the abridgement of advice of age at menarche/menopause and HRT use in the present abstraction could not annul the hormonal antecedent completely.
This assignment was adjourned by SIMSAM (the Swedish Initiative for Assay on Microdata in the Social and Medical Sciences) from the Swedish Assay Council. The Swedish Assay Council had no role in abstraction design, abstracts accumulating and analysis, accommodation to publish, or alertness of the manuscript.
From twelve months afterwards its aboriginal publication, this assignment is accountant beneath the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.To appearance a archetype of this license, appointment http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
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