icd 10 code for interstitial lung disease
Mirkin D; Murphy-Barron C; Iwasaki K
BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is a painful, abiding ache affecting 5.5 actor women and girls in the United States and Canada and millions added worldwide. The accepted age ambit of women diagnosed with endometriosis is 20 to 45 years. Endometriosis has an estimated prevalence of 10% amid women of changeable age, although estimates of prevalence alter greatly. Endometriosis is the best accepted gynecological account of abiding pelvic pain, but appear advice on its associated medical affliction costs is scarce.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this abstraction was to actuate (1) the prevalence of endometriosis in the United States, (2) the bulk of bloom affliction casework acclimated by women coded with endometriosis in a bartering medical claims database during 1999 to 2003, and (3) the endometriosis-related costs for 2003, the best contempo abstracts accessible at the time the abstraction was performed.
METHODS: This abstraction was a attendant assay of authoritative abstracts for bartering payers, which included enrollment, eligibility, and claims acquittal abstracts independent in the Medstat Marketscan database for about 4 actor bartering allowance members. All claims and associates abstracts were extracted for anniversary woman age-old 18 to 55 years who had at atomic 1 medical or hospital affirmation with a assay cipher for endometriosis (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM] codes 617.00-617.99) for 1999 through 2003. Claims abstracts from 1999 through 2003 were acclimated to actuate prevalence and bloom affliction ability appliance (i.e., anniversary acceptance rate, anniversary surgical rate, administration of endometriosis-related surgeries, and prevalence of comorbid conditions). The amount assay was based on claims from 2003 only. Amount was authentic as the payer-allowed charge, which equals the net payer amount additional affiliate amount share.
RESULTS: The prevalence of women with medical claims (inpatient and/or outpatient) absolute ICD-9-CM codes for endometriosis was 1.1% for the age bandage of 30 to 39 years and 0.7% over the absolute age amount of 18 to 55 years. The medical costs per accommodating per ages (PPPM) for women with endometriosis were 63% greater ($706 PPPM) than those of the boilerplate woman per affiliate per ages ($433) in 2003; inpatient hospital costs accounted for 32% of absolute absolute medical costs. Between 1999 and 2003, these women with endometriosis who were articular by either inpatient and/or outpatient claims had aerial ante of hospital acceptance (53% for any reason; 38% for an endometriosis-related reason) and a aerial anniversary surgical action amount (64%). Additionally, women with endometriosis frequently suffered from comorbid conditions, and these altitude were associated with greater PPPM costs of 15% to 50% for women with an endometriosis assay code, depending on the condition. Interstitial cystitis was associated with 50% greater amount ($1,061 PPPM); depression, 41% ($997 PPPM); migraine, 40% ($988 PPPM); annoyed bowel syndrome, 34% ($943 PPPM); abiding fatigue syndrome, 29% ($913 PPPM); belly pain, 20% ($846 PPPM); and infertility, 15% ($813 PPPM).
CONCLUSIONS: Women with endometriosis accept a aerial hospital acceptance amount and surgical action amount and a aerial accident of comorbid conditions. Consequently, these women acquire absolute medical costs that are, on average, 63% college than medical costs for the boilerplate woman in a commercially insured group.
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
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