icd 10 acute sinusitis
SAN MATEO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CCGroup is admiring to advertise the absolution in February 2012 of a chargeless download adaptation of the Cave Grouper™ software accepted as CaveGrouper-Lite™. The Cave Grouper™ is the oldest and best accustomed grouper of episodes-of-care in the bazaar today. The aboriginal commodity was appear in 1992 based on assignment formed back 1989. Over the accomplished 22 years, derivations of the Cave Grouper™ accept been activated and accurate application a advanced array of abstraction populations accretion over 86 actor individuals and 684,000 physicians. The abstraction populations accommodate Medicare, Medicaid, allowance companies, HMOs, third affair administrators, physician groups, bloom systems, employers, and the Federal Government.
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Similar to the Cave Grouper™, the CaveGrouper-Lite™ groups over 15,000 ICD-9 and 68,000 ICD-10 analysis codes into allusive medical conditions. The medical altitude annual for 100% of all medical altitude and expenditures.
CaveGrouper-Lite™ builds longitudinal episodes of affliction for astute altitude (e.g., high respiratory infections, sinusitis) and for abiding altitude (e.g., diabetes, asthma). A longitudinal episode-of-care is authentic as all casework affiliated calm that are acclimated to amusement a patient’s medical action aural a defined aeon of time – including physician services, facility, lab and analytic tests, and decree drugs. CaveGrouper-Lite™ employs a changeless window period. Initially, achievement from CaveGrouper-Lite™ will present abundant episode-of-care advice for 25 of the best accustomed medical altitude in the United States today.
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CCGroup is appreciative to be the aboriginal aggregation to absolution a chargeless grouper of medical action episodes to the public. “This is the additional appearance to acquiesce all of CCGroup’s methods and algorithms to be 100% cellophane for accessible use – including bloom plans, bloom systems, and the Federal and State governments,” declared Douglas G. Cave, Ph.D., President of CCGroup. The aboriginal appearance occurred in June 2010 back CCGroup appear all of the company’s step-by-step methods on the Cave Grouper™ and the CCGroup EfficiencyCare™ analytics for provider ability altitude (United States Patent and Trademark Office Patent No. 7,739,126). Dr. Cave commented, “We accept invested cogent time and accomplishment to actuate and advance the best adapted methods to body episodes-of-care and to access reliable, abiding provider ability scores, abnormally the adjustment on application a predefined set of medical altitude for a specialty type.”
“With new Answerable Affliction Organization (ACO) and Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) legislation, a public-use grouper is about binding for constant episode-of-care analytics and achievement measurement,” declared Dr. Cave. Both ACOs and PCMHs attack to articulation authoritative provider structures to episode-of-care payments and achievement abstracts for affection and cost-of-care accountability. Dr. Cave stated, “A key foundation for answerable achievement altitude is the CaveGrouper-Lite™ because the methods and algorithms are 100% transparent, chargeless to the public, and activated and accurate on all abstraction populations.”
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CCGroup will broadcast addition columnist absolution on CaveGrouper-Lite™ in February 2012, anon afore the chargeless download software is accessible to the public. The columnist absolution will specify “how-to” download CaveGrouper-Lite™.
About Cave Consulting Group
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Cave Consulting Group, LLC is a software and consulting close amid in San Mateo, California. The aggregation is focused on convalescent the ability (cost-of-care) and capability (quality-of-care) in the healthcare commitment system. Senior administration of Cave Consulting Group has adjourned the achievement of physicians and hospitals for over 22 years for bloom plans, HMOs, TPAs, employers, and the Federal Government.
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