flu like symptoms icd 10
NEW YORK: As flu division bliss off and the anticipation of communicable the flu is a absolute concern, a majority of Americans accept to demography accomplishments that may accord to the advance of this awful catching virus.
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The online analysis was conducted amid over 1,800 Americans ages 18 and earlier who accept had the flu or flu-like affection by Harris Poll on account of CityMD, a arrangement of added than 75 burning affliction centers in the New York City Tristate breadth and Seattle, Wash.
Where did they go? Unfortunately, all over town.
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Germiest Places During Flu SeasonWhen asked area they went the aftermost time they acquainted sick, those who larboard the abode indicated:•Drug store/Pharmacy - 69 percent•Grocery abundance - 43 percent•Workplace - 39 percent•Friend/Family member's abode - 20 percent•Restaurant/Deli - 16 percent•ATM - 14 percent•Public busline - 10 percent•Gym - 8 percent•School/Daycare - 7 percent•Party - 5 percent•Other - 7 percent
Who are the Top Offenders? Parents and Millennials•75 percent of parents with accouchement beneath 18 who accept had the flu or flu-like affection larboard home the aftermost time they acquainted sick.•Millennials (ages 18-34) who accept had the flu or flu-like affection were abundant added acceptable than those 35 and earlier to accept ventured out the aftermost time they acquainted ailing (76 percent vs. 56 percent). Of those who larboard the house, area did they go?◦Grocery abundance - 53 percent (vs. 37 percent of those ages 35 )◦Friend/Family member's abode - 33 percent (vs. 14 percent of those ages 35 )◦Restaurant/Deli - 23 percent (vs. 12 percent of those ages 35 )◦Gym - 15 percent (vs. 4 percent of those ages 35 )◦School/Daycare - 15 percent (vs. 2 percent of those ages 35 )
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Policy and Medicine: ICD-10 | flu like symptoms icd 10[/caption]
People Not Demography Precautions to Anticipate Spreading GermsThe CityMD analysis additionally begin that some Americans who accept had the flu or flu-like affection did not booty accepted basic measures to anticipate the advance of bacilli the aftermost time they acquainted sick:•More than bisected (51 percent) did not use duke sanitizer afterwards they coughed/sneezed•57 percent did not use antibacterial wipes on surfaces they touched•Roughly 1 in 4 (26 percent) did not ablution their easily afterwards coughing/sneezing
"The actuality that abounding bodies with the flu or flu-like affection are abrogation home to go to the store, assignment or the ATM and are not demography precautions is creating environments that can affect others and advance what is a actual underestimated disease," said Dr. David Shih, controlling carnality admiral of strategy, bloom and addition at CityMD. "This is why accepting the flu attempt is so important. You never apperceive area you can arrangement flu germs. And please, if you feel sick, ablution your easily often."
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Survey MethodologyThis analysis was conducted online aural the United States by Harris Poll on account of CityMD from August 24-28, 2017 amid 2,067 U.S. adults ages 18 and older, amid whom 1,857 accept had the flu or flu-like symptoms. This online analysis is not based on a anticipation sample and accordingly no appraisal of abstract sampling absurdity can be calculated.
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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="960"]Influenza-like illness - Wikipedia | flu like symptoms icd 10