Alpina is a legendary performance car manufacturer in Germany, but if you look at its lineup, you will notice something very familiar about the vehicles. This would be because the entire line is based off of BMW production vehicles. Alpina is called an German automaker BMW unveiled the all-new 2017 bmw alpina b7 xDrive this week. The new model holds true to the traditional luxury expected from the brand, but engineers up the ante with an all new 4.4 liter V8 twin-turbo engine that pumps out more than 600 WOODCLIFF LAKE, NJ – February 8, 2016 – (Motor Sports Newswire) – Today, BMW of North America announced the all-new 2017 bmw alpina b7 xDrive, the third generation of ALPINA automobiles based on the BMW 7 Series offered in the US. The all-new BMW BMW is not by any means a meek automaker, after all they do call their cars ultimate driving machines. That's a tough standard to live up to, but the newly-release 2017 Aplina-tuned B7 xDrive, with its 600-horsepower, 4.4-liter, 8-cylinder engine, just BMW’s new ALPINA B7 xDrive boasts a 4.4-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine that cranks out an impressive 600 horsepower and 590 pound-feet of torch. As a result, the eight-speed automatic will take you from 0 to 60 in just 3.6 seconds, before topping out Fans of wildly over-engined vehicles can rejoice at the news BMW has decided to introduce a new V12 range-topper in the 7-series range. The BMW M760Li xDrive V12 – which we’ll refer to as the M760 from now on to save your bandwidth – packs a 6592cc .
Nell'immensa gamma Bmw ogni vettura ha il corrispettivo modello ad alte prestazioni firmato M Power. Al momento l'ammiraglia Serie 7 non ha ancora ricevuto tale trattamento e pare non ci sia prospettiva per una ipotetica M7. Il noto tuner Alpina รจ corso A quick trip to BMW’s website under the “M” section will show that the M7 isn’t currently listed in their lineup– unfortunate, we agree. If you’re upset about the lack of a more powerful 7-Series, don’t worry, because the new 2017 BMW Munich -BMW mencoba menggoda konsumen setia Seri 7, dengan menyediakan part modifikasi Alpina. Dikatakan bmw alpina b7 xDrive ini akan mulai dijual pada September 2017 besok. Dilansir leftlanenews, Selasa (9/2/2016), BMW B7 ini menggunakan BMW 750i sebagai AutonetMagz.com – Sebagai pabrikan manufaktur yang menjalin kerjasama dengan BMW sejak lama, tentu tiap line up terbaru BMW akan ada versi Alpina-nya. Ya Alpina sekilas memang mirip tuner in-house tapi sebenarnya tidak juga karena Kementerian .
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