syrian boy in ambulance
Omran Daqneesh captivated the world’s absorption aftermost year aback a photo of the Syrian boy, sitting bloodied and confused in the aback of an ambulance, went viral.
Omran had aloof been pulled from the bits afterwards an airstrike on the Syrian burghal of Aleppo. His earlier brother would afterwards die of wounds abiding in the attack. With his angel circulating on the internet, Omran came to be accepted artlessly as “the boy in the ambulance,” a attribute of the alarm that Syrian accouchement are affected to abide in a civilian war.
Omran’s ancestors hadn’t announced to the columnist back his broadly apparent accomplishment ― until this week, aback interviews with the boy and his father, allegedly active calmly in government-controlled Aleppo, emerged from annual outlets that abutment Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Kinana Allouche, a pro-Assad journalist, aggregate on Facebook photos of her annual with a aflush Omran with his family, including his father, Mohammad Kheir Daqneesh, on a couch in an Aleppo home. Other photos on Allouche’s Facebook annual appearance the announcer cutting a shirt with the angel of Assad’s face.
["1862.4"]“The adolescent Omran, those who approved to afford Syrian claret mislead the annual that he was hit by the Syrian Arab Army,” she wrote in the caption, according to a adaptation by The Daily Telegraph in London. “Here he now lives in the Syrian accompaniment with its army, its baton and its people.”
In a agnate interview, filmed in the aforementioned active allowance and aggregate Monday by Russian annual aperture Ruptly, Daqneesh said that the now-iconic photo of Omran in the ambulance and hospital was taken afterwards his permission. Video of Omran’s accomplishment was aboriginal appear by the activist accumulation Aleppo Media Center.
According to Ruptly’s report, “Daqneesh had assured that the footage was acclimated by opposition-supporters for the purpose of ‘propaganda.’” Another video taken by the Russian annual base shows Omran waving the Syrian civic flag.
Daqneesh explained in a abstracted annual appear Monday why he backward in Syria afterwards the attack, saying, “This is my country,” according to a adaptation by The New York Times. He additionally abhorrent the abandon in Syria on the rebels who argue Assad.
“They are the ones who aching us and our country and displaced the people,” Daqneesh said.
Omran’s reemergence in the media was met with skepticism. Some brainstorm the contempo television appearances on state-run annual channels could be a regime-coordinated artifice to activity an angel of course in government-controlled areas of Syria.
["614.98"]As The New York Times address explains, the government is acceptable application Daqneesh and his family, now active in regime-controlled territory, “to endorse [Assad’s] appearance of the war and discredit the opposition.”
The government has a history of application advertising to “show its supporters –- alike the afraid ones ― that it’s in control,” Syria analyst Annia Ciezadlo explained in October. “More than that, it’s demonstrating that it’s the alone force aural Syria that can agreement a accustomed life.”
It isn’t bright if Daqneesh was affected to accord these interviews, but experts say that the Syrian government has been accepted to abuse anyone who speaks adjoin Assad’s regime.
Omran’s ancestors is “under government ascendancy now and this is a government that we apperceive arrests and tortures anyone that speaks out adjoin it,” Valeria Szybala, controlling administrator of the nonprofit analysis alignment Syria Institute, told Reuters. “To me the bearings seems to advance this is apparently coerced.”

