Sheriff Callie Printable Coloring Pages
Madison Canton Chamber of Commerce sponsored the Fourth of July Festival for the aboriginal time. Among the challenge were a car show, watermelon bistro challenge and pie bistro contest. The Fredericktown aloft country music artists, Brothers Finch played also.
["575.21"]Calvary Temple captivated their commemoration God and Country Day on June 28 acquainted all the aggressive branches of service.
The Madison Canton Ambulance Commune formally took over the ambulance account from the canton on Friday, July 3, 2009.
New wildlife codes took aftereffect July 1.
Twelve Fredericktown Aerial Academy (FHS) JROTC Cadets abounding the Administration Afflicted at Nevada, Missouri.
Willis and Edna Guess of Coldwater, Missouri acclaimed a absolute of 85 birthdays on July 11.
The FEMA/SEMA Disaster Recovery Center adaptable van opened up in Madison Canton on July 2 at the Elementary School. appear that Fredericktown citizen Elizabeth Holbrook won the International Video Conference competition.
An Ecumenical Connection accumulation is formed by bounded ministers.
Local Rotary Club donated
$500 to Rotary International
Lindell Dowd of Festus (formerly Fredericktown) accustomed a Purple Heart badge for wounds he accustomed in the Korean War on June 8, 1951.
The Cherokee Nation cyclists retraced the Northern Trail of Tears avenue through Fredericktown. They accustomed on July 6, 2009.
Robert Belken, 11, a affiliate of St. Michael Catholic Abbey met with Pope Benedict XVI afterward a Papal Audience in Rome. Robert was on a crusade with the Archdiocese of St. Louis for Archbishop Robert Carlson’s pallium conferral. Robert is the son of Michael and Cynthia Belken of Farmington (formerly Fredericktown).
Courtsquare Historic Commune placed on the National Register on July 8, 2009. The commune includes 110-145 East Main St, 106-125 West Main St. and 110-120 South Main St.
Eleven associates of the Fredericktown FFA abounding the accompaniment afflicted at Lake of the Ozarks.
Captain Henry Whitener Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution captivated a Grave Marker Adherence for the backward Glenna Bollinger, a arresting bounded historian.
New Rotary Club officers; Abu Chowdhury-president, Wesley Royer-vice Admiral and Mark Brewington-secretary/treasurer.
United Sates Postal Account Window Clerk Harry Hovis acclaimed fifty years of account with ancestors and accompany at Jaycee Esplanade in Fredericktown and afterwards at a Cardinals brawl game. The cruise to the brawl esplanade included a limo ride sponsored by bounded businesses.
It’s All About You captivated their accolade acid commemoration on July 12.
Fredericktown Dance Academy Antagonism Aggregation completed their 2009 analysis on July 4. The aggregation accustomed four aerial gold awards, seven gold awards, three aerial argent awards and abundant appropriate awards including best costume.
Hughie and Rinda Vandergriff acclaimed their 50th bells commemoration on June 27 at Higdon Christian Church.
A two agent blast on Highway OO dead bristles bodies on August 1; three abiding from a aerial academy alliance and two from a adoration service.
Seventeen year old Fallon N. Foss died aback the agent she was active angry into the aisle of a Ford 350 traveling on Highway OO in St. Francois Canton and was hit.
Paul Vance acclaimed 90 years of life. His son Robin created a canteen of wine labled as “The Aviator.” Above Fredericktown citizen Dennis Graham created the characterization for the wine.
A 20 year canonizing commodity was published for Gina Dawn Brooks who was kidnapped on August 5, 1989 at the age of 13. Anyone one with advice on her dematerialization should alarm 1-800-the-lost, the FBI or the Fredericktown Badge at 573-783-3660.
Jewett 4-H captivated their Commemoration Achievement Day on July 10.
Tom and Vi Kennedy acclaimed their 60 year bells commemoration on June 12.
Marine Karl Chamberlain, confined in Iraq, was answer to Agents Sergeant. He is the grandson of Fay Shrum and the backward Virgil Shrum of Fredericktown.
Mayor Kemp break tie vote in acknowledging burghal administrator’s arrangement at the August 10 meeting.
Upper Castor River Stream Aggregation met for the aboriginal time forth Madison Canton alley 233 to apple-pie up the river starting with a alluvium bar.
Fredericktown Aerial Academy Football Cheer Squad abiding and delivered “cheer”y sunflower bouquets to breadth nursing homes.
Jessica Dawn Stevens (Deputy Canton Clerk) accelerating with a bachelor’s bulk in Criminal Justice from Central Methodist College.
Farm Bureau Insurance confused to their new breadth at 408 W. Main St. and captivated a accolade acid to celebrate.
The Madison Canton Farmer’s Bazaar captivated a accolade acid commemoration in aboriginal August. The bazaar is accessible from 3 to 6 pm on Tuesdays at Wanda Priest Park.
Cliff Talley and babe Savanna won the aboriginal abode prize; a new claret TV, from the Activity Happy Feet Golf Brawl Drop Challenge captivated in July. Michelle Matthews and Ken Boyer won the additional and third abode prizes respectively.
Mayor Danny Kemp active a announcement announcement August 1st to the 31st, 2009 as Breast Feeding Ages in Fredericktown. Blair Tonjun is the breast agriculture advisor at the bloom administration (783-2747).
Madison Canton accustomed a $300,000 Association Development Block Admission from the Administration of Bread-and-butter Development. The money went adjoin a new ability for the Sheltered Workshop.
Girls Scout Troop 128 was accustomed for volunteering at the Senior Center.
Local badge and the sheriff’s administration alternate in the accompaniment advanced “You Drink and Drive; You Lose” affairs to advice accumulate DWI drivers off the road.
Hardee’s commemoration “Making It Happen” bout came to Fredericktown for the additional time. The bout donated $400 to FHS JROTC program.
ETA ETA Sorority donated $415 to the Senior Center.
Florence Louise Jaycox acclaimed her 89 altogether on August 12, 2009 at Liberty Hall amidst by ancestors and friends.
Storm accident aliment connected throughout 2009 at bounded schools including FHS. The aerial academy got a new roof, air conditioning units and a new clue and acreage bleachers forth with added equipment.
The acceptance alternate to academy in mid-August.
Police arrested Canonizing Esplanade break-in suspects. Captain Tomlinson appear admiral A. Stevens and L. Ramirez were active in communicable the bodies amenable for break-ins at burghal pool, rock-wall acknowledgment angle and the Middle School.
County awarded a $500,000 Association Development Block Admission from the Missouri Administration of Bread-and-butter Development for canton baptize commune improvements.
The Fredericktown Column Appointment was nominated in 2009 to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Tommy and Connie Slinkard acclaimed their 60th Bells Commemoration on August 28, 2009.
The Fredericktown Walmart Stream Aggregation fabricated their aboriginal charwoman activity Saline Creek by Rotary and Jaycee parks August 22.
Sixty bristles National Daughters of the American Revolution from 18 altered states met in Omaha, Nebraska on August 4th and 5th, including associates of the Captain Henry Whitener Chapter from Fredericktown.
R-I Academy Commune set the tax burden at $3.90 per $100 of adjourned valuation. The burden was anesthetized by a vote in February. The antecedent burden was $3.20.
The Days of Praise Motorcycle Rally (Road Riders For Jesus) alternate to Fredericktown on September 13.
Fredericktown Eagles Ladies Auxiliary presented a analysis for $150 to the Eagles Commune #4 Auxiliary for the Appropriate Olympics at Fredericktown Middle School.
Beulah Baptist abbey acclaimed 125 years on October 4.
Blackcats abatement to Bulldogs at analysis opener-42-20.
Scouting affairs allotment began in aboriginal September.
Grace E. Thomas, “Gracie” retired as Madison Canton Assessor at the end of August.
Todd and Mellanie Smallen of Fredericktown alleged as Accompaniment Fair’s Farm Family.
A Patriot Day commemoration was captivated at the Madison Canton Courthouse on September 11. Pastor Tim Stafford of the Fresh Anointing United Pentecostal Abbey of Fredericktown presented the canonizing service.
["575.21"]Madison Canton Extension appointment captivated a branch on allowance downed balk on September 19.
Cherokee Pass restaurant captivated their 20 year commemoration on September 12, 2009.
KFVS12-Heartland News Weatherman Brian Alworth captivated a photography affectation at The Gallery in Marquand.
Navy Seaman Jacob R. Clauser of Fredericktown completed basal training at Recruit Training Command, Abundant Lakes, Illinois.
Lady Cats Volleyball Aggregation opened the analysis with two home victories; Herculaneum 25-20 and 25 to 21 and South Iron 25-12 and 25 to 6.
Softball Lady Cats defeat Knighettes 4-3.
Yellow Jackets top Football Blackcats 24-11.
The arch over Highway 67 at Highway 72 West abiding accident aback an archaeologian accidentally hit the overpass. MoDOT crews bankrupt one lane while aliment were made.
Mayor Danny Kemp accustomed Constitution Week, September 17th -23rd, with a proclamation. Willa Dean Combs, a affiliate of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Captain Henry Whitener Chapter, accustomed the proclamation.
The Fredericktown Christian Abbey acclaimed their 200 year commemoration as a church.
Ozarks Federal Savings and Loan captivated their commemoration Chump Appreciation Day on Sept. 11. They had refreshments and a photo affectation canonizing to those who absent their alive in the agitator advance on September 11, 2001.
The acceptance at the Fredericktown Alternative Academy additionally had a September 11,2001 memorial. A advance was busy alfresco the chic in anamnesis of the 2993 people, police, firefighters and others who absent their lives in the attack.
Safe Harbor Hospice formed a “Green Team” and set up a recycling program.
Senator “Kit” Bond makes his a accounting account apropos his position on Afghanistan and the war on alarm in a letter to Congress; appear in the September 16, 2009 affair of the Democrat News.
The commemoration Pioneer Days and Cub-Arama accompany lots of fun for the bounded association and visiting tourists.
R-l Academy Lath hears contractors complaints at the academy lath affair September 15.
D K and Company opened with a accolade acid commemoration in September.
Abu Chowdhury, buyer of Madison Inn Lodge, fabricated a donation to the R-I Academy District PSI affairs . Charlet Pense and Jane Kopitsky accustomed the donation.
Jewett 4-H adopted new officers.
Gifford Lumber Company acclaimed 80 years of account to Fredericktown/Madison County.
Eighteen cadets from the Fredericktown Aerial Academy (FHS) JROTC visited Wappappello Engineer Training site.
Roy Roberts died at age 91. He had been a above law administration officer, businessman, canton abettor and association leader.
Lawnmower challenge are a new anatomy of ball at Madison Canton Fair.
Calvary Temple Abbey had a accommodation army during the appointment by Nick Vujicic from Australia. Nick was born afterwards any accoutrements or legs and attack the apple alarming others to accept acceptance in Jesus, alike in the face of abundant adversity.
JROTC Rifle Aggregation exhausted Malden 1074 to 857
Jewett 4-H associates affectation projects at Missouri Accompaniment Fair.
Southern Oaks Country Club in Fredericktown captivated their Chump Appreciation Day in October.
Blackcat Football Aggregation exhausted East Prairie Eagles, 40-3.
Cherokee Pass businesses activate accepting affairs about bread-and-butter advance and the aftereffect the new Highway 67 alley is accepting on their chump traffic.
Madison Canton Farm Supply Fish Day gain donated to Activity Happy Feet on September 12.
State Senator Jason Crowell and Commune Adumbrative Shelley Keeney visited the fourth graders at Fredericktown Intermediate Academy in September.
Denver E. Fortner, 68, died afterwards he suffered a medical action and absent ascendancy of his agent September 22.
Local firefighters catholic to Nevada to a booty a chic on Weapons of Mass Destruction.
County Fair had a abundant turnout. The anointed pig challenge was a accustomed attraction.
H1N1 (swine flu) cases activate clarification into the county. Canton bloom admiral absolution advice on how to advice abate flu contamination.
The Fredericktown appointment of Missouri Administration of Conservation is slated for cease for July, 2011 due to account belt-tightening.
IBS Print and Promotions Boutique move aback into the Burghal breadth in October. They confused into the old Titan Gym building.
Dr. Eric Davis accurate the Appropriate Olympics aggregation for the aftermost two years by accouterment concrete assay casework afterwards cost, so the associates go appear the games.
The Democrat News Account of Ownership is appear in the October 7, 2009 issue.
Local schools abide application “Paw”sitive behavior acceptance programs at the schools.
Blackcats annihilation Pirates 21-0 in Perryville on October 2.
1st Chargeless Will Baptist Abbey captivated their accession on October 11. A concert was captivated by Jericho.
Arthur Myers and Melba Fadler retired from the Madison Medical Center Lath of Trustees . They were accustomed for their account at a bologna at MMC. Art had been on the Lath aback 1996 and Melba aback 1988.
Southern Oaks Country Club congenital a new clubhouse.
Representative Shelley Keeney presented Gifford Lumber with a Abode of Representatives announcement for their 80 years in business.
St. Michael captivated their commemoration Oktoberfest.
John Wanner and Miriah Korokis crowned Accession baron and queen at Fredericktown Aerial School. Blackcats exhausted Charleston.
Madison Canton accustomed a admission for $89,547 to advancement the E-911 arrangement to board audition broken programming, and argument messaging.
Seabaugh’s Appliance and Appliances was complimented in a letter to the editor by bounded citizen Trish Brewington. She said “it pays to boutique at home!” Seabaugh’s had replaced her original appliance purchase, alike afterwards the assurance ran out.
Wilson’s Funeral Home captivated their commemoration chargeless breakfast at Liberty Hall for anyone who capital to stop by and accept some.
The Fredericktown United Methodist Abbey captivated their commemoration covering betrayal on October 17.
The American Blight Society has a affairs alleged “Look Good, Feel Better” for women ability treatment. Advice is accessible through Melissa’s Majic Touch-Trish-783-5163 or The Rite Cut-Amy Umfleet or Amy Hellrich-783-5890.
Four accouchement won the Madison Canton Bloom Department’s affiche contest. 1st abode and all-embracing champ was Emily Lord.
Cheyenne Tonjum took 2nd abode in the 3-4 year old category, Jaysa Parsley took 1st abode in the 3-4 year old chic and Brittney Stumbaugh took 2nd abode in the 7-8 year old category.
SEMO Ancestors Abandon Council captivated their commemoration contour victims affectation at MMC and airship absolution and clothesline affectation at the courthouse to mark October as Calm Abandon Awareness month.
Open Door Tabernacle captivated their Accession on October 18. Singing by The Accessible Range Gospel Bluegrass Band.
Harold Rhodes was alleged “Firefighter of the Year” by the Cherokee Pass Volunteer Blaze Department.
The Fredericktown Column Appointment was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on October 8.
Mr. Madison Canton was Dylan Brotherton and Miss Madison Canton was Jessica Bohn.
A U.S. Banderole of Heroes was donated to Madison Canton by the associates of the Modern Day Vets # 1146.
They additionally donated a banderole to the anew formed Kiwanis Club of Fredericktown.
Madison Canton Extension Appointment captivated their commemoration compound betrayal in October. Abundant companies accelerate chargeless samples, recipes, diabetic recipes, and added for the accident every year.
Blackcats absent to Potosi Trojans in commune opener.
Fredericktown Aerial Academy chic of 1959 captivated their alliance in September.
Cherokee Pass Restaurant began bottling and affairs their own bloom bathrobe alleged “Sweet Red.”
Madison Canton Sheltered Branch captivated a accolade acid commemoration to bless their new breadth and lease-ownership of the architecture at Highway 72 East and South Chamber Dr.
Mayor Kemp active a announcement for American Apprenticeship Ceremony and Red Accolade Week.
National FFA Accolade champ Melody Brewen toured Costa Rica.
Fredericktown Burghal Council heard a appeal at their assignment affair on October, 26, from the VFW and the American Legion; to name the Highway 72 bypass Veteran’s Dive or Veteran’s Canonizing Drive or article similar. The activity was advancing achievement in aboriginal 2010.
Madison R. Stevens awarded a 60 year associates pin from the VFW. Stevens is a WWII U.S. Navy sailor who served on lath the USS Dennis which came beneath advance during the Japanese aggression of the Philippines.
Erica (Settle) Johnson was appointed acting burghal beneficiary until an acclamation can be held. She was voted into the office, but had confused into the canton afterwards her wedding. Burghal ordinances crave the burghal beneficiary alive aural burghal limits. Her position as Municipal Court Clerk was appointed and not afflicted by address requirements according to burghal officials.
The Madison Canton Ambulance Commune captivated a accolade acid to bless their move into the architecture on old business Highway 67, aloof beyond from the Fredericktown Animal Hospital.
Madison Canton Courthouse roof was replaced in October.
Employees at New Era Bank accustomed October as Breast Blight Awareness ages by cutting blush accouterment and alms barter refreshments.
Lights On Afterwards academy affairs comes to Fredericktown Intermediate and Elementary Schools. Acceptance accept the befalling to participate in afterwards academy activities, which are monitored by adults.
Fredericktown’s aboriginal “Freakytown” sees success. Halloween ambush or treaters adore candy, hot amber and trunk-or-treating forth with burghal businesses blockage accessible late.
Madison Canton Bloom Administration releases account letters on the cachet of the H1N1 flu.
The Beautification Committee chose Madison Canton Farm Supply and Home Center for their commemoration Christmas ornament.
Cobalt Village General Baptist Abbey captivated their Accession on November 8 with singing by the Gipson’s of Marquand.
Big Creek Baptist Abbey captivated a Revival over the November 5-8 weekend.
Madison Canton Sheltered Branch captivated their commemoration Harvest Dance in October.
Casey’s General Abundance donated a Gatoraide Sideline Package to the Fredericktown Middle School.
Civil War trivia was captivated at the United Methodist Church. Some in appearance wore aeon clothing.
Heavy rains during November affected the cease of some anchorage about Fredericktown like Buford Blvd.
Fredericktown Lady Cat softball players accustomed column analysis honors. Miriah Korokis had been called for 1st Aggregation All Conference and 1st Aggregation All District.
Allyssa Allgier accustomed ceremoniousness for both 1st Aggregation All Conference and 1st Aggregation All District.
Junior Lady Cat Haley Stevens she accomplished her additional year with the aggregation with a .324 batting average. She was called to the MAAA All Conference Aboriginal Team.
Junior additional base-Kirsten Williams becoming Additional Aggregation All Conference honors.
The Blackcats Soccer Aggregation had three wins on the analysis (3-16).
FHS Cheer Squad won an Ambassador Aggregation Award. The accolade was for $2,500.
The Christian Abbey took addition mission cruise to New Orleans to advice clean some of the homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina.
Fredericktown Badge accustomed a donation from Jim and Mary Shetley in anamnesis of Roy Roberts who anesthetized abroad in September.
The commemoration Boy Scout aliment drive was captivated in November.
The commemoration Christmas ShoeBox Operation Christmas Child) was captivated already again. SMTS donated the amplitude to authority the collections and Century 21 Statler Realty donated the use of their barter to carriage the shoe box collections to Jackson. Ambassador Kemp active a announcement anecdotic November 16-22 at Operation Christmas Child Week.
Fredericktown Elks Lodge # 2812 donated dictionaries to the 3rd graders at Fredericktown Intermediate School.
At the accustomed affair in October of the daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Captain Henry Whitener chapter; Mrs. Standley presented a Powerpoint presentation accouterment some amazing statistics apropos Native Americans. She showed abstracts advertence a absolute of 4 actor Native Americans in America; with fifty-two percent beneath the age of twenty-nine. Her presentation showed the adolescent Native Americans accept the accomplished suicide bulk of any indigenous accumulation in this country and the accomplished boyhood agitated abomination rate. For added advice apprehend the November 11, 2009 affair of the Democrat News (Pg 7)
The “Little Toys of Little Boys” old appearance barter affectation was captivated at the Gallery in Marquand.
Red Accolade Affiche Challenge winners were: Ciera Moore-1st place, Amanda Abernathy-2nd place, and Troy Stricklan-3rd place.
PigTails children’s accouterment abundance acclaimed bristles years in business.
Blackcats end the analysis with a playoff accident to New Madrid 51-14.
The Fredericktown Angry Pandas Soccer Aggregation won adjoin the Sikeston Tournament.
JROTC Cadets motivated the Intermediate Academy acceptance to be Drug Chargeless during Red Accolade week.
FHS Rifle Aggregation catholic to New Madrid to participate in the Southeast Missouri Shooting Sports Championships. They were advised “outstanding” at the bout acceptable several trophies.
The Fredericktown Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) column captivated a Veteran’s Day Commemoration at the Madison Canton Courthouse.
Agreements were formed to accept Fredericktown and Marquand burghal tax bills calm by Madison Canton Beneficiary Charla Royer for the aboriginal time. Association now had alone one abode they bare to go to pay their absolute acreage and claimed acreage tax bills.
Project Happy Feet captivated their commemoration Walk-a-Thon.
Corey Warner won a able affiche contest. He has a flat at 733-B West Main St.
The Madison Canton Sheriff’s Administration address said they responded to 1111 calls in the ages of October; authoritative 32 abomination arrests and 37 abomination arrests.
Kolby Krieger competed in his 4th beeline Junior Looper Worls Championship in Oklahoma City. He accomplished 5th in his age division. He additionally competed in the Heel-o-Matic “Rope The Bones” championship and accomplished 2nd.
Irene Brown acclaimed her 102 altogether at Stockhoff Canonizing Nursing Home in Fredericktown on November 10. She was abutting by her family, Glen Martin, Shirley Cotton and Wanda Maze.
Country Lane Florist and Gifts captivated an accessible abode to celebrate the achievement of their all-encompassing storm accident remodeling.
Gary Bollinger of St. Louis captures an aboriginal morning blaze photo on November 7 forth Franklin St.
The St. Louis Cardinals Mascot Fredbird visited Fredericktown Intermediate School.
FFA captivated their commemoration Greenhand, Chapter Bulk ceremonies on November 3.
FCCLA abounding their Administration Conference captivated at Tan-Tar-A resort in Osage Beach, Missouri.
Fredericktown Kiwanis Chapter was formed October 13, 2009. The alignment accustomed their Charter on November 21, 2009 at a affair at Vance Vineyards and Winery
The adherence commemoration acquainted the actuality the Fredericktown Column Appointment was placed on the National Register of Historic Places was captivated November 21. The absolute date of the adjustment was on October 8, 2009.
Dollar General accustomed the Salvation Army to authority a alarm campanology kettle at their Fredericktown abundance aloof afore Thanksgiving. The alarm campanology attack was additionally captivated at the Walmart afterwards Thanksgiving.
Steven Reed suffered austere injuries afterwards he was allegedly stabbed by Jason A. Starkey of Marble Hill during a affray in Marquand on November 11, 2009.
College Night , sponsored by the Madison Canton Extension Council was a success.
The Rotary Club, through Abu Chowdhury; buyer of Madison Inn Lodge and admiral of the Fredericktown Rotary Club, and John Thompson, buyer of Cedar Creek Hardwoods, delivered 145 apprentice dictionaries with the acceptance names attached, to the 4th graders at FIS.
Boy Scout aliment drive calm over 4366 pounds of food.
Tag and Brag area of the Democrat News is appear in the November 25 edition.
SEMO Ancestors Abandon Council (A Friend’s Place) holds bounded affair to acquaint the association of accustomed challenge accident at the Council, including the two new distinctively accomplished victim advance nurses accessible at Madison Medical Center for victims of calm violence.
Elementary Academy enjoyed their commemoration Thanksgiving Feast.
Jewell Stehlik acclaimed her 110 altogether at the Baptist Home in Ironton.
Barrett-Jensen captivated their commemoration Thanksgiving banquet for ancestors and accompany on November 25.
Donovan Tilk accustomed as Apprentice of the Ages at Missouri University of Science and Technology.
St. Michael Abbey captivated their commemoration Arts and Crafts Fair on December 5.
Marquand Bazaar captivated their Big Buck Contest. Photos appear in the December 2, copy of the Democrat News.
Fredericktown Badge investigate baleful cutting at 308 Locust St. on December 7. Further Advice was pending.
Brown Shoe appear they were closing the Fredericktown Distribution Center permanently. 43 advisers were to be laid off.
Former accompaniment rep Rod Jetton answerable with advance on December 7. He said the accuse were false.
The Commemoration Home For The Holidays accident was a success.
Country Mart donated $1,000 account of abundance allowance cards to the United Organizations of Madison Canton to advice those in charge in Madison County.
A agronomical academy was captivated December 13 at the Seventh Day Adventist Abbey on South Mine-La Motte.
Candidate filings accessible for mayor, one Ward I, one Ward II and one Ward III aldermen, Burghal Marshal and Burghal Beneficiary in Fredericktown. The aftermost date to book is Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded a arrangement for $1,545,662 to G &M Concrete and Asphalt out of Troy, Missouri for assignment on Highway 67 in Madison County.
The Fraternal Order of the Eagles #3758 Ladies Auxiliary captivated their commemoration Appropriate Needs Christmas Affair at the Eagles Lodge.
Letters to Santa appear in the December 9 affair of the D-N.
City accustomed the electric bulk study.
Waylon Hendrick of Potosi answerable with first-degree annihilation in the cutting afterlife of 27 year-old James Kissell at 308 Locust St. in Fredericktown.
SEMO Ancestors Abandon Council captivated a toy drive at the Fredericktown Walmart on December 18.
Fredericktown Revitalization Initiative sponsored a claret drive at St. Michael on December 18.
The Marquand-Zion Christmas Affairs was captivated December 10.
Calahan’s begins new breakfast agenda and changes hours to board the new menu.
United Organizations of Madison Canton calm a lot of aliment and toys for the Christmas season.
Blackcat Basketball Aggregation analeptic two victories; one over Herculaneum 58-52 and one over Perryville-50-48.
Fredericktown Middle Academy captivated their commemoration Winter Concert with performances by Sixth Grade Choir and the Seventh and Eighth Grade accumulated Choir.
The Madison Canton Council for the Developmentally Disabled (MCCDD) donated some furniture, exercise equipment and aerial tech apprenticeship accessories to bounded schools.
Calvary Temple Abbey captivated their commemoration Christmas Pageant on December 20.
The Red Hat Society held their affair at Vance Vineyards and Winery on December 12.
Christmas of Hope Toy Drive a huge association success according to Chris Smith of American Ancestors Insurance in Fredericktown. 2009 was the aboriginal year the alignment calm donations in Madison County.
The Aboriginal Baptist Abbey captivated a Christmas agreeable on December 20.
Kerri Guinn abounding the Casting For Recovery retreat in Cook Station, Missouri in October. The retreat is distinctively advised to accommodate fly-fishing retreats for women who accept or accept had breast cancer.
Christian Abbey captivated their commemoration Alive Nativity Scene on December 21st and 22nd.
Madison Canton Chamber of Commerce adopted their new Chamber Lath members; Amy Kurgas (IBS Copy and Print), Stacey Johnson (Big River Telephone) and Sandy Francis (individual member).
Police absurd bottomward on bashed drivers.
Deployed Guardsmen accelerate ceremony greetings aback home;
Voting associates James and Jean Priday represented Madison Canton Farm Bureau at the 95 commemoration meeting December 6-8 at Lake of the Ozarks.
Christmas decorations adorned Pinecrest Afflicted in December.
Middle Academy Principal Scott Sikes is aqueduct taped as a accolade to acceptance in abutment of those acceptance who calm the best bill for the Salvation Army. Mr. Wilkerson’s Boutique Chic won the collection. Mr. Sikes is additionally a Lath affiliate at Mineral Breadth College.
Lady Cats Basetball Team topped Festus 70-48.
Fredericktown Aerial Academy JROTC and StuCo acceptance and FHS agents captivated a canned aliment drive. 2,322 items were donated to the Madison Canton Aliment Pantry. The seniors won the Pizza Hut party. 2nd abode went to the faculty and agents and 3rd abode went to the sophomores.
Jon T. Halpin of Fredericktown completed Navy basal training.
Fredericktown Alternative Academy acceptance visited bounded nursing homes during their additional commemoration “Christmas Cheer.”
Vicky Slinkard of Fredericktown won the pole decorating contest.
Garden Club Wreath/Centerpiece Decorating Challenge winners were: Martena Francis and Nancy Hale.
Carole Magnus won the 1st abode award-winning in the centerpiece chic with Nancy Hale demography 2nd place.
McDonalds architecture was activity up bound at the Round-About.
The Missouri Administration of Public Safety awarded $8,555.41 to the Fredericktown Badge Administration for some new equipment.
Kiwanis ask association to accord clothes for accouchement in charge in Madison County.
Police Captain Ken Tomlinson II accustomed two grants from MIRMA alignment in the bulk of $5,056.13 at the Council affair of December 28. The grants were presented by MIRMA adumbrative Jeff Arp.
Harold Mills of Marquand accustomed for Lifetime Achievement for his administration in the Southern Gospel community. The accolade was presented by the Mid America Gospel Music Association.
Democrat News appearance challenge winners were: Hayden Wayne Thompson, 7, of Fredericktown and Callie Slinkard.
Both accustomed a $15 allowance agenda to Pizza Hut.
Foundation for Historic Preservation begins allurement for association abutment in creating a Civil War re-enactment accident for the 150th commemoration of the Battle of Fredericktown. The accident is appointed for 2011 and needs about $5,000 in banking support, lots of aliment and accessories items and volunteers.

