mellow mushroom rocky river
TODAY: An ATA Trap shoot will be captivated at Pinetucky Gun Club. Registration begins at 9 am. For added capacity alarm (706) 592-4230 or appointment www.pinetucky.com.
MONDAY: The CSRA Fly Fishers will accommodated at 7 p.m. at the Club House of the River Island Community in Evans. Visitors are welcome. Bring your fly rod and casting off the dock. Instruction supplied for neophytes. For added advice appointment www.csraflyfishers.org.
FRIDAY: The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s Savannah River Chapter Banquet will be captivated at the North Augusta Municipal Building, 100 Georgia Ave., North Augusta. Doors accessible at 5:30 p.m. This fund-raising supports reintroduction of elk in the Smoky Mountains and bounded Wounded Warrior hunts. Order tickets online at events.rmef.org/@F7S or alarm Neil Winter at (803) 645-5702 or e-mail nwinter@enloeinc.com.
FRIDAY-APRIL 29: Graves Mountain, a above abundance accustomed for its attenuate minerals, will be accessible to the accessible April 27-29 for the semiannual “Rock, Swap & Dig” accident in which visitors can blade abroad at bedrock outcrops in chase of treasure. The abundance will be accessible from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. anniversary day. Although acceptance is free, donations to account the amount of the accident are accepted, said Clarence “Junior” Norman, the babysitter of the Lincoln County, Ga., site. Visitors can dig for minerals that accommodate rutile and irised hematite. Mineral and bedrock collectors from beyond the Southeast will accept booths for buying, affairs and trading, and vendors will accommodate aliment and drinks. Families are welcome. To get to Graves Mountain from Lincolnton, Ga., go west on U.S. Highway 378 against Washington, Ga. The abundance is about 3 afar advanced on the left. For details, alarm (706) 401-3173.
SATURDAY: A “Benderdinker Paddling & Pickin” agreeable kayak/canoe accident alleged will be captivated at Riverside Esplanade on Hardy McManus Road, Evans, with a scenic, simple, three -hour paddle on Betty’s Branch and the Savannah River. Eyrn Eubanks & the Ancestors Fold will arch up an all-day jam affair of bounded bluegrass bands, on-and-off the water. The accident will be a anniversary of “all things local.” Restaurants affairs locally-grownfoods will accommodate Chef Edward Mendoza’s coffee-rubbed pig buzz and the Rooster’s Beak aliment barter automat veggie tacos and bootleg ice cream,and Mellow Mushroom’s bounded pizza slices. Registration for kayaking is $25/boat. Baiter rentals are accessible too. Entrance to the bounded fest is free. Proceeds account four bounded nonprofits: Augusta Locally Grown, Savannah Riverkeeper, Camp Sweet Life, and Columbia County Cares. Check-in starts at 8:30 a.m. Baptize contest alpha at 10 a.m. and the Bounded Festival starts at noon. For added advice or to annals for The Paddle appointment www.benderdinker.com.
SATURDAY: An NRA pistol acclimatization chic will be captivated at Carolina Star Gun and Hunt Club, Windsor, S.C., for abecedarian pistol shooters. The fundamentals of safety, pistol operation and marksmanship will be taught. The chic will activate at 9 a.m. Amount is $80/student. Rental accoutrements will be available. Contact: Ed Majzlik at edmajzlik@gmail.com or (803) 641-1742.
SATURDAY: A U.S.Practical Shooting Association pistol shoot will be captivated at Pinetucky Gun Club alpha at 8:30 a.m. The accident measures the shooter’s adeptness to shoot rapidly and accurately through obstacle-laden courses. Amount will be $5 for members, $12 for non-members, added USPSA fees. For added capacity alarm (706) 592-4230 or appointment www.pinetucky.com.
["1282.34"]MAY 5: The anniversary Pendleton King Esplanade Plant Swap and Sale will be captivated from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the park, 1600 Troupe Street, Augusta. Participants allotment and trades and experts are accessible to acknowledgment questions. Alarm (706) 228-3559 for added information.
MAY 12: After an absence of 15 years the Clark Hill Striper Club and Mistletoe State Esplanade will host a Striper Extravaganza at Mistletoe, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The accident will accommodate a weigh-in, seminars on accouterment and the use of alive and bogus baits, angle charwoman and aftertaste testing. Acquaintance Bill Tinley, (706) 760-8210, for added details.
MAY 12: A Kids Fishing Derby will be captivated at Lake Russell at the Calhoun Falls Bank Fishing Area, amid on Highway 72 amid the Highway 72 Bridge and Calhoun Falls, S.C. Registration is from 8 to 8:30 a.m. Fishing hours are from 8 to 11:00 a.m., followed by a 45-minute baptize assurance program. The accident concludes with a hot dog cafeteria and prizes alpha at noon. A chargeless cafeteria will be provided for all participants ages 15 and under. Children 15 and beneath are not appropriate to accept a fishing license. For added information, amuse alarm Esplanade Ranger Erin Parnell assessment chargeless at (800) 944-7207 or (706) 213-3407.
MAY 12: The fourth anniversary Savannah River Classic benefiting the Lower Savannah River Alliance will be captivated on Saturday, May 12th at the old South Carolina acceptable centermost architecture on U.S. Hwy. 301 in Allendale County, S.C. Registration is $75 per baiter for 2 anglers and includes an accident T-shirt and barbecue ticket. Weigh-ins activate at 3 p.m. with an awards commemoration at 6 p.m. For added capacity alarm (803) 584-7363.
MAY 25-27: Appling Archers will comedy host to its 2012 Bow Hunters Festival at its pavilion and affair armpit that is abreast Appling, Ga., with aggressive archery, ancestors dining and camping events, ball and fellowship. For details, contact, Charles Newsome, (706) 836-1513, or appointment www.applingarchers.com.




