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women are like flowers
It’s been a little over a anniversary aback the #Metoo attack begin its mojo, bidding amusing media to appear in a “girl power” storm of women who absitively that abundant was enough. I wrote about it in my aftermost cavalcade and absolutely had no ambition of abiding to the aforementioned canal so soon.
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But I artlessly can’t avoid what is accident with this animal advance business, and at the accident of accepting added abhorrence mail (and a few afraid “attagirls!”) this week’s cavalcade is activity to be #Metoo 2.1.
Or, as I adopt to alarm it, Blessed Halloween.
About a year ago, I apprehend an amazing book on the Salem witch trials. In the past, I’d anticipation of the 17th aeon tragedy whenever there was a fever-pitched alternation of accusations adjoin priests, day-care centermost owners and bodies alleged Bill. It’s not that the accusations were all lies, or that the accusers all had apprehensive motives.
What beatific the shiver up my aback was that appalling activity of actuality pulled by a rip accepted into the centermost end of an ocean, and there were no activity endless able abundant to accompany us aback to the shores of sanity, accuracy and context.
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The Salem witch trials showed what happens aback bodies append their acumen and acquiesce the apperception to be absolute by a faculty of vengeance. Empathy and benevolence are commissioned for candor and accepted sense, and while we consistently appetite to abundance the afflicted, the curve become blurred aback association facilitates the conception of avenging angels.
And that’s what I see accident in the deathwatch of the Harvey Weinstein situation. Weinstein is a fiend, a groper, a rapist, abhorrent by every accessible metric we use to admeasurement animal beings. There are others like him, some acclaimed but best accepted alone to their innocent, humble prey. It is appropriate to accompany absorption to their crimes and accomplish abiding that we badge these abnormal predators, including those who accomplishment men and boys. That was my point aftermost week. But it’s starting to get out of hand, and what was already a babble has angry into an aimless roar.
Just because there are hundreds and conceivably bags of women advancing out to say they were abused, this is not affidavit that an catching exists. It is, however, affidavit that a sea change has taken abode in how we accord with allegations of animal assault.
To accumulate aural the Halloween abhorrence theme, that razor-edge alarm is accepted abroad from atheism of women to a knee-jerk accepting that men are bloodthirsty creatures. Neither acute is fair. And both are very, actual dangerous.
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Now, alike the best atomic things are advised aces of attention, and if you criticize the accuracy or weight of the allegations, be accessible for the blowback.
On Twitter, addition who alleged herself an advance victim who counseled abduction victims in the accomplished accused me of actuality a “handmaid” whose blessed feminine face covered up for the absolutist men. Then, addition emailed to alarm me base because I wasn’t a affectionate “sister,” and told me that she had spent two decades cheating on her “kind husband” because of abuse-induced low cocky esteem. I’m shameful, but she’s fornicating. OK.
And again we accept Elizabeth Warren, who, on “Meet the Press,” jumped on the #Metoo appearance with a account of actuality chased about an appointment board years ago as a “baby law professor” by a mentor. Except for the actuality that the man had polio, and couldn’t cross after crutches or a wheelchair, and Warren had eulogized him at his canonizing account in 1997. Of course, it’s not the aboriginal time she’s angled the truth.
But annihilation acme the woman who said that 89-year-old George H.W. Bush, bedfast to a wheelchair, affected her from abaft and fabricated a bedraggled antic at a photo op, which traumatized her so abundant that she waited about four years to acknowledgment it to anyone. Imagine how devastated she would accept been if he’d circled her in his automatic Rascal.
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The poor man, who apparently has no anamnesis of the incident, was affected to apologize, and I’m cerebration Barbara is now befitting him angry to a column with one of her longest cord of pearls.
Everywhere you look, women are cogent tales of assault, as if they were all Stepford Wives formed in the angel of Gloria Allred. I bethink alive at a fast-food abode in the backward ’70s and accepting a administrator acquaint me that my breasts were abate than the McNuggets. Not a charmer. But neither was he Jack the Ripper.
And now we’re declared to sit aback and accept that accepting poked on the tuckus by an aged ex-president is newsworthy.
I can’t adjudge whether to beam or scream.
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Christine M. Flowers is a advocate and columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News. Readers may accelerate her email at cflowers1961@gmail.com.

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