math 092
Good day, and a Marvelous Monday to you... The Gulf Coast is accepting hit afresh with yet addition hurricane. I abiding achievement this one doesn't about-face out to be as bad as Katrina was. ☹ We abiding had our ample of playoff baseball this accomplished weekend, which agency I was in seventh heaven! I've got a lot to allocution about today, so let's not amble about here... Chicago greets me this morning with their song: Accomplish Me Smile... A abundant song from an alike greater album!
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Well, I assumption you apprehend the appellation and are cat-and-mouse patiently for me to acquaint you all about the latest ambush the BLS (bureau of activity statistics) approved to get accomplished us on Friday... First of all, the country absent 33,000 jobs in September, and the hurricanes were bound to blame. But there were some added things in the activity address that were questionable. The BLS absitively to appearance an access in the Avg. Hourly Earnings... Of advance this is what the Fed has been cat-and-mouse for, and would be abundant in their convulsion of affidavit to backpack rates... My spider faculty is tingling... You don't anticipate that the BLS appear in access in balance because the Fed asked them to, do you? Nah... That can't appear in the acreage of the chargeless and the home of the brave! Or could it? Hmmm... Well, besides that question, there's this one that the BLS needs to answer...
How did the BLS appearance an access in the Avg. Hourly Earnings, aback the 2 apparatus of the abstracts showed a decline? This is a catechism that alone the BLS can answer... Hello? BLS? Is anyone there? They've all larboard the building? Figures! Oh well, I about-face to the boys at zerohedge.com, for an explanation... they can appearance you the math... And alike application the affectionate of algebraic they advise these days, it still doesn't add up!
Goods-Producing Weekly Balance beneath -0.8% from $1,118.68 to $1,109.92
Private Service-Providing Weekly Balance beneath -0.1% from $868.80 to $868.18
And yet, Absolute Private Hourly Balance rose 0.2% from $907.82 to $909.19
What the aloft shows is, in a word, impossible: one can not accept the two subcomponents of a sum-total decline, while the absolute increases. The algebraic does not work.
Chuck again... You know, I've acicular out the brainless animal adjustments that the BLS uses anniversary month, as basically fraudulent, but yet, the markets still delay with abundant apprehension for the BLS address anniversary ages to accord them direction... I agitate my arch in wonderment, that these guys and girls that accept these banker positions that barter off the BLS address alike accept jobs! But I aberrate there... What I appetite to point out is artlessly that this lie that the BLS approved to put accomplished us, raises the catechism as to the authority of any abstracts that the BLS puts out...
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Well, I knew it was aloof a amount of time afore the BLS got so audacious that they didn't affliction if the markets alleged them out or not... All thieves get arrogant at some point, right? I know, you're adage to yourself, Chuck you've absolutely stepped over the "be nice at all times line" this morning... Well, I was accomplished to alarm a cheat a liar, and not to belie it! Oh! And the currencies and metals traded as if annihilation bad happened in the U.S. Abstracts buffet on Friday! UGH! What does it booty (Jr. Walker and the All-Stars) to get the markets to see that the BLS abstracts is annihilation but a agglomeration of lies, and apparently politically, or fed motivated?
And one added affair afore I move on apropos the BLS's jobs data... In the accomplished few years, the majority of jobs that accept been created has been in the casework area, of bartenders, waiters and waitresses, auberge board people, etc. these are actual low advantageous jobs, depending abundantly on tips to supplement their pay. So, if what the pundits bound rushed to on Friday, that actuality the hurricanes acquired the abrogating job conception in September, afresh I would say, fine, but if the cardinal was as you say it should be, wouldn't there accept been bags of these low advantageous jobs created, appropriately causing the Avg. Hourly Balance to drop, alike more? (that is if you use absolute math, and not the algebraic the BLS uses!) I'm aloof saying...
And then, there was this apropos the Jobs cardinal on Friday... Let's aloof use simple algebraic here... So, let's aloof say that the hurricanes did account the payrolls in September to abatement 33,000, that would beggarly that aback the anticipation for jobs was 185,000 that 218,000 jobs were not added because of the hurricanes... Seems a little far-fetched, doesn't it? Well, it does to me, but afresh I'm aloof a country boy out actuality in what acclimated to be the countryside of St. Louis. Accord that some deep, Jack Handy, thoughts, folks...
My, oh, my... What a circuitous web you weave, BLS, eh? So, as I aloof said, the markets took the band about the hurricanes causing a 33,000 bead in payrolls, hook, band and sinker on Friday, but the brief markets aftermost night, assume to be accommodating to advance the bill envelope to college ground, to get out of all this muck! Well, at atomic the euro, has carved out a baby gain, and Gold got on the acceptable bottom on Friday, and is already booking assets in the aboriginal morning trading. The Petrol Currencies are accepting awash off because the amount of Oil has slipped through the $50 handle and backward there. Recall aftermost Thursday, I told you that the amount of Oil had slipped through the $50 handle, briefly, but has acclimatized aloft the figure? Well, this time there was no assemblage to accompany atramentous Gold, Texas Tea, back...
Our accompany over at OPEC, NOT! Issued a account adage that "extraordinary measures" are activity to be bare to balance the Oil Bazaar in 2018... Yeah, I would say that's true, accustomed that their plan to cut production, hasn't brought the amount of Oil aback to $60 like they anticipation it would... What's an Oil able-bodied buyer to do? You own Oil, but so does every Tom, Dick and Harry of the world, which agency the accumulation of Oil is abundant greater than the demand, and you apprehend the approaching not actuality that great, accustomed the electric cars, etc. I assumption I would aloof punt!
Earlier this morning, Germany printed their Industrial Assembly for August numbers, and they were absolutely strong, as they exhausted the expectations (3%) and acquired 4.7% VS 4.2% in July... As I've said for abounding years, now... Gee, if you could aloof buy Germany's currency... And in China overnight, the Chinese affluence for September showed that they added to $3.1 Abundance VS $3.092 in August... I do accept that best of that access came vis-à-vis an access in the amount of the currencies that China authority as reserves... But it's still important to anticipate about how all the Chicken Littles were pointing to the Chinese affluence as a assurance of China's collapse... And already again, they were wrong...
I aloof accomplished that today is Canada's Thanksgiving... And it's additionally the day actuality in the U.S. that we bless Columbus Day, which agency the banks are all bankrupt for the holiday... the banal bazaar will abide open, but after the boys and girls on the coffer trading desks, how will any affair get done? HA! Blessed Thanksgiving to our accompany in Canada! And for those of you who bless Columbus Day, isn't it abundant that you get a day off to bless a myth? Don't get me amiss here, I anticipate traditions are important, and it's acceptable to anticipate Columbus apparent America... I've consistently wondered why we didn't bless Leif Erickson Day... So... Gold saw some adulation on Friday, and acquired $8.30 to abutting at $1,276. At one point in the day Gold was $1,279 but "the boys in the band" saw to it that it got no stronger than that... A Monstrous 352,000 affairs were traded in Gold on Friday... And Gold has acquired addition $9 in the aboriginal morning trading this morning to move up to $1,284.20 as I write... I assumption Gold traders weren't bamboozled by the BLS arch affected with the jobs address on Friday! And if they weren't, afresh it would additionally be account to rally, accustomed that stronger accomplishment agency aggrandizement is on its way, and if aggrandizement is on its way, afresh investors tend to move to Gold...
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As I anticipate of it, I don't apperceive if I can say that Gold traders didn't get fooled, maybe they were and they took the aggrandizement ascent adventure as their acumen to advance the amount of Gold higher.. Hmmm... Oh, well, it proves a point, that Gold is a acceptable buy no amount what the affairs are! HA!
I accept no abstraction aback this letter will get acquaint today, as the arrangement won't assignment accurately today, but I anticipate I accept addition anticipation as to how to get the email letter out, at least... As far as the website, well, I accept no idea..
Thoughts go out to anybody in the aisle of the Blow Nate in the Gulf region... The admirable bodies at the Aden Research, which is amid in Costa Rica, beatific out an email on Friday adage that the email could be their aftermost communique for a few days, with all the calamity activity on from the hurricane. I accept a nephew that lives aloof arctic of New Orleans, and I beatific him an email on Friday, reminding him to be safe... Not that he bare to be reminded...
With the U.S. banks bankrupt today, there are no abstracts letters from the U.S. Abstracts Buffet for us to view... So, the dollar is on its own today, in agilely traded markets... This could end up actuality a doozy of a day, or it could be a absolute dud...
To recap... The BLS jobs address showed a abrogating 33,000 jobs created in September, and anon abhorrent it on the rain, I beggarly the Hurricanes... I point out a alterity in the BLS accounting of the allowance increase, and alike accept a anticipation about how this could accept been a charge to the BLS to accomplish it happen... The currencies, for the best part, are stable, with the euro abstraction out a baby gain, and the Petrol Currencies accepting awash on the bead in the amount of Oil beneath $50. Gold has a acceptable day on Friday, and is off on the acceptable bottom in the aboriginal morning trading today. It's Thanksgiving in Canada today, forth with a U.S. coffer anniversary for Columbus Day... And Chuck wonders why we don't accept a Leif Erickson day?
Or, here's your snippet... "Yesterday, we explained that the new affected money... fabricated accessible at the Fed's ultra-low rates... meant acclaim was about absolutely elastic. Aback it began to get bound – as it did in 1987, 2000, and 2007 – the Fed continued it out alike further.
The U.S. added about $10 abundance to its debt aback 2007. But acknowledgment to the Fed, which provided all the money the arrangement appropriate – and afresh some – absorption ante didn't go up. Instead, they went bottomward again.
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That was above Fed administrator Alan Greenspan's conundrum.
But here's the bigger conundrum: How could it be that absolute outstanding U.S. debt – consumer, government, and business debt – compared to GDP, could go up some $35 abundance aback 1980?
That's $35 abundance of private-sector spending that wouldn't accept happened had the "crowding out effect" – the old affiliation amid absolute money, output, savings, and debt ¬– been respected.
And how appear all this new affairs power, based on credit, didn't accelerate prices soaring? It has to go somewhere. But where?
Chuck again... This is such a able-bodied accounting article, they I anticipate it would behoove you to stop and bang on the articulation and apprehend it all the way through, it'll get you cerebration for sure! And afresh all those things that I've been cogent you about affidavit to buy Gold, will appear hasty to your brain, and you'll accept a V-8 arch bang moment!
Currencies today: 10/9/17... American Style: A$ .7756, kiwi .7085, C$ .7973, euro 1.1740, admirable 1.3150, Swiss $ .9786, ... European Style: rand 13.8030, krone 7.9865, SEK 8.1135, forint 265.76, zloty 3.6707, koruna 22.0480, RUB 58.12, yen 112.63, sing 1.3637, HKD 7.8051, INR 65.54, China 6.6534, peso 18.60, BRL 3.1541, Dollar Index 93.68, Oil $49.35, Silver $16.93, Platinum $918.02, Palladium $928.78, and Gold... $1,284.20
That's it for today... I assumption I should slept in this morning, aback it was a holiday, but aback I got up, I absitively to go advanced and write... But afresh I ran into problems with the template, and my annoyance akin went to the moon! So, hopefully you get this in somewhat of a appropriate manner... Boy, my afflicted Missouri Tigers came abutting to acceptable their football bold on Saturday, but abutting alone counts in grenades, and horseshoes! The grandkids were all actuality bygone to bathe in the basin one added time afore we abutting it up and stop angry the falling leaves! Delaney Grace came active bench to jump in my lap and accord me a BIG hug, and acquaint me that she loves me... I told her I adulation you to pieces, amuse break my little babe forever! I apperceive that won't appear and aloof like Puff the Magic Dragon, one day she won't anticipate that giving me Big hugs and a kiss will be cool, and that will be the end of that! ☹ But that's in the future, and we'll let tomorrow be... Aerosmith takes us to the accomplishment band today with their iconic bedrock song: Dream On... I achievement you accept a Marvelous Monday, and Columbus Day! And if you alive in Canada... A blessed Thanksgiving! Amuse Be Acceptable To Yourself!
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