t12 compression fracture icd 10
This affection postulates a beginning bend on the role of one of the fastest growing procedures in the interventional radiology arena, vertebroplasty. In patients with osteoporosis, this address can amusement compression fractures with a abundant amount of capability and allay affection of pain; in addition, clinicians are accretion break for vertebroplasty into analysis of analgesic fractures acquired by malignancy. For a snapshot in time of the best the analytic abstract has to action apropos this key topic, amuse cross this easy-to-access accumulating of contempo MEDLINE abstracts aggregate by the editors at Medscape Radiology.
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Kang JD, An H, Boden S, Phillips F, Foley K, Abdu WSpine. 2003;28:S62-S63
Emerging techniques and technologies in alleviative analgesic disorders arise to be actual promising. Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are new techniques that accept been developed for alleviative osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with aboriginal able analytic results. More adult and technically avant-garde methods of surgical aeronautics are additionally actuality developed as analgesic anaplasty moves against beneath invasive or minimally invasive procedures. Amount effectiveness, aggravation rates, and analytic ability charge to be bigger authentic to actuate the exact role of these arising techniques and technologies.
Phillips FMSpine. 2003;28:S45-S53
Study Design: A abstract analysis of adventures with vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty for alleviative symptomatic, osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (VCFs).Objective: To abridge the advantages and disadvantages of kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty.Summary of Background: Osteoporotic VCFs are a arch account of affliction and anguish in the elderly. The after-effects of osteoporotic VCFs (pain and generally accelerating vertebral collapse with resultant analgesic kyphosis) abnormally affect affection of life, concrete function, brainy health, and survival. Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are minimally invasive procedures for alleviative aching fractures. Vertebroplasty entails the percutaneous bang of cartilage adhesive into the burst vertebra in attempts to balance the breach and abate pain. Kyphoplasty addresses affliction and kyphotic aberration by the percutaneous amplification of an inflatable cartilage charge to aftereffect breach abridgement afore adhesive degradation in a burst vertebra.Methods: A abstract analysis of surgical techniques, indications, analytic results, and complications for vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty.Results: Studies of vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty accept appear accomplished affliction abatement and bigger action in best patients with osteoporotic VCFs. Vertebroplasty has the advantage of actuality almost quick and inexpensive. Kyphoplasty, while associated with added amount and surgical time, offers the abeyant to advance analgesic alignment. In addition, by creating an intravertebral cavity, kyphoplasty reduces the accident of extravertebral cartilage accompaniment extravasation.Conclusions: Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are currently acclimated to amusement osteoporotic VCFs with acknowledged concise results. Prospective, randomized studies comparing these procedures to one addition and comparing their abiding outcomes to accepted medical administration are adapted to ascertain absolute roles of these agitative treatments in the aback physician's armamentarium.
Gangi A, Guth S, Imbert JP, Marin H, Dietemann JLRadiographics. 2003;23(2):e10
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The authors call a committed ameliorative vertebroplasty address that uses anew advised instruments, acrylic cement, and bifold advice with ultrasonography and computed tomography for affliction ascendancy in patients with cartilage failure, and address their experience. Amid 1990 and 2002, they performed 868 percutaneous cementoplasty procedures in patients with astringent osteoporosis, vertebral tumors, and adapted hemangiomas. In patients with osteoporosis, satisfactory after-effects were acquired in 78% of cases; in patients with vertebral tumors, satisfactory after-effects were acquired in 83% of cases; and in patients with hemangiomas, satisfactory after-effects were acquired in 73% of cases. In the all-around alternation of 868 cementoplasties, an epidural aperture was empiric in 15 cases, which acquired neuralgia in alone three patients afterwards analgesic bond compression. In two patients, an asymptomatic pulmonary array was detected. The aggravate of the new vertebroplasty set is advised with ancillary wings for easier circling and removal. The spiral syringe increases the attention of injection. The accident of aperture is essentially reduced. The arrangement is safe, reduces the adhesive abetment time, and allows accomplished ascendancy of the injection. The authors performed 130 vertebroplasties with this arrangement afterwards above complications.
Jang JS, Kim DY, Lee SHSpine. 2003;28:1588-1592
Study Design: A attendant analytic abstraction on the aftereffect of percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) in the analysis of intravertebral pseudarthrosis acquired by avascular afterlife of a vertebral body.Objectives: To appraise the ability of PVP in the analysis of analgesic alternation associated with avascular necrosis.Summary of Background: Two radiologic actualization of avascular afterlife of a vertebral anatomy are intravertebral exhaustion abnormality and aqueous collection, accumulated with a burst vertebra. These can sometimes aftereffect in activating alternation due to intravertebral pseudarthrosis. A analysis for this instability, associated with avascular necrosis, has not been established.Method: Sixteen patients with instability, associated with avascular afterlife of a vertebral body, were advised by PVP. The indicators of the action included analgesic alternation associated with avascular necrosis, which was diagnosed by a exhaustion abnormality or by aqueous accumulating in the vertebral anatomy as begin from imaging studies. The alternation of the vertebral anatomy was accepted from the activating crabbed actualization in both flexion and extension. The antecedent anatomy acme and kyphotic bend changes amid pre- and post-treatment were abstinent on a crabbed radiograph. Plain radiography was acclimated during the aftereffect aeon (8-14 months; mean, 11 months) to appraise the vertebral cavalcade stability. The affliction akin of anniversary accommodating was assessed, both afore and afterwards the procedure, application a beheld analog calibration (VAS), alignment from 0 to 10. Marked or complete affliction abatement was accomplished in eight (50%) patients, and abstinent affliction abatement in six (38%), with the actual postoperative boilerplate affliction account bargain from 9.0 to 4.3. The beggarly adapted bend and vertebral acme amid pre- and post-treatment were 8.5 degrees and 7.0 mm (P =0.001), respectively. There was no cogent change in the kyphotic bend of the advised akin during the aftereffect aeon (P =0.711).Conclusions: Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a reasonable action for the analysis of analgesic alternation associated with avascular necrosis, but not that acquired by an infection. PVP was begin to be a minimally invasive and able action that provides affliction abatement and stabilization of analgesic alternation associated with noninfected avascular afterlife of the vertebral body.
Stallmeyer MJ, Zoarski GH, Obuchowski AMJ Vasc Interv Radiol. 2003;14:683-696
Percutaneous vertebroplasty has emerged as an able address for analysis of aching vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) acquired by osteoporosis, malignancy, and some amiable cartilage tumors. In selecting adapted patients for vertebroplasty, it is important to analyze the affliction acquired by VCF from added abundant causes of aback pain. Careful adherence to analytic and imaging alternative belief is astute to procedural success.
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Lemke DM, Hacein-Bey LJ Neurosci Nurs. 2003;35:50-55
Quality of action issues abide at the beginning for individuals with life-threatening disease, such as metastatic cancer. The affliction of metastatic cartilage blight can acutely bassinet an individual's affection of life. Percutaneous vertebroplasty offers a minimally invasive way to reinforce awkward elements, accommodate abundant advance in affliction control, acquiesce for mobilization, and all-embracing advance affection of action in these patients.
Peh WC, Gelbart MS, Gilula LA, Peck DDAJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003;180:1411-1417
Objective: This abstraction was undertaken to actuate the ability of percutaneous vertebroplasty in alleviative patients with aching compression fractures of the thoracic and lumbar base that accommodate intraosseous exhaustion phenomena.Materials and Methods: Nineteen cases of aching vertebral compression fractures with intraosseous phenomena occurring in 18 patients (six men, 12 women; age range, 59-88 years; beggarly age, 75.5 years) were articular from 393 percutaneous vertebroplasties performed in 199 patients during 32 and a bisected months. All patients had osteoporosis, with astringent vertebral compression to beneath than one third of the vertebral anatomy acme in 13 of 19 cases. Affected levels were T6 (n = 1), T8 (n = 2), T9 (n = 1), T11 (n = 1), T12 (n = 4), L1 (n = 5), L2 (n = 2), L3 (n = 1), L4 (n = 1), and L5 (n = 1). All cases had the archetypal intravertebral anatomy exhaustion broken actualization on radiographs. Imaging and analytic actualization were analyzed.Results: The beggarly aggregate of polymethyl methacrylate injected was 7.43 mL (range, 4.0-15.0 mL). Typically, the polymethyl methacrylate abounding the intravertebral exhaustion cleft. Complications during radiography consisted of basal polymethyl methacrylate arising into the adjoining deejay (15/19 cases) and the paravertebral bendable tissues (8/19 cases). No complications adapted surgical intervention. At analytic follow-up, affliction abatement was complete in eight patients (44.4%), fractional in six patients (33.3%), and banausic in four patients (22.2%).Conclusions: Percutaneous vertebroplasty is able in the analysis of patients with aching vertebral compression fractures with intraosseous exhaustion phenomena.
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Phillips FM, Pfeifer BA, Lieberman IH, Kerr EJ III, Choi IS, Pazianos AGInstr Advance Lect. 2003;52:559-567
Although nonsurgical analysis of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures, including medication, exercise, bracing, and bed rest, accept been analytic effective, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty accept acquired as admired accessory analysis options. Over the accomplished decade, vertebroplasty, which involves the percutaneous bang of cartilage adhesive anon into the burst vertebral body, has been acclimated as a analysis for aching osteoporotic vertebral anatomy compression fractures, a arch account of anguish in the elderly. Kyphoplasty, addition minimally invasive action that allows for alteration of analgesic aberration and for controlled adhesive bushing of the burst vertebral body, involves the percutaneous cannulation of the vertebral anatomy followed by the adjustment of an inflatable cartilage tamp. Appear after-effects for both vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty advance accelerated advance in affliction and concrete action in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Kyphoplasty allows for airy adhesive bang and affords the befalling to actual analgesic deformity. Further abstraction is adapted to ascertain the absolute indications, timing, and about claim of these techniques.
Kim DH, Silber JS, Albert TJInstr Advance Lect. 2003;52:541-550
Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures are a frequently encountered analytic problem. Although the majority of patients with this abrasion acquaintance a amiable and self-limited advance of gradually absolute pain, a cogent cardinal abide to acquaintance abiding affliction and disability. In evaluating a accommodating with a vertebral compression fracture, the cogwheel analysis charge accede not alone osteoporosis, but additionally assorted causes of osteomalacia, endocrinopathy, and malignancy. Accumulation of assorted compression fractures and added thoracolumbar bulge are associated with a poor prognosis. Assorted medical treatments--including hormone backup therapy, calcitonin, and bisphosphonates--are able in advancement or accretion cartilage accumulation and abbreviation the accident of compression fracture. Accepted analysis in the anatomy of affliction medication, action limitation, and occasionally animating is able in abiding best patients to their antecedent akin of functioning. When therapies fail, patients may be advised for minimally invasive treatments such as vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. Surgery, although awfully arduous because of poor basal bloom cachet and structurally anemic bone, may be the aftermost resort for a baby allotment of patients experiencing accelerating aberration or neurologic deficit.
Kirsner KMAANA J. 2003;71:55-62
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Caring for patients with blight presents different challenges to anesthetists. Chemotherapeutic regimens can account cardiac, pulmonary, and added complications that will access the anesthesia provider's care. New surgical techniques, including vertebroplasty, vertebrectomy, radiofrequency ablation of the liver, and bouncer bulge biopsy, present issues accompanying to the surgical techniques and drugs administered. Alternating problems, including tumors of the airway and cardiac tamponade, abide to present challenges for anesthesia providers. Many patients with blight who abide anaplasty not alone accept astute affliction accompanying to the surgical action but additionally accept abiding affliction that will access analgesic and postoperative affliction management. This Journal advance discusses new therapies and procedures and approaches to alternating problems in blight care.
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