flower painting for beginners

Library District Accessible Meeting: 6 p.m. 204 Second St., Wallowa, hosted by the Wallowa County Library Foundation. Learn about the proposed Library District that will be on the election in May 2018.
Food Giveway: Apex 204 Second St., Wallowa, sponsored by Wallowa Alpha Aliment Alliance. Perishable aliment available.
Adult Adobe Chic with Mellica McIntire: 9 a.m. to apex Josephy Center, 403 Main St, Joseph. josephy.org
Life Cartoon with Sam Collett: 7 p.m. Josephy Center, 403 North Main, Joseph. Collett will be teaching a cartoon chic about cartoon the animal amount with a alive model. All abilities are welcome. josephy.org
Wallowa County Rotary Club: Apex Catholic Church of St. Katherine, 301 E. Garfield, Enterprise.
Library District Accessible Meeting: 6 p.m. Josephy Center, 403 N. Main, Joseph, hosted by the Wallowa County Library Foundation. Learn about the proposed Library District that will be on the election in May 2018.
Wallowa County Chess Club: 4 p.m. Josephy Center, 403 Main St, Joseph. Visitors and players of all levels are welcome. josephy.org
FRIDAY, Oct. 13

Flu shots chargeless for veterans: Enterprise VA Clinic, 8:30 a.m. to apex and 12:30 to 3 p.m. Veterans charge to appearance accurate identification. No arrangement necessary.
Food Giveway: Apex 204 Second St., Wallowa, sponsored by Wallowa Alpha Aliment Alliance. Perishable aliment available.
Joseph Center Youth Art Friday: Josephy Center, 403 Main St, Joseph. Mornings with Mary for 5-8 year olds, 10-11 a.m.; backward morning Adobe 1 with Mel for 7-12 year olds, 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.; midday Adobe 2 with Mel for avant-garde adobe students, 12:30-2 p.m.; adolescence and developed painting with Jenny, 2-4 p.m.; afternoon cartoon with Mel for 8-13 year olds, 3-5 p.m. Begins Sept. 15. josephy.org
Teen Cartoon and Painting Classes: 2-4 p.m. Josephy Center, 403 Main St, Joseph. Jennifer Klimsza instructor. josephy.org.
Parent-Child Playgroups: 9:30 a.m. Building Healthy Families, Enterprise. Songs, stories, candy and activities absorption on developing kindergarten address skills.
Hurricane Creek Grange Breakfast: 7-10 a.m. Hurricane Creek Grange alfresco of Joseph. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, orange abstract coffee and biscuits, $8 per person, $4 for those beneath 12.
Flora School assignment party: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the ability in Flora, sponsored by Flora School Education Center. Bring a sack lunch, abrasion grubbies and dress in layers to break warm. A School Days Committee affair to agree the new calendar will be captivated in the afternoon.
Pomona Grange Quarterly Meeting: 10 a.m. at Northend Grange in Flora. Election admiral for the abutting two years is on the agenda.

Flower Baton Workshop: noon, Josephy Center, 403 North Main, Joseph. Laina Nedrow will advise how to architecture and assemble a annual baton with a base, and how to use alpha flowers to carve about that base.
Tunesmith Night: 7 p.m. Gold Room at the Jennings Hotel, 100 North Main, Joseph. Wanderlodge from Portland and Jezebel’s Mother from Wallowa County performing.
Wallowa County Farmers Market: 10 a.m. city Joseph. Alive music.
MONDAY, Oct. 16
Soroptimist Thrift Shop 60th Anniversary Celebration: 1-3 p.m. 105 NE 1st St., Enterprise. Drawings for prizes anniversary hour alpha at 10 a.m.
Adult adobe chic with Mellica McIntire: 9 a.m. to apex Josephy Center, 403 Main St, Joseph. josephy.org
TUESDAY, Oct. 17
Adult Cartoon and Painting Classes: 9-11 a.m. Josephy Center, 403 Main St, Joseph. Jennifer Klimsza instructor. josephy.org.
Still Life Cartoon Chic with Sam Collett: 3 p.m. Josephy Center, 403 North Main, Joseph. For abecedarian drawers acquirements to draw what you see. Learn cartoon from blemish or aces up area you larboard off in a safe, adorning place. josephy.org

Story time: 10 a.m. Wallowa County Library, 207 W Logan St., Enterprise. Circle time, adventure time and action for accouchement 0-5.
Twigs and Tails Adventure Hour: Apex Wallowology 508 N. Main St., Joseph. Hosted by Wallowa County Library.
Brown Bag Cafeteria Lecture Series: Apex Josephy Center, 403 North Main St., Joseph. Brock Evans will be the keynote speaker. Evans is admiral of the Endangered Species Coalition and is complex with a cardinal of ecology organizations. Chargeless and accessible to the public. Bring a cafeteria if you like. Tea and coffee are provided. Visit josephy.org for appointed speakers and topics.
Monday, Oct. 16 –– Wallowa County Commission, 9 a.m., Wallowa County Courthouse, Enterprise.
Tuesday, Oct. 17 –– Wallowa County Weed Board, 5 p.m., 401 NE First St., Enterprise..
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