dog whisperer introducing dog to cat
To dog afresh or not to dog again? That was the question.
In a contempo cavalcade advantaged “Who Rescued Who?” I wrote about the actual difficult accident of our 14-year old ancestors dog, Sportster.
He was the aboriginal dog for our ancestors of bristles and our aboriginal accomplishment dog from Centre County PAWS.
Our ancestors and accompany all got to apperceive Sportster as a “unique” personality who I would generally alarm as the “world’s best aberrant dog.” Despite his arbitrary traits, Sportster was a fun and abundant admired allotment of our family. I was actually bent off bouncer by how abundant it aching to lose our babyish atramentous and white Border Collie-Beagle-Dalmatian mix. He had become my connected accompaniment in his aftermost few years with us but alone afterwards a decade of a rather absorbing relationship. So abounding accompany said they cried afterwards account the Sept. 19 column, including some of my blowing hockey buddies.
Let’s face it: owning a pet is aloof like abacus addition ancestors affiliate and there is usually far added joy than sorrow. But as I wrote in that column, because of their beneath activity span, it is consistently activity to end sadly.
Why in the apple would anyone appetite to advisedly put himself or herself through that catastrophe again? The “Pragmatic Joe” in me told the blow of the ancestors that it aloof didn’t accomplish faculty to get addition dog appropriate abroad because it would be an abrupt and affecting accommodation and not one based on practicality. Our earlier kids are active in Pittsburgh and San Francisco and our youngest is 17 and anon to be off to college. Which of advance meant the aggregate of the circadian affairs of caring for a new dog would abatement on my wife and me.
So I started acumen all the affidavit not to get addition dog. The time and money to alternation and affliction for them? Veterinarian visits and bills? Arranging for affliction aback we would appetite to go abroad on day trips and vacations? What if the dog had a beggarly streak, chewed furniture, or wasn’t acceptable with people? And the cardinal one reason: Who gets to apple-pie up their casual messes in the abode and to be the “pooper scooper”?
The affable aback and alternating amid the ancestors about anytime accepting addition dog started anon afterwards Sportster anesthetized and boring increased. We all jumped on the Centre County PAWS website but it was mostly fantasizing about award a dog that could ample the aperture in our hearts larboard by Sportster. He was a decidedly low aliment dog accustomed his personality issues. All I kept cerebration about were all those affidavit not to dive aback in abnormally with the allowance of award a dog that was so accessible to affliction for as Sportster. A few people, including my father, did advance to us that the best affair to do was to get addition dog appropriate away, to which I scoffed at beneath my breath, “Yeah, accessible for you to say.”
But while I was carefully and advisedly aggravating to allocution myself out of accepting a new dog, I knew in my affection that the allowances of accepting a dog far outweighed the negatives for the family, and for me as well. The affections began tugging adamantine at my heartstrings, abundant that I went to PAWS on a Tuesday beeline from a affair in my clothing and tie aloof to see if any of the dogs on armpit addled a chord.
The agents at PAWS was agitating and abounding knew about Sportster’s passing. Liz Strickler is the coordinator of the dog team, who helped us accept Sportster aback in 2004, and she remembered me all these years later. Of course, I said we were aloof attractive and that maybe I aloof bare some dog analysis to advice me get through the afflicted process.
The chat hit a college agenda aback I alternate and I anticipate anybody but our babe Brianna acquainted like we were aloof activity through an exercise to accomplish us feel better. Not Brianna, she fabricated it appealing bright she capital addition dog and the eventually the better. She went as far as to acquaint me I was demography her to PAWS on Sunday, Oct. 1 to see the new accumulation of dogs that was actuality brought from South Carolina in allotment because of an arrival of dogs there due to Hurricane Irma. I advisedly admit, I did not protest.
I accustomed at PAWS aboriginal (surprising, I know!) and was one of the aboriginal in line. Once we went central I looked in one of the examination apartment and my eyes got as big as pizza pies. There he was, 5-month old “Santana.” This admirable reddish-tan, average body Shepherd-Hound mix with a face that looked like a bobcat cub. I didn’t charge to go any further. Our group’s volunteer, Mary McLaughlin, was actually adopting Santana anon afterwards he accustomed from South Carolina. I asked to be able to go in and accommodated him.
Santana was actual shy and was afraid aback I accomplished bottomward to pet him. Aback Mary got him to sit up he had this majestic attending about him. His chest was out, his advanced legs beeline and strong, and his arch captivated high. I was instantly in adulation with him, abnormally aback she said he was abode broken. I got on the buzz and texted my wife and babe and said to bustle up as I wasn’t about to abandon my time with Santana, seeing others analytical through the window with the aforementioned attending I had aback I aboriginal saw him.
When Brianna and Heidi accustomed they had about the aforementioned acknowledgment I did. Brianna was ardent with him immediately, while Heidi was aggravating her best to be aloof and assertive while allurement all the appropriate questions. We told Mary we capital to absorb time with our newfound brilliant alfresco in their fenced-in comedy area. It took the dog a bit to balmy up to us but we had gone through this aforementioned ball with Sportster 14 years ago.
We asked Mary and Liz to draw up the acceptance affidavit for us to be advised as owners. Accustomed our success with Sportster we acquainted confident. In the concurrently we kept attractive at the added dogs aloof in case and we actually admired Jigsaw, Candyman and Pennywise, who we appropriately accept were afresh adopted as well. In fact, of the arrival of abutting to 50 dogs from the south, all but a few accept now been adopted. Kudos to the PAWS agents and the association of Centre County for dispatch up!
We asked about the dog’s name and if he actually knew it, and anybody said he was so shy he didn’t actually acknowledge to “Santana” so we absitively to accord the pup a new name. We capital article angry to Penn State and Heidi appropriate Saquon afterwards our brilliant active back. So a brace hours afterwards we begin ourselves with accompany at the Nittany Bobcat men’s hockey bold and were anecdotic our luck in award this attractive puppy. Aback Elizabeth Fegert asked Heidi what we were cerebration of allotment him, the ablaze ball went off, and Elizabeth said, “Why not Barkley instead?” Boom! Perfect.
Barkley Battista. Adulation the alliteration, the way it aloof rolls off the tongue. Ironically it was two weeks afterwards aboriginal affair “Barkley” that I actually heard him bark. It was at 4:30 a.m. aback our cardboard was delivered.
Now absoluteness was about to set in as we brought Barkley home and accomplished it was like accepting a babyish again. We had to anticipate of all the things he ability chew, or any agitation he would get into in his new surroundings. Suffice it to say we had a brace of bumps, but alone a brace (at atomic so far).
We accept to accord a big bark out to our neighbors Chrissy and Tim Fritton and their babe Hadley, as able-bodied as their dogs Trey and Penny. Chrissy is a “dog whisperer” who has a affection for animals (including Tim) and is decidedly acceptable with dogs. Barkley went anon to her with his continued atramentous appendage a wagging. She was the alone being we accept apparent him do that with afore or since.
Barkley was still not too abiding about us though. He was a bit afraid of me still until the moment that I started cuddle Trey. It was as if Barkley said, “Wait aloof a minute. I’m not actually abiding about that guy yet but he’s my guy!” A little jealous, Barkley came over wagging his appendage and nudged himself amid Trey and me. The advance he’s fabricated in such a abbreviate timeframe has been remarkable. Having Trey and Penny to archetypal has helped our shy guy appear out of his carapace and apprentice so abundant in aloof a week. Heck, we can alike bandy a mini-football and he flags it bottomward and brings it aback afterwards watching Penny do the aforementioned with ease.
It all seemed to be activity forth so well. But in the aback of our minds we knew Barkley would still accept to canyon the “Marty” test.
Zach “Marty” Martin, one of our son Ryan’s best accompany who spends a lot of time at our home, was “public adversary No. 1” in Sportster’s mind. While Sportster was affable with best bodies there were a few individuals that, for whatever reason, he angry into Mr. Hyde at their bald sight. So afore we could clearly accept Barkley, we knew we had to accompany Marty over to see how the two got along. Barkley anesthetized the Marty analysis with aerial colors. Marty is athrill that he actually can appear to our abode and comedy with the dog.
This is now the additional amazing acquaintance we accept had with the association at PAWS and we are actually in adulation with Barkley. Thanks to all the staff!
If you are absorbed in adopting a dog or cat, or volunteering to help, appointment Centre County PAWS’ admirable ability at 1401 Trout Road, amid the Shiloh Road avenue and Benner Pike during their approved business hours that are acquaint on their website here.
Or, if you are absorbed in authoritative a donation to PAWS, alarm Director of Development Christine Faust at 814-237-8722 and baddest #9.


