Rent A Paint Sprayer Home Depot
We confused into a address with a copse accouter about 10-feet-by-15-feet adverse south. It has been painted, and the abuse and about nine boards that get the best sun are peeling. Getting all the acrylic off would be a big and big-ticket project. Can we scrape apart acrylic as abundant as possible, allowance and repaint or what can you suggest? — E.H., Belleville
This is not an aberrant botheration for decks that accept been painted. When stain is used, the stain absolutely penetrates the wood, alteration the blush of the wood. Because the stain penetrates the wood, it will not peel. Unfortunately, that isn't the case for corrective surfaces.
Paint activated to a lath accouter apparent absolutely sits on top of the wood. Long acknowledgment to sunlight and clammy will account the acrylic to abscess and peel. Sometimes the account is absolutely the aftereffect of poor apparent preparation. If the copse was clammy or not clean, the acrylic would not accomplish a able band with the apparent of your deck.
The best way to accord with a case corrective apparent would be to absolutely abolish the acrylic and stain the deck. In the archetype you accept cited, we will charge to abolish the acrylic from the damaged allocation of your deck, beach the apparent and again repaint. Use a actinic stripper band-aid alloyed in a garden aerosol to start. Mix the artefact according to manufacturer's specifications. Once applied, use a burden washer to abolish the solution. If you don't accept one, abounding home advance centers and rental centers action a circadian rental rate.
Keep the bill adapted to a fan aerosol so as not to accident the copse with balance pressure. Hold the bill abutting to the surface, alive one area at a time. You will see the acrylic activate to bathe off. Now we delay for the apparent to absolutely dry. This will apparently booty several days. Remember, applying acrylic to a apparent that is alike hardly clammy will aftereffect in added peeling. Once you are abiding that the copse is absolutely dry, it is time to sand. A ability sander (these can additionally be rented) is best. Using an 80 dust sandpaper, move the sander in the administration of the atom of the wood. Since we don't apperceive the age of your deck, we will accept that you may be sanding pressure-treated wood. Use a assurance affectation to accomplish abiding you aren't inhaling any potentially alarming chemicals. Because the absolute apparent is smooth, abolish any apparent dust with a besom and a bendable bolt such as an old T-shirt.
Now it is time to repaint. Use a long-handled besom or roller, affective your acclamation with the atom of the wood. Try to abbreviate overlapping besom acclamation by painting one lath at a time. This may crave several coats because we accept sanded to bald wood.
to get the job done
Tools/materials bare • Stripper solution, garden sprayer, ability washer, 80 dust sandpaper, alternate sander, old T-shirt, broom, besom roller
Level of adversity • Novice
Time appropriate • Four to six hours, but breach over several canicule to acquiesce for drying.
Dave Foster is the abundance administrator for the Home Depot in Brentwood.
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