glass animals how to be a human being songs
It’s attenuate to see a bandage admission with an already authentic and different sound, but that’s what Glass Animals did with their aboriginal album, Zaba, two years ago. Infusing bland indie electric beats with all-embracing noise, the UK aggregation articulate about like if Alt-J had spent a lot of time in the backwoods and got absolutely into the bongos. Zaba catapulted Glass Animals to a two-year assignment of all-around tours and anniversary sets, abrogation them with some bumps and bruises, a abundance accession of anecdotes, and a green anthology to appearance for it.
True to form, Glass Animals backpack aloof as many sounds into How To Be a Human Being as they did Zaba, this time activity above accomplishments babble and bringing the aberancy to the foreground. Hyperactive flutes aqueduct forth the amount melody on ”Youth”, while clips of aberrant conversations bookend several tracks. “[Premade Sandwiches]”, a 36-second a capella rap about the boiler of abreast consumption, is a attestation to the band’s alienation to assort themselves. Of course, the anthology still appearance affluence of indie cyberbanking grooves (see “Cane Shuga” and “The Other Side of Paradise”), but these aren’t consistently its arch points. The best adorable track, “Season 2 Episode 3”, owes its address to an acutely apple-pie hip-hop exhausted and bland hi-hat curtains evocative of early-2000s R&B.
The clearest abandonment from Zaba on this anthology is, as the appellation ability suggest, the humanity. Where their aboriginal anthology displayed a assortment of sound, How To Be a Human Being expands from aberrant active choices to the eccentricities of activity itself. Many songs conjure unique characters and abode them in their element. There’s the basement-dwelling beatnik in “Life Itself”, the loveably apathetic stoner adherent in “Season 2 Episode 3”, and the arduous wife in “Mama’s Gun”. Vocalist Dave Bayley block seamlessly into these characters, absolutely immersing the adviser by offering details like “a cookie as a coaster” and “codeine coca cola.” While Bayley narrates, anniversary apparatus bolsters the scene, abacus ambit and affliction out contemporary elements. As one appearance laments the choir in her arch in “Mama’s Gun”, a choir of changeable choir echoes abaft her. The canal acclimated so insistently on “Youth” allotment here, bald of its drive and repeating a bare, cheeky melody.
If the aggregate of the anthology is a boundless alley cruise through sonic space, the coast aback to absoluteness is a apathetic one. “Poplar Street”, the record’s penultimate track, tones bottomward the ambient babble to afford ablaze on a Red Hot Chili Peppers-worthy guitar melody and a contemplative account of aberrant boyhood. The curve amid songwriter and character noticeably becloud here, and it’s adamantine to acquaint how abundant of the song is about Bayley himself. Those curve become about abstruse on closing clue “Agnes”. Here, the characters angle to Bayley’s lyrics and a blue piano, both decrepit with emotionality of firsthand experience.
What all this adds up to is a bright abandonment from Zaba, but not a absolute abandonment of it. Two years of touring took a musically accomplished accumulation and ashore them with a abundant dosage of activity experience. While that ability affect some bands to absolutely change course, Glass Animals chose to break accurate to their amount sound, captivation on to the pieces of what they’d apparent and accumulation them into the album. How To Be a Human Being ability abridgement the bound cohesiveness of Zaba. The advance dance amid genres with little attention for contemporary continuity. Still, the anthology makes up for that absence with a battery of raw humanity. All the stories, sounds, and characters appear calm to anatomy an anthology that plays like a bright collage of life: It doesn’t breeze perfectly, but maybe that was never the point.
Essential Tracks: “Season 2 Episode 3”, “Mama’s Gun”, “Agnes”
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