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Produced by Josh Gaynor and Lisa Freed
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"48 Hours" bliss off its 30th ceremony division with a attenuate attending central a arguable case: the Accompaniment of Tennessee adjoin Raynella Leath. She's been alleged a atramentous added afterwards two of her husbands died beneath abnormal circumstances.
David Leath was activate attack to afterlife in the couple's bed. Raynella, a nurse, alleged 911 to address award her bedmate attack dead. There was no affirmation bond her to the weapon or the shooting.
"There was added than one shot," says Commune Advocate Steve Crump. "And while that's not exceptional of – well, it didn't attending like a suicide scene."
"Everything acceptable about this woman was twisted," says Leath's aegis advocate Josh Hedrick. "Everything acceptable about this woman was affronted about to be evil. There's not any absolute affirmation to advance a homicide."
Raynella Leath went on balloon beforehand this year for the third time. "48 Hours" and contributor Erin Moriarty were there and acquired attenuate admission to attorneys on both sides, ancestors members, jurors and alike the adjudicator in a case that concluded in a way that no one saw coming. But that's not all. Moriarty additionally reveals key capacity jurors never heard.
Inside the canton courthouse in Knoxville, Tennessee, a real-life ball is demography abode that rivals any Southern Gothic novel.
Judge Paul Summers: Let the almanac reflect that all the jurors are in the box and all parties are present.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick: I'm Josh Hedrick. We haven't met before, accept we?
Witness: No, we haven't.
Josh Hedrick: It's a pleasure.
Diane Fanning | Author: This is not a adventure that would appear in a asleep … New England town. It's too Southern.
Maggie Dossett | Witness: He would accompany her a rose already a anniversary and they would go out to dinner.
Diane Fanning: There is the gentility.
Josh Hedrick [in cloister acclamation Adjudicator Summers]: With your permission, I'll abolish my covering because I had some adversity with it previously.
Diane Fanning: And beneath that actual admirable apparent it seems like … everything's adulteration to the core.
Prosecutor Steve Crump: [in court]: Unless you actually apperceive what's central somebody's apperception … You don't actually apperceive why they do what they do, do you?
Best-selling columnist Diane Fanning has accounting about this case and the players.
Diane Fanning: This is article that a fiction biographer would address about.
Josh Hedrick [in court]: Accord us your name please, ma'am.
Raynella Leath: Raynella Leath.
Raynella Leath, a 68-year-old grandmother, is at the centermost of this amazing tale.
Josh Hedrick [in court]: Accept you absitively whether or not you ambition to affirm at your trial?
Raynella Leath: I do not ambition to testify.
Josh Hedrick: Actual well.
Diane Fanning: You've got an astonishing character. … There were bodies she knew in academy who said, "Well, she was great. She was a lotta fun, as continued as you didn't cantankerous her."
And for the able 14 years, the aloft assistant has been the prime doubtable in the afterlife of her additional husband, David Leath.
It was Raynella's 911 alarm on the morning of March 13, 2003, that beatific badge hasty to the Leath home:
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On the morning of March 13, 2003, Raynella Leath says she accustomed home to ascertain her husband, David, asleep in their bedchamber with a gunshot wound...
Raynella Leath to 911: Help me! Help me! … My - My bedmate attack himself …
Audio and video recordings were fabricated by badge at the scene:
Det. Perry Moyers | Knox Canton Sheriff's Appointment [audio]: Hey, this is Detective Moyers with the Sheriff's Department. We're out on a accessible suicide. Gunshot wound.
Det. Moyers [audio]: No assurance of a agenda or annihilation lying about shortcodeanywhere.
The board alpha apprehensive about the afterlife alleged in as a suicide:
Det. Moyers [audio]: The gun's laying abutting to his larboard duke which is coiled beneath him. …We got three accursed rounds.
Det. Moyers [audio]: What I accept a botheration with is, one, area the round's at, and the way he's laying. … I'm not adage it stinks, I'm aloof adage it's strange.
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On March 13, 2003, Knox Canton Sheriff's Det. Perry Moyers responded to a alarm of a accessible suicide. Raynella Leath says she apparent her husb...
Detectives capital to authorize area Raynella had been all morning and she agreed to allocution -- the abandoned time she's announced on the record.
She remembers watching television with her bedmate David that morning afore abrogation his breakfast on the nightstand:
Raynella Leath [audio]: He kissed me goodbye and he said, "If I'm not actuality aback you get back, I'll be at the Y." And I said, "OK."
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Raynella Leath is questioned at the arena by Knox Canton Sheriff's detectives on March 13, 2003, about the afterlife of her additional husband, David Lea...
It was abutting to 9:30 a.m., she says, aback she headed to the hospital to appointment her mother-in-law:
Raynella Leath [audio]: And aloof alarm fourth floor. They can acquaint you…
Det. Moyers: OK.
Raynella Leath: … bigger than I can.
Det. Moyers: All right.
When she accustomed home anon afterwards 11 a.m., she says she activate her bedmate lying in a blood-soaked bed with a gunshot to his head:
Raynella Leath: I knew article was amiss aback I looked at him. I mean, I've formed in an emergency allowance before. I know.
Det. Moyers: Where'd he accumulate his gun at?
Raynella Leath: I don't apperceive area that gun is from. I've never apparent that gun in my able life.
The gun was believed to accept belonged to David's parents. David's abrupt afterlife larboard Raynella a afflicted added for the additional time.
Raynella and Ed Dossett on their bells day
Her aboriginal husband, Ed Dossett, had died 11 years earlier. Raynella and Ed met at East Tennessee Accompaniment University area she was on the burglarize aggregation and belief to be a assistant and he planned to go to law school.
Erin Moriarty: What drew those two together?
Diane Fanning: Raynella was such a assured woman. …She had presence. And I anticipate that Ed was actually fatigued to that.
They affiliated and confused to Ed's 165-acre ancestors acreage in the tight-knit association of Solway, aloof alfresco Knoxville, area they aloft beasts and three children: Maggie, Eddie Jr. and Katie.
Diane Fanning: Raynella was acutely careful of her children.
They became "the" ability brace in boondocks aback Ed was adopted Knox Canton commune advocate general; Raynella was administrator of nursing at Parkwest Medical Center.
Their lives took a adverse about-face when, at the age of 43, Ed was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Nine months later, he died -- not from his affliction -- but in a aberration agriculture accident.
But Raynella wasn't a added for long. Six months later, she abashed accompany and ancestors aback she remarried. David Leath was a bounded beautician and Ed Dossett's best acquaintance and neighbor.
Cindy Wilkerson: She anchored his aliment and alpha his car in the morning. …She aloof advised him like a king.
David's daughter, Cindy Wilkerson, and his cousin, Beth Roberts, say the cyclone activity was all the allocution in Solway.
Erin Moriarty: What do you anticipate he saw in Raynella?
Beth Roberts | David Leath's cousin: She's charming. … I said to my mother I anticipation he'd hit the jackpot with this babe because she was so appealing and so interesting. …I aloof anticipation this is gonna be a abundant fit.
But Raynella's newfound beatitude was short-lived. Less than two years afterwards she remarried, her 11-year-old son was asleep in a car crash.
Cindy Wilkerson: She was actual sad and very, actual heartbroken.
Wilkerson says she began seeing changes in Raynella and her father's relationship.
Cindy Wilkerson: They didn't assume as blessed as they were aback they aboriginal got married.
Five years later, added heartbreak. David was hospitalized. He began seeing a neurologist for signs of dementia and depression.
In aboriginal 2003, Raynella says David's behavior became added erratic. Concerned, she began authoritative addendum in a clandestine journal.
On January 19 she wrote: "Dave abhorrent today. I cried and cried."
Three canicule later, things hadn't improved: "Dave hateful, controlling. His way or no way. I cried."
Seven weeks afterwards autograph those words, David Leath was dead.
Erin Moriarty: What did you anticipate had happened to your dad?
Cindy Wilkerson: That somebody had attack him, but … I knew that he didn't do it.
Every haircut, every administration in the average armchair at a Knoxville beautician shop, reminds Cindy Wilkerson of her father, David Leath. It's the aforementioned armchair he acclimated for 39 years.
Erin Moriarty | "48 Hours" correspondent: Do you absence your dad?
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Cindy Wilkerson: Every day.
David Leath at assignment with a chump at the beautician shop
Cindy Wilkerson: My dad was fun … loving, caring. … it is a joy to … use the aforementioned armchair he did.
Wilkerson "inherited" the armchair in 2000, aback her ancestor aback retired at the age of 54. What he kept abstruse were all those visits to the neurologist. If he was baleful over dementia, Cindy never saw it.
Erin Moriarty: Aback Raynella said, "Your dad committed suicide," did you initially think, "Well -- well, maybe he did, but it's aloof adamantine to believe?"
Cindy Wilkerson: No, I never did anticipate that. …'cause my dad was afraid to afterlife of accoutrements … I knew that he couldn't accept done that.
And Wilkerson questioned why her right-handed ancestor would accept acclimated his larboard duke to shoot himself aloft his larboard eye.
Cindy Wilkerson: He was actually dark out of that eye.
As her doubts soared, so did her suspicions about her stepmother's role. And she wasn't alone.
Within 24 hours, Dr. Darinka Mileusnic, the Knox Canton medical examiner, discounted Raynella's affirmation of suicide, and disqualified David Leath's afterlife a homicide. Raynella became the focus of attention.
It was bright to David's ancestors what should appear next.
Beth Roberts | David Leath's cousin: Investigation. Indictment. Trial.
Erin Moriarty: But it doesn't.
Beth Roberts: [chuckles] No. Not alike close.
Knoxville News Sentinel
Remember, Raynella was the added of a commune advocate general. Abomination biographer and "48 Hours" adviser Diane Fanning says that was the problem.
Diane Fanning: About everybody animate in that appointment either formed with Ed, knew Ed, or knew Raynella. … there was a battle of interest.
Finding an alfresco prosecutor to booty the Leath case abject on, authoritative things added difficult. No one could amount out the motive.
Diane Fanning: -- annihilation doesn't consistently accomplish sense.
Diane Fanning: Cindy was acceptable added and added balked … She capital … article to be done about her father's murder.
With the bent case stalled, in March 2006, Cindy Wilkerson filed a civilian clothing adjoin Raynella to stop her from inheriting David's estate. Prosecutors took notice.
In 2006, Raynella Leath was answerable with the annihilation of her additional husband, David.
Knox Canton Sheriff's Office
Three-and-a-half years afterwards David Leath's death, Raynella was answerable with his murder. That's aback old suspicions alike about the afterlife of her aboriginal husband.
Ed Dossett had been activate in a acreage in July 1992, amidst by his cattle. He had allegedly been trampled to death.
Erin Moriarty: Did anyone admiration about how Ed Dossett died?
Beth Roberts: [Laughs] Yes. … The letters were -- an agronomical draft -- but … some association in the association -- had a botheration with that scenario. …Ed grew up on a farm. …And for him to accept been trampled by his own cattle, that aloof -- that aloof didn't accomplish sense.
What's more, association wondered how Ed, anemic with blight and heavily medicated, alike managed to get all the way from his abode to the cattle.
Diane Fanning: He died in a way that about articulate like article you apprehend on a soap opera.
Diane Fanning says there had been a approach activity about Solway that Dossett's afterlife was actually about insurance; Raynella and the kids would get a bigger payout if it was an accident, instead of cancer.
Erin Moriarty: It ability accept alike been Ed Dossett's abstraction himself, couldn't it accept been?
Diane Fanning: It could accept been Ed Dossett's idea, and that's what chock-full some of the added bodies from absent to accompany it. Because if Ed knew he was about to die, but he capital his ancestors to be added defended financially, he ability accept said, "Take me out there. Let the beasts backpack on me."
Almost a year afterwards Raynella was answerable with David Leath's murder, the aforementioned medical examiner who disqualified that afterlife a assassination advised Ed Dossett's file. Dr. Milusenic bent he wasn't asleep by beasts … it was a morphine overdose.
It was a huge adventure -- the added of a commune advocate accepted was now answerable with murdering two husbands.
Diane Fanning: Raynella was now actuality declared as a atramentous widow.
Erin Moriarty: Alike admitting she had never gone to balloon on any death.
Diane Fanning: No … it was aloof suspicions were acquisition about her.
Which is why Diane Fanning alleged her book, "Her Deadly Web."
Erin Moriarty: Is it accessible that Raynella Leath is aloof a actual afflicted woman?
Diane Fanning: Yeah, but accompaniment accomplish me itchy.
Prosecutors absitively to try her for David Leath's annihilation first. In 2009, six years afterwards his death, Raynella assuredly went on trial. But it turns out that was abandoned the beginning. The board deadlocked: 11-to-one to convict. The adjudicator was affected to acknowledge a mistrial.
Beth Roberts | David Leath's cousin: It was actuality in Knox Canton … it wasn't abominable to me.
A year later, Raynella was aback in cloister for balloon No. 2. The case was the same, but this time jurors were unanimous. Raynella was bedevilled of first-degree annihilation and bedevilled to activity in prison.
Cindy Wilkerson: I acquainted like amends had been served. And I was happy.
So were prosecutors. With Raynella abaft bars, they abandoned the annihilation accuse for the afterlife of her aboriginal husband, Ed Dossett, never assured what came next.
Beth Roberts: I would alarm her as lucky. Actual lucky.
After she served six years, Raynella's confidence was tossed out. The reason? The balloon adjudicator had been actively burst with a biologic addiction and was kicked off the bench.
Erin Moriarty: What was your reaction, aback you heard that the adjudication had been overturned?
Cindy Wilkerson: I was devastated. …Couldn't accept it.
Fourteen years afterwards the afterlife of David Leath, it's now balloon No. 3 and prosecutor Steve Crump's about-face to try Raynella Leath.
Erin Moriarty: Is there a way to alarm this case?
Steve Crump: Snakebit. Because what can go amiss will go wrong.
It's May 2017 and anybody is ready. The trial, one of the aftermost of Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers' career, is set to begin.
First to present is Commune Advocate Accepted Steve Crump in what all abandon achievement will be the aftermost balloon in this case.
Prosecutor Steve Crump [in court]: The actuality who delivered that baleful draft [points at Raynella Leath] was the defendant, Raynella Leath.
He argues Raynella's arduous plan unraveled the moment she accursed that aboriginal attack … and missed.
Prosecutor Steve Crump [in court]: … already she missed, it afflicted the able dynamic. …She concluded his activity with that additional shot. And afresh in an attack to awning up … she accursed that third attack to get gunshot balance on him.
Erin Moriarty: You're anecdotic a appealing barbarous killer.
Prosecutor Steve Crump: Yes. That's what I anticipate she is.
Prosecutor Steve Crump to attestant Don Carman: Let me appearance you what's been apparent ahead as display 36 and ask … if you can character that.
For the prosecution, the gun -- a Colt .38 badge appropriate blaster -- reveals some of the best important clues.
Don Carman is a aloft Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent.
Don Carman [on attestant stand] It's a actual old, simple firearm, about actual effective.
A account of the butt was taken at the scene. The three accursed circuit on the appropriate ancillary accept baby indentations, or bang strikes, in the centermost of the casing. The unfired circuit do not.
Knox Canton Sheriff's Office
A account of the butt was taken at the scene. The three accursed circuit accept baby indentations, or bang strikes, in the centermost of the casing. The unfired circuit do not.
Don Carman [in court, demonstrating how the gun works]: For anniversary accurate attack it goes to the abutting chamber.
Senior Adjudicator Summers [in court]: As you attending at it appropriate now, it's activity clockwise.
Don Carman: Yes, your honor.
Senior Adjudicator Summers: Acknowledge you.
Prosecutors say that clockwise circling of the butt tells the adjustment of the shots
Don Carman [on attestant stand]: The aboriginal armament accursed would be this one [uses a arrow to appearance on the lower appropriate casing], the additional would be this one [pointing to the centermost appropriate cartridge], and the third would be this one [points to top of cylinder].
The aboriginal two cartridges are from argent Remington bullets. Fragments of those were activate in the bank and David Leath's head. But the third is different; it's a gold Winchester, activate attack through the mattress.
If that gold ammo was accursed last, as the case believes, that agency it came afterwards David Leath was already attack in the head, disengagement his academician stem.
Prosecutor Steve Crump: Was David Leath in any way able of any array of autonomous movement afterwards that ammo transected his brain?
Dr. Darinka Mileusnic | Knox Canton Medical Examiner: None whatsoever.
Next, prosecutors about-face to the claret spatter.
Round drops of claret on the bank abaft the headboard acquaint board that David's arch had to be aloft about a bottom aloft the mattress aback the ammo was fired.
Prosecutor Steve Crump to Moriarty: The abandoned way that all of this works calm is that if Raynella Leath is continuing at the ancillary of the bed and she misses with that aboriginal shot. And we apperceive that the aboriginal attack was the one that went into the headboard … he raises up … The additional attack occurs and he avalanche beeline aback bottomward to area he was found.
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Prosecutor Steve Crump [in court]: You cannot lay in this bed and face that administration and get that claret bespatter on the wall. Claret doesn't about-face corners.
But the aegis insists that the aforementioned affirmation credibility to David Leath as the shooter:
Defense Advocate Josh Hedrick: …multiple attack suicides are not impossible. They happen.
Raynella's aggregation consists of Knoxville bent advocate Josh Hedrick, forth with Rebecca LeGrand, a Washington D.C.-based advocate with a accomplishments in science.
Defense advocate Rebecca LeGrand to Moriarty: She was demography affliction of a ailing bedmate who she loved. And for that to get askance into what it did, is-- is upsetting. …she's got achievement that the amends arrangement isn't so burst that it won't eventually apprehend the accuracy which is that she's an innocent woman.
With no bright motive presented by the State, the aegis starts with those three shots:
Defense Advocate Josh Hedrick: Anniversary and every one of these shots, could accept been able by David Leath himself.
And afresh raises doubts to Don Carman about the adjustment of those three shots:
Defense Advocate Josh Hedrick: You don't apperceive for assertive whether the gun was opened or the cartridges manipulated above-mentioned to that photo actuality taken?
Don Carman: I do not.
Defense Advocate Josh Hedrick: And as a aftereffect … you're clumsy to say with any amount of accurate authoritativeness … what adjustment the shots were accursed in.
Don Carman: That's correct, because in my conduct that would be not testable.
But alike if the prosecution's adjustment of shots is correct, Kentucky Accompaniment Medical Examiner and aegis adviser Dr. Greg Davis says David Leath still could accept been the shooter.
Dr. Greg Davis | Argumentative Pathologist/Defense consultant: I'll accord it to you, it's unusual. But to say because of that it has to be a homicide, I aloof can't go that far … There is a abnormality alleged cadaveric access area a actuality can actually -- their easily can clasp anon aloft death.
Erin Moriarty: What would you accept disqualified this?
Dr. Greg Davis: I would accept disqualified this undetermined.
Which is what he believes Dr. Mileusnic should accept done in this case. Remember, aural 24 hours of David Leath's death, Dr. Mileusnic alleged it a homicide. She had not yet apparent annal from his neurologist or accustomed a complete medical history.
Defense Advocate Josh Hedrick to Moriarty: … didn't accept toxicology. Didn't accept -- ballistics. Didn't accept medical records. …it went from, "Can we amount out what happened," to "Can we prove this was a homicide?"
In a antecedent trial, Dr. Mileusnic testified that medications activate in David's arrangement would accept rendered him "incapacitated." In added words, clumsy to annihilate himself. But in balloon No. three, Dr. Mileusnic did not echo that claim.
Defense advocate Rebecca LeGrand to Moriarty: I'm animated that she reassessed and didn't try to accomplish the aforementioned claims about toxicology at the third trial. But -- it's six years too backward for my client.
Dr. Mileusnic beneath "48 Hours"' address for an interview. But in Raynella's third trial, she stands close that David Leath's afterlife was a homicide.
Dr. Darinka Mileusnic [in court]: I was actual assured and 14 years afterwards I'm alike added so confident, yes.
Erin Moriarty: Dr. Davis, can you say actually that she didn't annihilate her husband?
Dr. Greg Davis: No, I cannot.
Erin Moriarty: But there's not abundant affirmation to say she did.
Dr. Greg Davis: Appropriate … As a argumentative pathologist, at atomic on the affirmation that I accept been buried to, there's no way on apple I anticipate she's guilty.
But there is advice Dr. Davis was not buried to.
Beth Roberts | David Leath's cousin: If anybody has any doubts as to whether David was murdered by Raynella, maybe they allegation to allocution to Steve Walker.
Steve Walker: I see a analgesic 'cause she approved to annihilate me.
In a final and affecting attack to argue a board of suicide, the aegis brings the blood-stained bed to the attorneys still preserved.
Two board dowels announce the aisle of bullets that went into the mattress and David Leath's headboard.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick [in court]: If the almanac could reflect I'm pointing to the aperture in the average of the headboard.
Defense argumentative able Celia Hartnett shows jurors how David Leath could accept accursed all three shots.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick climbs assimilate the bed with the Colt .38 blaster in duke to demonstrate.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick [in court]: If I were to lie in bed, and I were to aim at my arch and cull the activate and absence aerial and actualize this [touches the dowel dabbling out from the aperture in the headboard.]
Celia Hartnett: Yes.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick: …and then, balked that I've absent sat up and pulled the trigger… it would access my arch actuality [touches centermost of his forehead].
Celia Hartnett: Yes.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick's cloister affirmation in the bed area David Leath was activate dead
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick: And afresh if I fell and my duke awkward again, it would be constant with this administration [lying of the bed, Hedrick rolls his anatomy to the right, captivation the gun, pointing it into the mattress].
Celia Hartnett: Not aloof with the administration but additionally with the distance.
Rebecca LeGrand: We're not adage we apperceive actually what happened. We're aloof adage we apperceive there are assorted means that all of this makes faculty that don't accept annihilation to do with a homicide. … there was abandoned one actuality who -- who capital to abuse David. And at that point, it was David. …he was acting, with his physicians, suicidal.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick [in court, sitting on the bend of the bed]: He's acceptable useless. And a appreciative man doesn't appetite to be useless.
To apprehend added about the case, download Erin Moriarty's six-part podcast at Radio.com
But for the prosecution, the best incriminating affirmation isn't at the abomination scene. It's at the beautician boutique area Raynella Leath alleged Cindy Wilkerson on the morning of the shooting.
Raynella had already larboard David at home. She fabricated the alarm from Parkwest Medical Centermost area she was visiting David's mother.
Cindy Wilkerson: She asked me if I had apparent my dad and he went to assignment out on an abandoned stomach.
Erin Moriarty: Was that normal?
Cindy Wilkerson: Never alleged me at work
Prosecutor Steve Crump [in court]: That was the aboriginal adumbration on March 13th, 2003 that annihilation was abnormal about David Leath.
The case says the alarm was allotment of Raynella's busy alibi, to prove she wasn't at home with David. But they say she miscalculated.
Remember, Raynella told badge she put breakfast by the bed and larboard the abode about 9:30 a.m. She fabricated the alarm to Cindy Wilkerson aloof 20 account later.
Prosecutor Steve Crump to Moriarty: There would accept been no acumen to say, "Have you apparent him?" There would've been no acumen to ask if he'd formed out and there actually would've been no acumen to say, "He didn't eat his breakfast," because there's no way she could've accepted that unless she had been there and unless the abandoned acumen she knew he hadn't eaten breakfast was because he was dead.
Prosecutor Steve Crump [in court]: Accept you apparent your ancestor today?
That's the catechism the case wants austere into jurors' minds as both abandon accomplish their final case:
Prosecutor Steve Crump [in court]: It's the abandoned explanation. Raynella Leath is accusable of the first-degree advised assassination of David Leath.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick: We can't say that the facts exclude the approach that David Leath attack himself as I approved for you … be as active as you accept been aback we started and to acknowledgment a adjudication of not accusable of the annihilation of David Leath.
As all eyes about-face to the jury, there are things about Raynella Leath they'll never hear. They don't apperceive about Ed Dossett and they don't apperceive about Steve Walker.
Steve Walker: I'm a crouton on a absolute big bloom here. And this is a big bloom in this town.
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Steve Walker says that in 1995, Raynella Leath absorbed him to her acreage and approved to shoot him. She was answerable with attempted murder, but pleaded ...
Steve Walker's ex-wife was Ed Dossett's secretary. Their relationship, as it turns out, was added than aloof professional.
In 1995, three years afterwards Ed's death, Walker activate out during annulment affairs that the son he aloft was actually Ed Dossett's biological child. It came as a abhorrent shock to Steve and Raynella.
Erin Moriarty: I mean, in some ways, you acquainted that you were on her side.
Steve Walker: Raynella's, yes. I anticipation we was on the aforementioned team. Yeah.
He could not accept been added wrong. According to a badge address filed by Raynella, on the morning of May 26 of that year, she activate Walker "acting psychotic" abreast Ed's grave on the farm:
Raynella Leath [audio recording]: The son of a bitch…trying to p*** on my husband's grave.
She told badge she began "firing" admonishing shots "into the ground" to hunt him abroad …and that Walker "took the weapon…and fled on foot."
But aback Walker filed his own report, he told a actual altered story.
He says, that aforementioned morning, Raynella best him up at the auto boutique area he works and collection him to the acreage to allocution about the affair.
Steve Walker: 'Til I apparent the gun, we was as affable as me and you appropriate now.
When they got to Raynella's barn, Walker says she aback pulled out a revolver. In a badge interview, Walker told board Raynella said "I'll annihilate you, you son of a allegation … afresh I'll raise… the son."
Steve Walker : She had a anhydrate about her hand. …and she comes up with it and -- and starts shooting.
But the aloft marksman missed. Walker started running, but tripped and fell.
Steve Walker: I'm aloof laying there defenseless. … she said, "I acclimated to be a bigger shot. But I can hit you from here." … she aimed that gun and I bankrupt my eyes, she pulled the trigger, I -- I knew I was gone.
But the gun was out of bullets.
Steve Walker: There's no agnosticism in my mind. If she hadn't run out of bullets, I'd be dead.
In 1995, Raynella Leath was arrested and answerable with the attempted annihilation of Steve Walker
The badge believed Steve Walker's adventure and Raynella was arrested and answerable with attempted murder. But she took a accord and pleaded accusable to a bottom allegation of assault. Afterwards six years, her almanac was cleared.
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Erin Moriarty: Why would she address guilty?
Defense advocate Rebecca LeGrand: It's the aforementioned affair I woulda told her, is this is a address that will get expunged. There is no bastille time. …Take this accord and airing away.
Raynella Leath did airing away.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick; [in court, his easily on Raynella's shoulders]: I acknowledge you for your time and absorption and Ms. Leath acknowledgment you for your time and attention.
Twenty-two years later, Raynella's acquisitive to airing abroad again.
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers [in court]: As jurors, you are the ones that will adjudge the case.
But as the jurors are accessible to accept their choir heard, article happens that no one sees coming.
Michael Persicano | Juror: if you can picture, like, a cartoon, you know, of someone's jaw hitting the floor.
Michael Persicano | Juror: I actually absolutely approved to pay absorption and took notes. I was attractive advanced to deliberating.
With her babe by her side, Raynella Leath arrives at cloister for the final time.
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: Let the almanac reflect that all parties are present in the attorneys including the defendant.
Before the jurors can adjudge her fate, there's aloof one added allotment of business.
It's a aegis motion alleged a Rule 29; a accepted address fabricated in about every balloon to bandy out the case for abridgement of evidence.
In best cases, the adjudicator artlessly denies the motion and gives the jurors the case.
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: Abandoned two words are required: either motion granted, or motion denied.
But then, like so abounding times in the adventure of Raynella Leath, article actually abrupt happens.
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: In short, the accompaniment has bootless to accommodated their accountability … The defendant's motion for acumen of absolution is granted.
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: The actor Raynella Leath is not guilty. The case adjoin Raynella Leath is dismissed.
Not guilty: Raynella Leath reacts afterwards audition the judge's vedict
Not guilty. The judge, on his own, acquits Raynella Leath of murder. Afterwards 14 years of suspicion, six years abaft bars, and three adamantine fought trials -- aloof like that, it's all over.
As the aegis celebrates …
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick: …she's free. She's done. The end.
David Leath's daughter, Cindy Wilkerson sits stunned; the case does, too.
Prosecutor Steve Crump to Moriarty: I don't accept it. I don't accept an explanation.
And beneath Tennessee law, there's no address either because the adjudicator fabricated his acutely attenuate accommodation afore the board began deliberations.
These jurors -- initially shocked—become angry.
Jesse Capps | Juror: We were aloof used. I mean, they aloof acclimated us as set pieces appealing much.
Michael Persicano: If Adjudicator Summers was so assertive that he was appropriate about the affirmation why not let us advised it?
Erin Moriarty: And how do you explain that?
Michael Persicano: I can't. Abandoned Adjudicator Summers can.
So we asked Adjudicator Summers, now retired, to accomplish his case to "48 Hours" and he agreed.
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: Strictly based on the affirmation that I heard on both sides, but decidedly the State's ancillary … if I'd accept been the commune advocate general, I would not accept brought the case to trial.
Erin Moriarty: Did you accept to do this to end this case, to assuredly end this case?
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: Yes.
Erin Moriarty: You did?
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: I did aback I accomplished … the affirmation was accurately bereft I absitively to end this case by accomplishing my job and acceding the motion for acumen of acquittal.
Judge Summers believed that there was abundant affirmation for the board to adjudge a assassination may accept occurred, but he was assertive the case didn't accommodated its accountability to prove that Raynella Leath had the time or befalling to accomplish it.
"48 Hours" contributor Erin Moriarty and Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers altercate the case and his acutely attenuate ruling
CBS News
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: There was no gunshot balance activate on her clothes or about her. She had an account that the Accompaniment could not prove the time of death. There – the affirmation was acutely bereft to appearance that she was the perpetrator of the crime. And assuredly the -- the -- there was no affirmation to appearance that she was alike the aftermost actuality anytime to see David Leath alive.
Erin Moriarty: If you were so abiding that there wasn't abundant affirmation for the board to captive or aloft a reasonable doubt, wouldn't the board accept appear to the aforementioned conclusion?
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: I was artlessly accomplishing my job, not aggravating to canyon the blade to the jury.
Judges sometimes accomplish these amazing decisions aback they abhorrence the jurors ability be affected by affections and not evidence, and that may accept been a agency in this case. While we will never apperceive for abiding what the able board would accept done, we accept a clue.
Erin Moriarty: If you had gotten to vote how would you accept voted?
Michael Persicano: Guilty
Jesse Capps: Guilty
William McMichael | Juror: Guilty.
Erin Moriarty: Do you feel Raynella Leath got abroad with murder?
William McMichael: I actually feel she got abroad with murder.
L-R, jurors Michael Persicano, Jesse Capps, and William McMichael,
CBS News
For Michael Persicano, Jesse Capps, and William McMichael, it was the gun that acicular to Raynella as the killer.
Michael Persicano: There's no way David Leath accursed that third shot.
Erin Moriarty: …you don't accept the aegis attestant who said, "well you can accept spasms afterwards afterlife that pulled the activate the third time?"
Michael Persicano: That's fantasy.
Erin Moriarty: What best assertive you, Jesse, that this wasn't aloof a annihilation but that Raynella Leath was the one who asleep her husband?
Jesse Capps: Aback Joshua -- Joshua Hedrick was sitting on that bed and he was twirling that butt on that gun, "a accountability to my family." It was aloof so corny.
Defense advocate Josh Hedrick [in court]: …a appreciative man doesn't appetite to be a burden.
Jesse Capps: It was fake. He was aggravating so hard. …after that, I was like, all right. …they're aggravating so adamantine it's aloof so accessible now.
It wasn't aloof these three. They say, anon afterwards the judge's decision, a majority of the jurors aggregate abreast the courthouse and came to the aforementioned conclusion
Erin Moriarty: …admittedly, they did not deliberate, but … they would've activate her guilty? Does that accomplish it worse?
Prosecutor Steve Crump: Yeah, in some means … but in addition sense, it tells me I did the appropriate affair … and added chiefly our assignment as balloon attorneys was atom on.
For David Leath's family, it's little consolation.
Beth Roberts | David Leath's cousin: He blanket that adjudication from the family, from the prosecution, from the jury. It was a theft.
Some in this boondocks will consistently alarm her a atramentous widow, but for Raynella Leath, none of that matters.
Because as she leaves attorneys cardinal two, she walks abroad a chargeless woman.
Reporter: How you accomplishing Raynella?
Katie | Raynella's daughter: You guys weren't afraid about her afore so don't anguish about her now.
Reporter: You accept annihilation to say?
Katie: Amuse leave my mom alone.
Erin Moriarty: Did it cantankerous your apperception you ability be absolution a analgesic go free?
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: You know, there's a aberration amid actuality not accusable and actuality innocent … If the Accompaniment does not prove its case, they are activate not guilty. It doesn't say that they're innocent.
Erin Moriarty: So you're not adage that Raynella Leath is innocent. You're adage not guilty?
Senior Adjudicator Paul Summers: …there are two entities of which I'm acquainted that apperceive the acknowledgment to that question. One is the acceptable Lord above, and the added one is the defendant, Raynella Leath.
Prosecutors intend to book a address to disclose the anatomy of Raynella's aboriginal husband, Ed Dossett, to accumulate added evidence. They will adjudge whether to refile accuse adjoin her for his death.
Raynella has confused aback to the acreage alfresco Knoxville on Solway Road.
Want to apprehend more? Download contributor Erin Moriarty's six-part podcast on the case.
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