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male and female zucchini flowers
If you still accept amplitude in your garden or an abandoned abode on your patio, it’s not too backward to bulb zucchini. The arena is balmy enough, and it looks like we are in for some hot acclimate so they should abound fast.
Zucchini is one of the easier annihilate to grow. In a garden, the plants charge about a 3- to 4-foot aboveboard amplitude to advance out. If you are growing them in a container, you will charge one about 24 inches in bore as the bulb has a apparent basis system.
The plants will charge a well-drained clay affluent in compost. Bulb three to four seeds 1 inch abysmal in a cluster. With the clay and acclimate as balmy as it is they should sprout in about a week. After they accept set out their aboriginal accurate leaves, attenuate them to the two arch seedlings. The plants will charge about 2 inches of baptize a anniversary activated in one or two abysmal soakings to ability the abysmal roots. The bulb will abound a few leaves and again stop growing for a while as it develops its basis system. Augment the plants every three to four weeks with a fertilizer low in nitrogen but aerial in phosphorus and potassium.
Some of you who buried your zucchini aboriginal ability be seeing flowers and baby bake-apple emerge. Zucchini plants aftermath both macho and changeable flowers. The changeable flowers will accept a appendage at their base. Usually the bulb will aftermath abounding macho flowers afore the changeable ones arise to ensure acceptable pollination. Because the aboriginal bisected of June was absolutely air-conditioned the few changeable flowers that did arise apparently didn’t get absolutely pollinated. As a result, the bake-apple ability anatomy but it will bound burn up.
Squash borers are the above annoyance of zucchini and they are arising now. The developed auger will arise aboriginal as a half-inch continued wasplike bug with an orange belly with atramentous dots. It has brownish ahead wings and bright aft wings. The adults will lay their tiny, flat, amber eggs at the abject of blade stems. Back the larvae bear they will bore into the axis to augment and in the process, bung up the axis causing the bulb to wilt.
Controlling the annoyance isn’t consistently easy. Watch for the adults aerial about during the day, again analysis the abject of the stems for signs of eggs or holes fabricated by the larvae. If annihilate borers weren’t a botheration aftermost year, awning the plants with amphibian row awning to accumulate the adults out. If you did, skip this as the bugs will arise beneath the cover. Remove the awning back you accept a lot of changeable flowers so the bees can blend them. Spray the abject of the plants already a anniversary with insecticidal soap or a Bacillus thuringiensis bacilli artefact like Dipel, Thuricide or Green Step to annihilate the larvae afore they bore into the stem. Avoid chemicals like Sevin that are baneful to bees.
Pat Munts has gardened in Spokane Valley for over 35 years. She is co-author of “Northwest Gardener’s Handbook” with Susan Mulvihill. She can be accomplished at

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