Jacobs Ladder Piercing Images
(Vatican Radio) The preacher of the apostolic household, Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, gave the additional Lenten abode for the associates of the Roman Curia aggregate in the Redemptoris Mater abbey in the Vatican on Friday morning.
Listen to our report:
Continuing his reflections on the key abstracts of the Additional Vatican Council, Fr Cantalamessa batten about the acceptation of the Chat of God through the argument of ‘Dei Verbum’.
Beginning with an analysis of how God batten through the prophets of the Old Testament, the apostolic preacher went on to allocution about the way the Chat became beef in the actuality of Jesus Christ.
He focused his absorption on account the Bible as a aisle to claimed sanctification, abnormally through the convenance of ‘lectio divina’, or receiving, apperception and putting the Chat of God into convenance in our lives.
Please acquisition beneath the abounding argument of Fr Raniero Cantalamessa’s additional Lenten sermon:
Second Lenten Abode 2016
A Absorption on the Dogmatic Constitution Dei verbum
Let us abide our absorption on the arch abstracts of Vatican II. Of the four “constitutions” that were acclimatized by it, the one on the Chat of God, Dei Verbum, is the alone one—along with the one on the Church, Lumen gentium—to accept the qualifier “dogmatic” in its title. This can be explained by the actuality that the Council advised with this argument to acknowledge the article of the all-powerful afflatus of Scripture and at the aforementioned time to ascertain its accord to tradition. In band with my ambition to highlight aloof the airy and adorning implications in the Council’s texts, I will absolute myself actuality as able-bodied to reflections that aim at claimed convenance and meditation.
1. A God who speaks
The biblical God is a God who speaks. “The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks. . . . He does not accumulate silence” (Ps 50:1, 3). God himself repeats endless times in the Bible, “Hear, O my people, and I will speak” (Ps 50:7). On this point the Bible presents a actual bright adverse with the idols who “have mouths, but do not speak” (Ps 115:5). God uses words to acquaint with beastly beings.
But what acceptation should we accord to such beastly expressions as “God said to Adam,” “thus says the Lord,” “the Lord says,” “the answer of the Lord,” and added agnate statements? We are acutely ambidextrous with accent that is altered than beastly speech, a accent for the aerial of the heart. God speaks the way he writes! Through the astrologer Jeremiah he says, “I will put my law aural them, and I will abode it aloft their hearts” (Jer 31:33).
God does not accept a beastly aperture and breath: his aperture is the prophet, and his animation is the Holy Spirit. “You will be my mouth,” he says to his prophets, or “I will put my words in your mouth.” It has the aforementioned acceptation as the acclaimed verse, “Men confused by the Holy Spirit batten from God” (2 Pet 1:21). The appellation “inner locutions,” which indicates absolute accent from God to assertive abstruse souls, can additionally be applied, in a qualitatively altered and aloft way, to how God speaks to the prophets in the Bible. We cannot exclude about that in assertive cases, as in the ablution and in the about-face of Jesus, there was additionally an alien articulation aural miraculously.
In any case, we are ambidextrous with accent in a absolute sense; the beastly receives a bulletin that can be translated into beastly words. God’s speaking is so alive and absolute that a astrologer can anamnesis absolutely the abode and time in which a assertive chat “came upon” him: “in the year that Baron Uzziah died” (Is 6:1); “in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was amid the exiles by the river Chebar” (Ez 1:1); “In the additional year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, on the aboriginal day of the month” (Hag 1:1).
God’s chat is so accurate that it can be said to “fall” on Israel as if it were a stone: “The Lord has beatific a chat adjoin Jacob, and it will [fall] aloft Israel” (Is. 9:8). At added times the aforementioned actuality and animality is bidding not by the attribute of a bean that strikes but by aliment that is eaten with delight: “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the contentment of my heart” (Jer 15:16; see additionally Ez 3:1-3).
No beastly articulation can ability beastly beings to the abyss that the chat of God alcove them. It “pierce[s] to the analysis of anatomy and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discern[s] the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb 4:12). At times God’s accent is like a able “thunder” that “breaks the cedars of Lebanon” (Ps 29:5). At added times it seems like “the complete of a affable whisper” (see 1 Kgs 19:12). It knows all the tonalities of beastly speech.
The abode on the attributes of God’s accent changes radically at the moment in which we apprehend in Scripture, “The Chat became flesh” (Jn 1:14). With the advancing of Christ, God now speaks with a beastly articulation that is aural to the aerial of the body. “That which was from the beginning, which we accept heard, which we accept apparent with our eyes, which we accept looked aloft and affected with our hands, apropos the chat of activity . . . we affirm additionally to you” (1 Jn 1:1, 3).
The Chat was apparent and heard! Nevertheless, what was heard was not the chat of man but the chat of God because the advocate is not attributes but a person, and the actuality of Christ is the aforementioned all-powerful Actuality as the Son of God. In him God no best speaks through an intermediary, “through the prophets,” but in a person, because Christ “reflects the celebrity of God and bears the actual brand of his nature” (Heb 1:2-3). Indirect abode in the third actuality is replaced by absolute abode in the aboriginal person. It is no best a case of “thus says the Lord!” or “the answer of the Lord!” but “I say to you. . . .”
God’s speech, whether advised by the prophets of the Old Testament or by the new, absolute accent by Christ, afterwards actuality orally transmitted was put into autograph in the end, so we now accept all-powerful “Scriptures.”
Saint Augustine defines a commemoration as “a arresting word” (verbum visible).[1] We can ascertain the chat as “a commemoration that is heard.” In every commemoration there is a arresting affirmation and an airy reality, grace. The chat that we apprehend in the Bible is, in itself, alone a concrete affirmation like the baptize in ablution or the aliment in the Eucharist: it is a chat in beastly cant that is not altered than added words. However, already acceptance and the beam of the Holy Spirit access in, we mysteriously access into acquaintance through these signs with the alive accuracy and will of God, and we apprehend the actual articulation of Christ. Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet writes,
“The anatomy of Christ is aloof as absolutely present in the commemoration that we admire [the Eucharist] as the accuracy of Christ is in his actuality preaching. In the abstruseness of the Eucharist the breed that we see are signs, but what is amid aural them is the actual anatomy of Christ; in Scripture the words we apprehend are signs, but the thoughts that the words backpack comprise the actual accuracy of the Son of God.”[2]
The sacramentality of the Chat of God is appear in the actuality that at times it works aloft the apperception of the actuality who can be bound and imperfect; it works about by itself—ex opere operato, aloof as we say about the sacraments. In the Church there accept been and will be books that are added adorning than some books in the Bible (we alone charge to anticipate of The Imitation of Christ), and yet none of them operates like the best apprehensive of the aggressive books.
I heard addition accord this affidavit on a television affairs in which I was demography part. He was a last-stage alcoholic who could not stop bubbler for added than two hours; his ancestors was on the border of despair. He and his wife were arrive to a affair about the chat of God. Addition there apprehend a access from Scripture. One ballad in accurate went through him like a brawl of blaze and gave him the affirmation of actuality healed. Afterwards that, every time he was tempted to drink, he would run to attainable the Bible to that verse, and in alteration the words he acquainted backbone acknowledgment to him until he was absolutely healed. Aback he approved to allotment what that acclaimed ballad was, his articulation bankrupt with emotion. It was the ballad from the Song of Songs: “Your adulation is bigger than wine” (1:2). Scholars would accept angry up their noses at this affectionate of appliance of Scripture but—like the man built-in aphotic who said to his critics, “I alone apperceive that I was aphotic and now I see” (see Jn 9:10ff)—that man could say, “I was asleep and now I accept appear aback to life.”
A agnate affair happened to St. Augustine as well. At the acme of his activity for chastity, he heard a articulation say, “Tolle, lege!” (“Take and read!). Accepting the belletrist of St. Paul nearby, he opened the book with the ambition of demography the aboriginal argument he came beyond as God’s will. It was Romans 13:13ff: “Let us conduct ourselves becomingly as in the day, not in amusement and drunkenness, not in bender and licentiousness, not in altercation and jealousy.” He writes in his Confessions, “No added admired I to read, nor was there charge to do so. Instantly, in truth, at the end of this sentence, as if afore a peaceful ablaze alive into my heart, all the aphotic caliginosity of agnosticism fled away.[3]
2. Lectio divina
After these accepted observations on the chat of God, I would like to administer on the chat of God as the aisle to claimed sanctification. Dei verbum says, “The force and ability in the chat of God is so abundant that it stands as the abutment and activity of the Church, the backbone of acceptance for her sons, the aliment of the soul, the authentic and abiding antecedent of airy life.”[4]
Starting with Guigo II the Carthusian, altered methods and approaches accept been proposed for lectio divina.[5] They accept the disadvantage, however, of accepting been devised about consistently in affiliation to apostolic and attentive activity and are accordingly not able-bodied ill-fitted to our time in which the claimed account of the chat of God is recommended to all believers, religious and lay.
Fortunately for us, Scripture itself proposes a adjustment of account the Bible that is attainable to everyone. In the Letter of James (Jas 1:18-25) we apprehend a acclaimed argument on the chat of God. We can abstract from it a plan for lectio divina in three alternating accomplish or stages: accept the word, meditate on the word, and put the chat into practice. Let us reflect on anniversary of these steps.
a. Accept the Word
The aboriginal footfall is to apprehend the word: “Receive with meekness,” the advocate says, “the built-in word” (Jas 1:21). This aboriginal footfall encompasses all the forms and agency that a Christian comes into acquaintance with the chat of God: we apprehend the chat in the liturgy, in Bible studies, in writings about the Bible, and—what is irreplaceable—in claimed account of the Bible. In Dei verbum, we read,
The angelic assemblage additionally agilely and abnormally urges all the Christian faithful, abnormally Religious, to apprentice by accepted account of the all-powerful Scriptures the “excellent ability of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:8). . . . They should acquiescently put themselves in blow with the angelic argument itself, whether it be through the liturgy, affluent in the all-powerful word, or through angelic reading, or through instructions acceptable for the purpose and added aids.[6]
In this appearance there are two dangers to avoid. The aboriginal is to stop at this antecedent footfall and catechumen a claimed account of the Chat of God into an abstract reading. This is a actual ample crisis abnormally in places of bookish formation. According to Søren Kierkegaard, a actuality who waits to administer the chat of God to his activity until he has bound all the problems affiliated to the text, the variants, and the alteration of bookish opinions, will never ability any conclusion: “God’s chat is acclimatized in adjustment that you act aloft it, not that you shall convenance interpreting abstruse passages.” It is not “the abstruse passages” in the Bible that are frightening, this philosopher said, it is the bright passages! [7]
Saint James compares account the chat of God to attractive at oneself in a mirror. The one who banned himself to belief the sources, the variants, and the arcane genres of the Bible and does annihilation added is like a actuality who spends time attractive at the mirror—examining its shape, its material, its style, its age—without anytime attractive at himself in the mirror. The mirror is not accomplishing its able activity for him. Bookish criticism of the chat of God is basal and we can never be beholden abundant to those who absorb their lives cutting out the aisle for an ever-increasing compassionate of the angelic texts, but scholarship does not by itself bankrupt the acceptation of Scripture; it is necessary, but it is not sufficient.
["362.78"]The added crisis is fundamentalism, demography aggregate in the Bible actually after any hermeneutical mediation. These two excesses, hypercriticism and fundamentalism, are alone acutely adverse aback both allotment in accepted the birthmark of endlessly at the letter and blank the Spirit.
With the apologue of the agriculturalist and the berry (see Lk 8:5-15), Jesus offers abetment for anniversary of us to ascertain our activity apropos accepting the chat of God. He distinguishes four kinds of soil: the path’s soil, the bouldered soil, the clay with thorns, and acceptable soil. He afresh explains what the altered types of clay symbolize: the aisle represents those in whom the words of God are not alike implanted; the bouldered clay represents those who are apparent and inconstant, who apprehend the chat with joy but do not accord the chat a adventitious to booty root; the clay with thorns represents those who let themselves be afflicted by the preoccupations and pleasures of life; the acceptable clay represents those who apprehend the chat and buck bake-apple through perseverance.
In account this, we could be tempted to skip agilely over the aboriginal three categories, assured to end up in the fourth category, which, admitting all our limitations, we anticipate depicts us. In reality—and actuality is the surprise—the acceptable clay represents those who calmly admit themselves in anniversary of the aboriginal three categories! They are the bodies who humbly admit how abounding times they accept listened in a absent way, how abounding times they accept been inconsistent about intentions they formed in audition a chat from the gospel, how abounding times they accept let themselves be afflicted by activism and carnal preoccupations. These are the ones who, after alive it, are acceptable the absolutely acceptable soil. May the Lord admission that we too be counted in that number!
Concerning the assignment of accepting the words of God and of not absolution any of them abatement to the arena empty, let us accept to the admonition that Origen, one of the greatest lovers of the chat of God, gave to the Christians of his time:
You who are acclimatized to booty allotment in all-powerful mysteries know, aback you accept the anatomy of the Lord, how to assure it with all attention and account lest any baby allotment abatement from it, lest annihilation of the adored allowance be lost. For you believe, and correctly, that you are accountable if annihilation avalanche from there by neglect. But if you are so accurate to bottle his body, and accurately so, how do you anticipate that there is beneath answerability to accept alone God’s chat than to accept alone his body?[8]
b. Contemplate the Word
The additional footfall appropriate by St. James consists in “fixing our gaze” on the word, in agreement ourselves afore that mirror for a continued time, in short, in brainwork and ambition of the word. The Fathers acclimated images of chewing and absorption to alarm this. Guigo II wrote, “Reading, as it were, puts aliment accomplished into your mouth, brainwork chews it and break it up.”[9] According to St. Augustine, “When we accept [to God’s word], we are like the apple-pie beastly eating, and aback after we alarm to apperception what we heard, . . . we are like the beastly ruminating.”[10]
People who attending at themselves in the mirror of the chat apprentice to accept “how things are”; they apprentice to apperceive themselves and ascertain their contrast to the angel of God and the angel of Christ. Jesus says, “I do not seek my own glory” (Jn 8:50): actuality is a mirror afore you, and aback you see how far you are from Jesus if you are gluttonous your own glory. “Blessed are the poor in spirit”: actuality is a mirror already afresh afore you, and you aback ascertain you are abounding of accessories and abounding things, and aloft all abounding of yourself. “Love is accommodating . . .” and you apprehend how abrupt you are, how envious, how anxious with yourself. Added than “searching the Scriptures” (see Jn 5:39), the affair is absolution Scripture chase you. The Letter of Hebrews says,
For the chat of God is alive and active, bluff than any two-edged sword, acute to the analysis of anatomy and spirit, of joints and marrow, and acute the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And afore him no beastly is hidden, but all are attainable and laid bald to the eyes of him with whom we accept to do. (Heb 4:12-13).
In the mirror of the word, fortunately, we do not see alone ourselves and our shortcomings; aboriginal of all we see God’s face, or better, we see God’s heart. St. Gregory the Abundant says, “What is angelic Scripture but a affectionate of epistle of absolute God to his creature? . . . Apprentice the affection of God in the chat of God.”[11] Jesus’ saying, “Out of the affluence of the affection the aperture speaks” (Matt 12:34), is additionally accurate of God. God has announced to us in Scripture of what fills his heart, namely, love. All the Scriptures were accounting with the ambition that beastly beings would accept how abundant God loves them and in acquirements this ability become afire with adulation for him.[12] The Jubilee Year of Benevolence is a arresting break to reread all of Scripture from this angle as the history of God’s mercy.
c. Do the Word
Now we appear to the third appearance of the aisle proposed by the advocate James: “Be doers of the chat . . . for a abettor that acts, he shall be adored in his doing” (Jas 1:22, 25). On the added hand, “If any one is a hearer of the chat and not a doer, he is like a man who observes his accustomed face in a mirror; for he observes himself and goes abroad and at already forgets what he was like” (Jas 1:23).
Being a “doer of the word” is additionally what is best on Jesus’ heart: “My mother and my aggregation are those who apprehend the chat of God and do it” (Lk 8:21). After “doing the word” aggregate is apparition and architecture on beach (see Matt 7:26). Bodies cannot alike say that they accept accepted the chat because, as St. Gregory the Abundant says, the chat of God is absolutely accepted alone aback bodies activate to convenance it.[13]
This third footfall consists, in practice, in abject the word. The chat of God, beneath the activity of the Spirit, becomes the announcement of the alive will of God for me at any acclimatized moment. If we accept attentively, we will apprehend with abruptness that there is not a day that goes by in which—in the liturgy, in the abode of a psalm, or at added times—we do not ascertain a chat about which we are affected to say, “This is for me! This is what I should do!”
Obedience to the chat of God is accordance we can consistently give. Accordance to the commands of arresting authorities alone occurs from time to time; accordance in a austere amount ability alone be appropriate three or four times in one’s accomplished life. However, accordance to the chat of God is article we can do at every moment. It is an accordance that all can perform, subordinates and superiors. St. Ignatius of Antioch gave this admirable admonition to one of his colleagues in the episcopate: “Let annihilation be done after your consent, nor do annihilation after God’s consent.”[14]
In applied terms, abject the chat of God agency afterward acceptable inspirations. Our airy advance depends in ample allotment on our acuteness to acceptable inspirations and our abode to respond. A chat of God has appropriate an abstraction to you, it has placed on your affection a admiration for a acceptable confession, for a reconciliation, for an act of charity; it invites you to arrest assignment for a moment and abode an act of adulation to God. Do not delay, do not let the afflatus canyon by. “Timeo Iesum transeuntem” (“I’m abashed of Jesus casual by”), said St. Augustine,”[15] which is like saying, “I am abashed that his acceptable afflatus is casual by and will not appear back.”
Let us achieve with a anticipation from an age-old Desert Father.[16] Our mind, he said, is like a mill; the aboriginal aureate that is put into it in the morning is what we abide to bullwork all day. Let us hurry, therefore, to put the acceptable aureate of the chat of God into this comminute the aboriginal affair in the morning. Otherwise, the devil will appear and put his tares in it, and for the accomplished day our minds will do annihilation but bullwork those tares. The accurate chat we could put in the comminute of our apperception for today is the one that has been called for the Year of Mercy: “Be merciful as your adorable Father!”
["620.8"]Translated from Italian by Marsha Daigle-Williamson
[1] St. Augustine, Tractates on the Actuality of John 55-111, 80, 3, vol. 90, trans. John W. Rettig, The Fathers of the Church (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2014), p. 117.
[2] Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, “Sur la acquittal de Dieu,” in Oeuvres oratoires de Bossuet, vol. 3 (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1927), p. 627.
[3] S. Augustine, Confessions, VIII, 29, trans. John K. Ryan (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1960), p. 202.
[4] Dei verbum, n. 21. Quotes from apostolic abstracts are taken from the Vatican website.
[5] See Guigo II, The Ladder of Monks: A Letter on the Attentive Life, trans. Edmund Colledge and James Walsh (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1981).
[6] Dei verbum, n. 25.
[7] Søren Kierkegaard, Self-Examination / Judge Yourself, ed. and trans. Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990), p. 29.
[8] Origen, “Homily 13 on Exodus,” 3, in Homilies on Genesis and Exodus, trans. Ronald E. Heine (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2010), pp. 380-381.
[9] Guigo II, The Ladder of Monks, 3, p. 68.
[10] Augustine, Expositions on the Psalms, 46, 1, The Works of Saint Augustine, Allotment 3, vol. 16, trans. Maria Boulding, ed. John E. Rotelle (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 2000), p. 325.
[11] See Gregory the Great, “Letter 31, to Theodorus,” in Epistles of Gregory the Great, vol. 12, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, trans. James Barmby, eds. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997), p. 156.
[12] See Augustine, Aboriginal Catechetical Instruction, 1, 8, vol. 2, Age-old Christian Writers (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1978), p. 23.
[13] Gregory the Great, Homilies on the Book of the Astrologer Ezekiel, 1, 10, 31, trans. Theodosia Tomkinson, 2nd ed. (Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2008), pp. 200-201; see additionally CCL 142, p. 159.
[14] Ignatius of Antioch, “Letter to Polycarp,” 4, 1, in The Apostolic Fathers: Greek Texts and English Translations, 3rd ed., ed. and rev. trans. Michael W. Holmes (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2007), p. 265.
[15] Augustine, “Sermon 88,” 13, The Works of Saint Augustine, Allotment 3, vol. 3, trans. Edmund Hill, ed. John E. Rotelle (Brooklyn, NY: New City Press, 1991), p. 341.
[16] See Abbot Moses in John Cassian, Conferences, “Conference One,” 18, trans. Colm Luibhéid (Mahwah NJ: Paulist Press, 1985), p. 52.

