i paint the pictures of the ocean
This is allotment of our alternation "Rebooting the Reef" on efforts to save one of the world's greatest accustomed wonders.

Scientists apperceive why the Great Barrier Beach is dying, but they don't apperceive how to stop it. That's why they're replicating nature. Architecture an bogus reef, they hope, ability advice save the absolute one.
Ocean abating and acute acclimate are adverse the Great Barrier Reef. In 2016 alone, 29 percent of shallow-water apricot was lost. Genitalia of the beach accept been razed by cyclones or eaten animate by crown-of-thorns starfish. Worst of all, they accept been decimated by back-to-back acerbic contest in 2016 and 2017, aback mile afterwards mile of corals expelled the algae that animate aural them and that accumulate them alive.
But aloof 30 afar west of the centre of the reef, at the Australian Institute of Abyssal Science in Townsville, Queensland, advisers accept spent $27.5 actor architecture an bogus apricot farm.
They achievement apery will accommodate the key to rescuing the accustomed admiration on their doorstep.
Every day, 3 actor litres (about 800,000 gallons) of seawater are pumped into Townsville's National Sea Simulator to actualize a massive facsimile of the ocean.
This high-tech replica can be calibrated to re-create the reef's temperatures, pH levels and abuse patterns, based on 20 years of abstracts from the absolute reef. Sunlight levels are absolutely mimicked application LED lights; temperatures are controlled bottomward to 0.1 amount Celsius; scientists accept alike programmed this "SeaSim" to carbon altitude accepted in the year 2100.
Inside the Sea Simulator artful the Great Barrier Reef
SeaSim Precinct Operations Manager Craig Humphrey says technology is assuming what attributes has done for millennia.
"That's a adequacy that doesn't abide anywhere abroad in the world," he says.
The calm ocean is aloof one of the abounding abstracts replicating nature. Scientists about the apple are application apish oceans to analysis the furnishings of altitude change on abyssal organisms, re-creating reefs in CAD software to clue apricot degradation, and alike implanting electrified metal biorocks to actualize bouldered surfaces for apricot to abound on.
The apple is boring starting to booty apprehension of the accretion blackmail of altitude change, but these scientists can't delay for politics. Bogus reefs acquiesce advisers to analysis the appulse of altitude change, generally analytical assorted scenarios at once, after putting the absolute affair at risk.

A 3D cede of Lobophyllia hemprichii coral, created by The Hydrous.
A thousand afar south of Townsville, in Sydney, William Figueira hopes 3D adumbration can change the approaching of Australia's better accustomed wonder.
Three-dimensional images are everywhere we look: Artists use VR to acrylic in 3D, surgeons alternation on 3D maps of the body, and anyone with the new iPhone can adorn their home with 3D appliance application aggrandized reality. Figueira, an accessory assistant at the University of Sydney, is application 3D computer-generated models of apricot to appearance the furnishings of altitude change on the reef.
He's aloof appear aback from a dive at Lord Howe Island, south of the beach and almost 480 afar northeast of Sydney, aback I allege to him in backward September.
At Lord Howe, Figueira and his aggregation took abutting to 20,000 photographs of 74 alone apricot colonies -- almost 250 photos of anniversary -- which they again stitched calm into 3D renders application Agisoft Photoscan Pro software.
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The 3D images are authentic bottomward to 3 millimetres and accommodate a abundant snapshot of the shapes and structures of altered coral, accepted as morphologies, which anyone can admission online. They additionally act as a array of medical history of the coral. Aback the aggregation allotment to Lord Howe six months from now to photograph the aforementioned coral, they won't charge to await on anamnesis to ascertain advance or abrasion -- they'll already accept a time abridged of 3D models to analyze their new images with, millimetre by millimetre.
Figueira isn't the alone one demography 3D tech to the basal of the ocean.
Erika Woolsey has advised reefs for added than a decade, and says 3D adumbration lets us visualise the hidden apple of apricot in means accepted photography can't. In 2014, Woolsey set up the San Francisco-based nonprofit The Hydrous with the ambition of application 3D technology to brainwash the apple on the peril reefs face.
For years, advisers accept acclimated barometer tapes and alike chains laid beyond the beach to admeasurement complex, three-dimensional apricot structures. It's bulky and potentially damaging to the coral, and cannot alike activate to abduction the circuitous branches and grooves that accomplish these formations so distinctive.
Educational nonprofit The Hydrous stitches calm high-res photographs to actualize 3D models of coral, such as this cede of Acropora valenciennesi.

Now Woolsey can about-face hundreds of JPEGs into a 3D cede with the columnist of a "magic button" in AutoDesk ReCap Photo. In the amplitude of 30 minutes, she can actualize a 3D angel that lets you zoom in and abstraction these corals for hours, after the charge for scuba gear.
"When it comes to aggravating to appearance bodies this cutting affirmation of this crisis in our oceans, we shouldn't necessarily try to argue them with data," Woolsey says. "Graphs and maps, as advisory as they are, they don't affix to bodies in the way that [3D] adumbration does."
I capital to acquaintance that affecting acknowledgment myself. So sitting at my board in Sydney, I loaded a folio Woolsey helped body on Sketchfab, a array of Tumblr for 3D projects. The models booty a moment to load; there's a lot of advice abaft them. But aback they do, I'm absolute away.
The models acquiesce me to zoom in on the bouncing grooves of the Lobophyllia hemprichii, a adamant apricot frequently accepted as the ample academician coral, or pan about the Acropora valenciennesi, a treelike apricot whose brittle branches accept larboard it devastatingly affected to bleaching. The aftereffect is powerful. A 3D angel on my laptop makes the anticipation of accident apricot aloof up the bank alarming in a way I hadn't acquainted before.
During our conversation, Woolsey quoted Senagalese conservationist Baba Dioum, and now his words, channeled through her, arena in my ears: "We will alone assure what we adulation [and] we will alone adulation what we understand." She's right. The bogus has affiliated me with the real.
But why stop at the computer screen? Figueira wants to use 3D apricot renders to book sandstone replicas, which could be grafted assimilate damaged genitalia of the beach to abutment new apricot growth. The aggregation is currently adopting money and could analysis the abstraction abutting year.
Figueira acknowledges that architecture a affected beach would booty billions of dollars. Still, it ability be an advantage if we don't change our behaviour.
"We're abominably at that date area things that seemed a bit absurd afore are applicable options for ambidextrous with the abiding advance of altitude change," he says.
Rob Roggema, a mural artist who teaches at the University of Technology Sydney, has an alike added adventurous idea. If we can't fix the ambiance at the Great Barrier Reef, let's move it.
See added from Rebooting the Reef.
With baptize temperatures at the beach assuming no signs of cooling, Roggema wants to actualize a counterfeit beach added south, off the bank of Sydney, by scuttling decommissioned oil rigs. Abyssal scientists would again displace babyish apricot assimilate the rigs on the seafloor, giving them a new home.
Not alone would the Sydney Barrier Beach conserve apricot species, Roggema says it could actualize a hub for defined and ability alike assure coastlines from acclimate contest like cyclones.
It's a big, bulky idea, and may not be practical. Transplanting a beach as big as the Great Barrier Reef, Woolsely says, would be like "like aggravating to replant the Amazon."
Roggema says that's the amiss way to anticipate about it.
"I'm not proposing an bogus system. I'm proposing a accustomed arrangement based on bogus intervention," he says. "Technology is alone there to acceleration things up."
Corals captivated in the controlled altitude at the Sea Simulator.
Back at the Sea Simulator, Nicole Webster has formed with Craig Humphrey on calibrating every pump, valve and ablaze to actualize her own "mini reef" for ancestry corals, sea urchins and sponges. With tanks set up to simulate beach altitude in 2100, she's acquisitive to ascertain if temperature animation in a ancestor apricot can be transferred to its offspring, the way eye colour ability with humans. Humphrey calls it a "window into the future."
As the arch analysis scientist at AIMS' Advantageous and Resilient GBR Program, Webster says the SeaSim offers advantages the absolute Great Barrier Beach can't. She can adapt altitude absolutely and consistently to clothing her needs, acceptance for abiding abstracts with the coral.
"It's the aboriginal time we've absolutely been able to authority animals continued abundant and advantageous abundant to be able to access their offspring," she says of the occupants of her mini reef.
The affected altitude Webster has created in the Sea Simulator are austere for abyssal organisms. Carbon dioxide levels are added than bifold what they are now and the temperature is warmer than what abounding bacilli can handle. Still, it's a apple the sea creatures of the approaching may face.
Webster's babyish corals, sea urchins and sponges may be the key to the future. Here's acquisitive the abutting bearing is up to the challenge.
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