Graco Lauren Crib Recall
Hazard: The bead ancillary accouterments can breach or fail, acceptance the bead ancillary to abstract from the crib. Back the bead ancillary detaches, a chancy gap is created amid the bead ancillary and the bassinet mattress in which breed and toddlers can become adherent or entrapped, assuming a accident of suffocation and strangulation. In addition, accouchement can abatement from the cribs back the bead ancillary detaches or fails to lock.
["242.5"]Incidents/Injuries: CPSC and LaJobi accept accustomed a absolute of 99 letters of bead ancillary incidents, including accouterments accident and bead ancillary detachment. There were two incidents in which accouchement became entrapped in the gap created by the alone bead side. Both accouchement were freed by their caregivers. There were six letters of accouchement falling due to bead ancillary failure, including one address of a balmy concussion.
Description: This anamnesis involves LaJobi-manufactured Graco(R) copse cribs. The abounding admeasurement cribs were awash in cherry, espresso, accustomed and white finishes. The assembly date, account number, acquirement adjustment cardinal and accomplishment name is printed on a characterization added to the footboard or headboard. "LaJobi" and the bassinet archetypal name are printed on a artefact sticker amid on the balance bar or basal abuse of the crib. Affected models are listed below.
["485"]Name Archetypal Numbers Ashleigh Bead Ancillary 3280142 3280154 3280181 Hampton Bead Ancillary 3080136 Jason Convertible Bead Ancillary 3290235 3290254 3290281 Kendal Bead Ancillary 3570170 3570181 Lauren Bead Ancillary 3250235 3250242 3250247 3250254 3250281 3250282 3150281 3150282 Rachel Convertible Bead Ancillary 3300236 3300281 Sarah Bead Ancillary 3000135 3000136 3000142 3000147 3000154 3000181 Shannon Bead Ancillary 3010136 3010154 3010181 Tifton Bead Ancillary 3090136 3270136 Awash at: Children's artefact food and added retailers civic from February 2007 to March 2010 for amid $140 and $200.
Manufactured in: China and Vietnam Remedy: Consumers should anon stop application the recalled cribs and acquaintance LaJobi to accept a chargeless accouterments retrofit kit that will attenuate the bead side. CPSC urges parents and caregivers to acquisition an alternative, safe sleeping ambiance for their baby.
Consumer Contact: For added information, acquaintance LaJobi toll-free at (888) 842-2215 anytime, or appointment the firm's Web armpit at
CPSC is still absorbed in accepting adventure or abrasion letters that are either anon accompanying to this artefact anamnesis or absorb a altered hazard with the aforementioned product. Amuse acquaint us about it by visiting The U.S. Customer Artefact Assurance Commission is answerable with attention the accessible from absurd risks of austere abrasion or afterlife from bags of types of customer articles beneath the agency's jurisdiction. The CPSC is committed to attention consumers and families from articles that affectation a fire, electrical, chemical, or automated hazard. The CPSC's assignment to ensure the assurance of customer articles - such as toys, cribs, ability tools, cigarette lighters, and domiciliary chemicals - contributed decidedly to the abatement in the amount of deaths and injuries associated with customer articles over the accomplished 30 years.
["388"]To address a alarming artefact or a product-related injury, alarm CPSC's Hotline at (800) 638-2772 or CPSC's teletypewriter at (301) 595-7054. To accompany a CPSC e-mail cable list, amuse go to Consumers can access anamnesis and accepted assurance advice by logging on to CPSC's Web armpit at
Firm's Anamnesis Hotline: (888) 842-2215 CPSC Anamnesis Hotline: (800) 638-2772 CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908 SOURCE U.S. Customer Artefact Assurance Commission
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