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fig and flower lubbock
U.S. Defalcation Adjudicator Robert L. Berry will be accustomed at a accession Thursday at the defalcation courthouse. He is appropriate adjudicator for the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Oklahoma and will retire to clandestine convenance at the end of the month.
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Judges, attorneys and accompany accept been arrive to the come-and-go reception. Information can be acquired from Carol Armstrong, 235-8445.
Berry afresh was accustomed in Enid and Lawton by associates of those cities' bounded bar associations.
Berry's wife, Helen, additionally arrive accompany to their home Oct. 4 for a party. The allurement states: "We're closing one aperture and aperture another." Berry affairs to assignment with the Oklahoma City law close of Kornfeld, Franklin and Phillips.
PRENUPTIAL PARTIES ... Lynn Porch, Denver, and James David Hardaway, Austin, Texas, will be accustomed at a brunch Sept. 28 in the home of SoRelle and Don Fitzgerald.
Co-hosts will be Karen and Rob Luke, Paula and Carl Stover and Barbara and Ralph Thompson. Guests will accompany bottles of wine for the couple, who plan to ally Oct. 25 in the Chapel of St. Edward the Confessor.
A battery for the approaching helpmate was accustomed afresh by Jean Benson and Minna Hall. Porch and Hardaway additionally were accustomed in Lubbock, Texas, at a hot-tub affair and supper.
The approaching helpmate will be accustomed Oct. 4 at a rice-bag bologna accustomed by Lacy Leverett and Carole Young.
The couple's parents are Lynnda and Stan Porch, Oklahoma City, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde V. Hardaway Jr., Hurst, Texas.
TRAVELING ... Susie and Bob Blinn are home from Europe. Their babe and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Latta, Wilton, Conn., above Oklahoma City residents, went with them and served as guides.
The aggregation began their all-encompassing motor bout in Paris and concluded in London. They visited France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria and spent time with two French families and one German family.
A admired breadth was Zermatt in the Swiss Alps, breadth the Lattas skied and enjoyed angle of the Matterhorn.
NEW BABY ... Cristina Marie Grace, babe of Danny Joe and Carla Marie Grace, was built-in Sept. 1 in Bartlesville. Cristina's brother is Jeremy Morgan Grace, 2.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Cashion, Oklahoma City, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grace, Cushing.
Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Med Cashion, Oklahoma City.
Cristina is their 36th great-grandchild.
DANCE CLUB'S 80TH YEAR ... The Joi de Vie Ball Club is planning an 80th-anniversary ball Oct. 3 at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club.
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Dance apprenticeship will activate at 8 p.m.; affairs dancing will be at 9 p.m. and will be followed by breakfast.
President Art Dansereau will allocution about the club during the dance.
ORCHESTRA'S 50TH YEAR ... A banquet to account the Oklahoma Symphony Orchestra's 50th year will be captivated today at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club.
The banquet is actuality underwritten by a accumulation of orchestra supporters.
Mrs. Henry Freede is chairman.
Jane Harlow and Berta Faye Rex are 50th-anniversary co-chairmen for the orchestra.
Honorees at banquet will accommodate associates of the aboriginal orchestra, accomplished presidents of the orchestra, the accessory lath and women's committee. Additionally at banquet will be associates of the orchestra board.
Mex Frates and Aileen Frank are co-chairmen of the honorees.
Out-of-town guests will be Mrs. Victor Alessandro, San Antonio, Texas;
Mrs. Guy Fraser Harrison, Martha's Vineyard, Mass., wives of above conductors and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Eliel, Friday Harbor, Wash. Leonard Eliel is above admiral of the board.
Also accessory will be John de Ford, Tulsa, above manager; Ainslee Cox, New York, above conductor; Mrs. Charles Treat, Scottsdale, Ariz., and Mrs. Ralph Gabbard, Ardmore, one of the aboriginal associates of the orchestra.
OMNIPEOPLE ... Mrs. Stephen P. Garrett willl be hostess for the Omnipeople's allotment bologna Tuesday. The Omnipeople accumulation is the advance alignment o the Omniplex Science and Arts Museum.
LAURA AND VANCE ... All Souls Episcopal Abbey was the ambience Aug. 30 for the bells of Laura Ann Haskins and Vance Loren Beagles. The accession was at the Oklahoma Museum of Art.
Parents of the brace are Dr. and Mrs. Don W. Haskins and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Henderson, all of Oklahoma City, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beagles, Edmond.
The helpmate wore her mother's bells dress. The bodice was of Chantilly applique abstract with berry pearls. The brim was applique over cottony organza bizarre with Brussels rosepoint lace. The blind was absorbed to a bandage of berry pearls.
She agitated a boutonniere of gardenias, stephanotis, white roses and baby's breath, and a handkerchief that had belonged to her great-grandmother, the backward Beulah Russell.
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Bridesmaids wore tea-length, candlelight-colored taffeta dresses with two rows of ruffles at the hemline. They agitated bouquets of roses, white freesia and baby's animation with ivory and acceptable glassy streamers.
Big bouquets of blush gladiolas, blush roses and ivy busy a ample mantle. The cafe table featured ample argent urns abounding with lilies, bay's animation and white carnations.
The bride's block was topped with beginning carnations, roses and lilies.
Large fig copse captivated ablaze lights, and the Good Company bandage played for dancing outdoors.
The auto that brought the brace from the abbey was busy with garlands of flowers beyond the hood.
The brace will alive in Oklahoma City. Their amusement was to New York and Bermuda.
FOOTBALL SEASON BRUNCH ... Mary Ann and Barclay Curtis, Jim Kelly and Patty Kelly were hosts for a brunch at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club afore the season's aboriginal University of Oklahoma football game.
Red and white balloons and miniature footballs busy the tables, and a big argent airship goalpost was set by the entryway.
Mary Ann wore a red and white affiliate dress, and Patty wore white slacks and a red shirt.
Lou Ann Rice played "Boomer Sooner" and added Oklahoma songs on the harpsichord.
ZOO FISH FRY ... About 250 bodies abounding the Oklahoma Zoological Society catfish fry recently. Picnic tables were set up abreast the zoo basin area, and the Ninja Bandage played.
Many guests abounding the dolphin shows at Aquaticus. Sandra Bobzien, Steve Wylie and Ron Rosser accustomed the group.
Special zoo animals fabricated an appearance, including a adolescent red kangaroo, a bird and boa constrictor.
BON VOYAGE ... Georgia and Ashley Houk were hostesses afresh for a ambrosia and poker affair to account their friend, Elisabeth Austin, who larboard Wednesday for her apprentice year at academy in Switzerland.
Since Austin will be gone for a year, the hostesses able desserts for American holidays and some bounded appropriate occasions: Halloween cupcakes, heart-shaped avoid for Valentine's Day; a 16th-birthday cake, and algid accolade for Thanksgiving, Easter and the Heritage Hall-Casady football game.
Guests brought ability captivated in melancholia anniversary paper, and the hostesses presented the honoree with a anthology and a stenciled T-shirt.
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CAMPAIGN ... A above fund-raising attack has amorphous at the Oklahoma Museum of Art. About 225 volunteers on 15 teams will try to access the museum's membership.
Team captains are Bill Bleakley, Spence Carson, Sam Dahr, Ann Felton, James Funnell, Elizabeth Free, Bob Funk, Don Harris, Latitia Joullian, Danny Kennedy, Jack Knizie, Art Littel, Joan Maguire, Steve Porter, Jeannette Sias and Karen Swyden.
SALE ... The Keller Williams appliance exhibit will be accessible Thursday through Sept. 28 to account Ballet Oklahoma. Discounts from 33 1/3 percent to 75 percent will be accustomed on anniversary purchase.
The 10th anniversary account will be at Irongate Business Park, 3900 S Broadway, Edmond. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and 1 to 6 p.m. Sept. 28.
KAPPAS ENTERTAIN ... Patty Gers was hostess afresh for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae's ambrosia reception. Mothers of new pledges were appropriate guests.
Informal clay was from Orbach's, Willmann's Furriers and Samuel Gordon Jewelers.
Ann Oswalt, admiral of the alumnae group, accustomed the women.
Others on the lath are Terry Byers, Margaret Cogdell, Ginger Johnson and Lee Ann Kuhlman.
New University of Oklahoma pledges from the breadth are Nancy Cloud, Mary Jane Davis, Louisa Farley, Susan Hallum, Stephanie Lightner, Laura McCall, Susan Morrison, Jonie Panza, Jane Salyer, Krista Schneider, Stephanie Skrasek, Candace Stanhager, Lisa Vose, Kim Welch and Laura Whitten.
New Oklahoma State University pledges inclue Julie Benson, April Bowman, Jennifer Free, Heidi Gallman, Kama Garrison, Julie Gentry, Kathy Hiley, Johnna Hundley, Sheila Maybry, Kristen Meeks, Robyn Vanderslice, Susie Diane Walker and Melinda Wright.
LETTER FROM THE THOMPSONS ... Beverly and Robin Thompson accept arrive accompany to their art show, from 6 to 9 p.m. today at Artsplace.
The accumulating of the mother's and daughter's paintings includes ample abreast canvases, full-sheet watercolors and some abate paintings. One accumulation of paintings is acquired from baby photographs of aboriginal Oklahoma City, taken from the bi-weekly files of The Oklahoma Publishing Co. and produced on canvas by the Thompsons.
Proceeds from the auction of the aboriginal Oklahoma City paintings will go to the Allied Arts Foundation.
A accumulating of abatement and anniversary dress designs by the two artists additionally will be shown.
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