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do yellow jackets pollinate flowers
DEAR JOAN: I accept been wracking my accuracy on how to abort a chicken anorak backup in the arena anon beneath a ample 60-year-old avocado tree. It is rather abutting to our backdoor, and we accept been clumsy to sit in the patio for abhorrence of the foraging wasps.
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Even our outdoor-loving cat has alleged to break central best of the time.
I accept researched do-it-yourself methods such as bubbling water, ice cubes and dry ice, because these are the atomic acceptable to abuse the avocado tree. Do you accept any suggestions for non-toxic abolishment methods?
I haven’t alleged a annoyance ascendancy aggregation so far because I’m assertive they will use baneful chemicals. I would acknowledge any insights.
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Indira Sehgal, Bay Area
DEAR INDIRA: Chicken jackets are causing agitation this year because the winter rains assume to accept bolstered their numbers.
The acceptable account is they won’t be about abundant longer. Even if you don’t do annihilation to eradicate them, they will all die off in the winter and the queen will leave the backup and acquisition addition abode to hide until spring, back she’ll alpha a new nest. If you’re anxious about application pesticides, again you ability appetite to aloof delay out nature.
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Most acceptable the backup is in an alone bagman or vole aperture — chicken jackets cannot burrow their own holes. Once you’re abiding there’s no action about the nest, it would be safe to dig it out and ample in holes and tunnels as best you can to anticipate addition antecedents from affective in abutting spring.
If the access to the backup is on collapsed ground, you can use a bottle basin to allurement the wasps central their nest. Delay until caliginosity or aboriginal morning, afore the chicken jackets arch out, and put the astern basin anon over the hole. They’ll be trapped central and die unless they can acquisition addition exit.
Yellow jackets are corrective as villains, but they do advice with pollination and insect control, which are acceptable things.
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DEAR JOAN: We are not gardeners, but we accept a brace of plants in pots outside, and a excellent and a rosemary bed. We additionally accept a bobcat willow I grew from a axis from Safeway some years ago.
It’s absolutely a appealing timberline and bewitched in the spring, but now it has all-overs agriculture aphids all over the leaves, which still do attending healthy.
Should we be concerned? I adore all-overs and abhorrence accepting to get rid of them indoors; outside, I don’t care. The leaves anon will abatement and the catkins will burst, but is the timberline actuality hurt? Should I aloof avoid them?
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Jayne, Bay Area
DEAR JAYNE: Sounds like your beef is with the aphids, not the ants. Aphid infestations can sap a plant’s strength, so its best to accumulate their populations small. You can do that artlessly by animadversion them off the timberline with blasts of water. The all-overs will accept to acquisition new farms.
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