why do dogs bark at the mailman
My dog died the day afterwards Christmas in 2016, his aftermost abounding day of activity on Earth. He was 17, a “Westie-Something-Something,” cotton-white and actual fluffy, affectionate of like a baby walking billow but well-groomed. His name was Homer: afterwards not the abundant dark artist from antique but the amateur nuclear ability bulb administrator from “The Simpsons.”
The name fit his cool personality. Despite his bashful size, Homer consistently seemed beneath the consequence he was abundant bigger. He’d case at strangers, but afresh run in the added administration the moment they confused afterpiece to him. He had all the adequacy of a abundant bouncer dog, except he was not absolutely useful. Homer additionally admired to admit himself into conversations. And any time he saw a accumulation of three or added bodies in a bunch, he’d accomplish himself a allotment of the group, binding in amid a brace of people’s legs, as if he had article capital to apprehend and to accord as well.
Since Dec. 26, 2016, memories like this beam through my arch constantly. That morning, my mom woke me up and told me blankly, “Homer is dying.” Her eyes were adulterated and a little red. I acquainted my beating rocket advancement as I followed her out. Homer was half-conscious, still aggravating to agitate off what looked like a morning seizure.
My sister, mom and I were all home for the holidays. We took Homer to the vet. I bedeviled alone on the capital phrases advancing out of my vet’s mouth: “poor affection of life,” “in pain,” “organ failure,” “poor teeth,” all abundant to apperceive what it all meant.
We were told that we could acquire as continued as we bare with him afore the action started. When the aperture closed, my mom said she capital to authority him to accomplish him feel calm. All of us — Mom, my sister, myself — got bottomward on the floor. We were scrunched calm in a amphitheater and took turns cuddle him. He was calmer than any of us three, eyes starting to abutting again.
When it was time for Homer to go bottomward the anteroom to get his IV inserted, I darted to the parking lot. A half-hour passed. I afraid article had gone amiss and that Homer was in pain. An hour later, my mom and my sister assuredly came out. They said annihilation had gone wrong, and that they had backward with Homer a bit afterwards he had passed, silently administration a final quiet moment with him afore abrogation him for good.
We collection home and almost said a word.
My day job is in academia. I advise and analysis about big civic ills, from growing asperity to the acerb furnishings of racism to ecology catastrophes. Seen adjoin all that, afflicted over a dog seems like an indulgence. “He’s aloof a dog,” as so abounding non-pet owners acquire said to me over the years.
Yeah. True enough, I guess. But afresh why do I — and so abounding dog and pet owners like me — ache over the Homers of the apple the way we do? Why do we see them as our best friends, as ancestors members, as “people” whom we adulation as abundant and no beneath than our abutting animal companions? It’s a catechism that’s ashamed the pens of Jane Goodall, E.B. White, John Steinbeck and so abounding others who acquire advised on the pet-human relationship.
My own bashful addition to all this? For me, “there’s added austere being activity on,” or “they’re not human,” are absolutely the affidavit we ache so much. Our bonds with our pets are our brainy sanctuaries. Homer was my refuge: my admonition that about abundant pettiness, betrayal or bad acceptance that I — or bodies about me — ability display from time to time, there is such a affair as basal goodness. It emanated from him in episodes like all those asinine moments that raced through my arch in his final hour.
That’s how I acquire the abyss of my animosity for my asleep dog. He was aloof consistently there. He spent so abundant time attractive afterwards me — afterwards alike alive it — that I alternate the favor, alike afterwards he passed.
That evening, I asked my mom: “Did he attending afraid appropriate afore he was put down?”
“No,” she assured me. “He was actual peaceful and calm. He aloof bankrupt his eyes.”
Merlin Chowkwanyun is an abettor assistant of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

