Stone House Designs Australia
'Rolling Stone' annual architect Jann Wenner, left, enjoyed a alloyed accord over the years with Mick Jagger, centre.
EXCLUSIVE EXTRACT - From Adhesive Fingers: The Life and Times of Jann Wenner and Rolling Stone Magazine
When he aboriginal saw it, in November 1967, Mick Jagger was abashed by the adventurousness of Rolling Stone – to name a bi-weekly afterwards his bandage and not alike put the Rolling Stones on the awning of the aboriginal issue?
It was an abuse that would stick with Jagger for the abutting fifty years. "Why did Jann [Wenner] alarm it that, aback there was a bandage alleged that?" asked Jagger. "You could accept anticipation commodity else, to be honest. I mean, I apperceive it arised from a song name, but that's not absolutely the point."
He continued, aggravating to anticipate Wenner's logic: "The song name, I wouldn't say, is absolute obscure, but it wasn't like the name of a thing. It was a song. Of course, there's no absorb for all these things – 'Rolling Stone Ice Cream', go ahead. But it was a annual about bedrock music … It's a abuse acclaim in one way, but it's additionally a absolute blah title."
Keith Richards put it added succinctly: "We thought, 'What a thief!' "
From the start, there was abashing over the name. "Because Rolling Stone was brand-new," said Jerry Hopkins, one of the aboriginal writers for the magazine. "I was consistently adage to people, 'No, not the group, the newspaper'."
Wenner already said he had no agitation accepting the buzz aggregation to install his business curve on San Francisco's Brannan Street because they "thought we were the Rolling Stones".
He benefited from the confusion, a actuality not absent on Allen Klein, the band's manager, who anon had his advocate accelerate Wenner a cease-and-desist letter. The advocate accepted Wenner abjure and abort all copies of Rolling Stone or ache "immediate acknowledged activity including an admonition and a clothing for acute damages".
Wenner, whose accord with Stones columnist secretary Jo Bergman had emboldened him to affiance "an account with Mick Jagger" in a Rolling Stone columnist release, began active in quiet terror.
In November 1967, he wrote to Jagger directly, acquisitive to avoid a lawsuit. "Greetings from San Francisco!" began the letter. "My activity is that you haven't got any abstraction that this activity has been taken on your behalf," he wrote. "'Cause it aloof doesn't assume like it's area you and the Stones are at."
Wenner asked Jagger to alarm him for an account so Rolling Stone could broadcast commodity absolute about the Rolling Stones. "That would be a groove," he said, "'cause we're all absolute absorbed in what's accident with everybody. It aloof looks like a abundant mistake," he concluded. "We adulation you."
Silence followed and Wenner squirmed, cogent Bergman he was "very edgy" cat-and-mouse for Jagger to absolve him from acknowledged action, which was "essential" if he were activity to coin an announcement accord with Columbia Records. "We accept to get this acclimatized afore it becomes out of sight," he wrote to her.
Stroking his button from afar, Mick Jagger could not advice but beam how the Beatles were application Rolling Stone as a accessible promotional vehicle, with Wenner autograph about them in the best adherent of terms. Indeed, Jagger could use a guy like Jann Wenner in America, abnormally afterwards his aftermost album, Their Satanic Majesties Request, was so ailing received. Jon Landau ripped it in Rolling Stone as an afraid Sgt. Pepper's knockoff and declared the assembly and Jagger's lyrics "embarrassing".
A abounding nine months and 14 issues into the actuality of Rolling Stone and the Rolling Stones had yet to arise on the cover, while their arch-rivals, the Beatles, had already appeared three times. If the accusation blackmail was a "great mistake", it was additionally a acceptable bit of leverage, and if annihilation abroad Mick Jagger admired leverage.
"I don't anticipate Mick lets anyone off the angle for anything," said Keith Richards. "He's never let anyone off the hook, already he's got one in."
That summer, Jagger abstruse that Wenner was acquisitive to alpha a British adaptation of Rolling Stone in London. One of his writers, Jonathan Cott, now based in London, wrote to Wenner to abode rumblings of acknowledged hassles from the Stones if he attempted to broadcast in England. Bergman, the Stones' secretary, warned Cott that "the Stones ability accompany the acknowledged affair out in the accessible here, aback there is a Rolling Stone Annual for the group, already here".
It looked to Cott like a "bad scene".
Wenner had met Rolling Stones ambassador Glyn Johns through his neighbour Boz Scaggs, backward of the Steve Miller Bandage and, over banquet one night in San Francisco, Johns offered to agent a affair with Jagger.
The moment accustomed aback the Stones were bond Beggars Banquet at Sunset Sound studios in Hollywood in the summer of 1968. Wenner accustomed bristling with bonhomie, acquisitive to win Jagger over for an account and to advance the adhesive affair of the Rolling Stone trademark. Afterwards Wenner scribbled abundant addendum about the new album, Jagger arrive him aback to his busy abode in Beverly Hills, area they listened to an acetate of the aboriginal anthology by the Band, Music from Big Pink, ate pizza, and talked business.
Wenner was in heaven, basking in Jagger's beaming stardom. Jagger proposed that Wenner appear to London to altercate the achievability of publishing the British adaptation of Rolling Stone, with Mick Jagger as half-owner. Everything was falling into place: Jagger had already been dabbling with the abstraction of starting a annual and now actuality was Jann Wenner, who already had a acknowledged one alleged Rolling Stone, and was thereby assertive beneath Jagger's thumb.
"Jann and I anticipation it would be acceptable to accomplish one that was partly the aforementioned affair but would be localised in some way," Jagger said.
To appearance his appreciation, Wenner went aback to San Francisco and wrote up a song-by-song examination of Beggars Banquet for Rolling Stone, comparing Jagger's lyrics to those of Bob Dylan and declaring it "the Stones' best record, afterwards a doubt". Wenner declared Jagger as "a thin, chic Oscar Wilde figure" trailed by "bizarre" groupies whose "reaction to the acclaimed – and in this case, about what one could alarm the 'spiritually famous' – was as acute as ever".
What afar Jann Wenner from the added groupies, of course, was Rolling Stone. And the anniversary of August 10, 1968, Wenner put Mick Jagger on the awning for the aboriginal time, the accompanist bad-tempered and anointed in a catchbasin top, a brace of headphones on his head. "The Return of the Rolling Stones," declared the headline.
There was a analgesic abandon to Rolling Stone as it charted the backward 1960s, the archaic card pages aperture like a lotus flower, blade by petal, with revelations. The Beatles denounced the Maharishi. Dylan fabricated a agglomeration of bootlegs in a basement. A blues-rock accumulation alleged Fleetwood Mac was advancing to America. And white bodies were assuredly acquirements how to be black. "They don't applause as able-bodied as a James Brown admirers in the ghetto areas," wrote Rolling Stone co-founder Ralph Gleason in June 1968, "but they applause a thousand times bigger than their parents did."
Wenner captivated in annoying photography adulatory absolved and another female (mainly lesbianism) and appear accomplished guides to affairs and smoker marijuana, a addiction so all-over that a folio 3 angel of a boy smoker a collective abashed no one.
["1487.98"]There were balladry by Richard Brautigan and Allen Ginsberg; belief on banana artisan R. Crumb and pop artisan Roy Lichtenstein; interviews with Miles Davis and Tiny Tim; accomplished LPs by new artists like Joni Mitchell ("A penny-yellow albino with a boilerplate voice") and Sly Stone ("The best adventuresome body music of 1968").
Rolling Stone recorded every tossed off "um" and "uh" of Frank Zappa and Jim Morrison (including a connected and affected composition Wenner cautiously agreed to publish), every discharge of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
Even the advertisements were windows into the alien American abyss of accomplished shops, bedrock festivals, and free-form radio stations – Middle Eastern hookahs, a book by Carlos Castaneda, a three-day "Aquarian Exposition" in Woodstock, New York – all of it barmy up from the streets to be affected in Wenner's apple-pie Oxford borders, fabricated angelic by the Rolling Stone banner.
The adverse amid Rolling Stone's beeline architecture and the pot-tinged agreeable central was like "a circus", said David Dalton, who began at Rolling Stone in 1968 afterwards autograph for boyhood magazines in New York. "All the clowns and monkeys could jump around, but it was all independent in these Oxford lines."
The bi-weekly was anchored by the loud sniffs and harrumphs of its animating almanac reviews, accounting by academy graduates who button stroked and sneered as if they were parsing Picasso and not albums by the Steve Miller Band.
But the absolute opinions were not the best important thing; this was all the accomplished book of a movement, affidavit to readers that they were accommodating in a abstruse counterpower to the accumulation media. In Rolling Stone, they could assuredly apprehend themselves anticipate aloud.
Among Wenner's best account was to book abominable adamant clairvoyant letters, kids from Omaha and Miami aural off with acrimony and accomplished humour beneath the banderole of "Correspondence, Adulation Belletrist & Advice".
• Let's face it: John and Yoko are awkward bores.
• I enjoyed your aqueduct commodity but was aghast by your analysis of the bong.
• Abounding times I accept apparent your cardboard annihilate addition with cardboard and ink; it is consistently a absolute able job. And it is consistently acceptable homicide.
The readers were bodies who knew every Dylan lyric, could accord affiliate and ballad on every Stones controversy, bare things from the Beatles to get to the abutting day … Jann Wenner had a tiger by the tail.
Their parents wrote in to demand, like Mrs Marsha Ann Berth of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, that they "do not, and I beggarly do not, accelerate Rolling Stone to my babe . . . Keep it beneath arena and coffin it. Never and I beggarly never accelerate that affair to this abode again. Trash! Trash! Trash!" – which Wenner appear in full.
A few months later, Wenner flew to London to accommodated with Jagger but aboriginal had banquet with Pete Townshend of the Who. They had met in August 1968 aback Wenner did an account with Townshend that spanned two issues of Rolling Stone.
"The aboriginal assurance for me that Jann had audaciously admirable ambitions," said Townshend, "was his admiration to actualize a UK adaptation of Rolling Stone. He came to London on his aboriginal fact-finding mission, and we afraid out calm a brace of times."
The guitarist best him up in his gigantic Mercedes 600 and squired him to his Georgian abode abreast the Thames.
Townshend was addled with how bound Wenner had accepted the role of columnist baron. "He seemed so abundant added carnal and admirable than I remembered him," he said. "He affected I would be adequate with the calibration of his business ambitions, and I accept I was, but I bethink activity that he charge accept accumulated a about affluence adequately quickly."
He hadn't absolutely yet, but why wait?
The abutting day, Townshend said, he and Wenner went to Olympic Studios to see the Rolling Stones almanac songs for a accessible album, Let It Bleed. They sat in the berth while the Stones played, both boring Mick Jagger like feverish groupies.
"It angry out that he, like me, harboured an admiration of Mick Jagger that was not absolutely heterosexual," said Townshend.
Afterward, Wenner accompanied Jagger to his accommodation in Chelsea, and they sat by a broiler with a moose accomplished over the mantel to altercate their collective venture. They hadn't gotten absolute far aback Marianne Faithfull, Jagger's again lover, showed up afterwards a bad day on the set of a blur assembly of Hamlet, in which she played Ophelia. "She came home, agitated and histrionic, and he had to abundance her and I left," recalled Wenner. (She would balance on sleeping pills not connected after.)
With a ample acceding from Jagger, Wenner alternate to San Francisco and affable into the capacity of the collective venture, autograph Jagger a alternation of aflame belletrist and telegrams analogue his account for a British Rolling Stone. They would be accommodation owners, he suggested, with Wenner in exhausted control.
He agreeably included a abandonment for Jagger to assurance absolving him of acknowledged agitation from cast infringement. Not so fast, said Jagger.
"For my part, I affected that I would added or beneath accept ascendancy of the [editorial] action on this ancillary of the Atlantic," Jagger wrote back, abacus that the abandonment "is not in any way valid, and alike if I active it, it agency nothing. You can't apprehend me to abandon all accomplished or approaching rights to the name Rolling Stone – and abandon to whom anyway."
They put the questions off to aback Wenner alternate to London in the spring. For now, Wenner would accept to be annoyed that he was in business with Mick Jagger – wasn't that enough? Clearly, Jagger captivated the cards.
For Jagger's aboriginal Rolling Stone account in October 1968, Jonathan Cott aggregate a byline with an agent of the Rolling Stones, Sue Cox, who formed out of the band's Maddox Street appointment in London, area the account was conducted ("It is not the best absolute and complete set of questions and answers," conceded the Rolling Stone introduction).
When he alternate to London in March 1969, Jann Wenner was acceptable a amount of ballyhoo in the underground press, in allotment because of his approaching accord with Jagger. The Guardian alleged him the Hugh Hefner of pop, and Wenner angrily told Oz, the British counterculture annual edited by Richard Neville, "we're out to alter the Melody Maker and all these shitty music publications". (Oz declared Wenner as attractive "for all the apple like an almighty bearded rugby player" with the "cat-that-got-away-with-the-cream smile".)
That week, Wenner met with Prince Rupert Loewenstein, the Bavarian blueblood accepted as "Rupie the Groupie", who had taken over administration of the Stones' affairs during Jagger's acerbic breach with Allen Klein.
Loewenstein was no beneath anxious about the cast issue, cogent Wenner he capital him to assurance a abandonment giving Jagger the rights to the name Rolling Stone. "I said, 'No, you can't own the name Rolling Stone'," recalled Wenner.
Regardless, Loewenstein said they were blessed to go into business with Wenner, with Jagger as "chairman" of the collective adventure they absitively to alarm the Trans-oceanic Banana Aggregation Limited. Now Jann Wenner was business ally with Mick Jagger.
British Rolling Stone launched in June 1969, with Pete Townshend on the cover. Jagger was in ascendancy and the boisterous agents had set up appointment in Hanover Square, but Jagger and Wenner had not absolutely sorted out the acceding of engagement.
Each new affair accustomed in San Francisco like a beginning offence, a aberrant adaptation of Wenner's own Rolling Stone, trussed up with political diatribes, ever adequate prose, and arrant misspellings of bedrock brilliant names on the cover.
"There were two alarming incidents area we spelled Ray Davies' name wrong, and we alleged him 'Ray Davis' in a big headline," recalled Alan Marcuson who was assassin as the announcement administrator and afterwards became an editor, "and again we spelled Bob Dylan's name wrong, 'Dillon' as I remember. As bad as it can f---ing get, really. Wenner hit the roof, accurately so."
Wenner flew to London to try bringing adjustment to the assertive staff, whose antecedence seemed to be adequate Mick Jagger's wine as able-bodied as copious amounts of marijuana. "Wenner came over, and we had a absolute fractious, afflictive affair with him," said Marcuson. "And he absolute bound became the adversary of London Rolling Stone." Jagger gave the agents carte blanche to avoid Wenner, which they were all too blessed to do. "We said, 'F--- it, the Stones are advantageous for this, we'll do whatever we like, he's not our boss'," said Marcuson.
After two months of frustration, Wenner beatific a 12-page letter to Jagger calling the British Rolling Stone "mediocre" and run with "unbelievable incompetence".
Wenner insisted to Jagger that the British annual appear beneath the cossack of the American Rolling Stone.
By this time, however, Jagger had absent absorption absolutely and aureate to Australia to blur an art-house outlaw cine alleged Ned Kelly (which Rolling Stone would afterwards alarm as "one of the best plodding, addled and absurd films in contempo memory"). Meanwhile, Jagger's British Rolling Stone agents threw a almanac industry affair in which the bite basin was acicular with LSD and several attendees were hospitalised.
Wenner was atrocious to cull the bung on British Rolling Stone but abashed by the anticipation of absolution Jagger down. "It took me a while to spiral my adventuresomeness up to do it, to address him a letter or alarm him," said Wenner. "I said this affair is awful, it's not working, they're spending your money at an absurd rate, and you're activity to accept annihilation to appearance for it."
When Wenner appear to the British agents that the annual was finished, his letter was anon leaked to The International Times, an underground cardboard accurate by Paul McCartney, which abundant the boot of the "Stones agents " from their offices. For Wenner, it was a admirable embarrassment, abrasive the believability of his cardboard and abrogation a aftertaste of absinthian disappointment over Jagger's abortion to advocate his end of the bargain.
"I was agitated and I said that to him," said Wenner. "There was never any acknowledgment from Mick."
For Jagger, it was an big-ticket boondoggle, annihilation more. "I didn't accept that abundant money at that point," said Jagger, "because I was in all these disputes with Allen Klein." (Jagger acquainted Klein had ripped off the Stones.) Mick Jagger's agents implored the Stones' accompanist to amend shutting bottomward British Rolling Stone and spent the abutting two weeks aggravating to accroach the annual from Wenner.
The ball culminated in a connected and acrimonious buzzer to Jagger acknowledgment that it was the bedrock star's God-given appropriate to use the name Rolling Stone, behindhand of what Jann Wenner said. Marcuson remembered the absolute date of the buzzer they beatific to Mick Jagger. It was the weekend of December 6, 1969, the eve of a chargeless concert an hour south of the Rolling Stone offices: the Rolling Stones at Altamont Speedway.
In September 1969, Mick Jagger had alternate from filming Ned Kelly to alpha the aboriginal Rolling Stones bout in about three years. The bandage had been barred from alive in the States because of biologic busts, and they were abiding to a adventurous new bedrock arena authentic by the behemothic Woodstock festival, a media caricature that was filmed for a documentary and recorded for a amateur LP.
The Stones were activity insecure, and competitive. So Jagger adapted up a sequel, a West Coast acknowledgment to Woodstock, this time in the hometown of his business accomplice Jann Wenner and featuring bounded heroes the Grateful Asleep and the Jefferson Airplane.
The aboriginal affair they did was appoint a documentary blur aggregation to actualize a movie, in hopes of assault the Woodstock cine to the theatres in the bounce of 1970.
News of a chargeless anniversary aboriginal leaked in November 1969, at the absolute moment that British Rolling Stone was dissolving. By December, the affairs for a Stones cine were in place, but the anniversary itself was still in shambles. Jagger had alleged Wenner for help, atrocious to defended a venue. Wenner gave Jagger the cardinal of a bounded lawyer, Melvin Belli who abiding for the Stones to booty over the Altamont Speedway.
Privately, Wenner was still anguish from the bootless adventure with Jagger alone a ages before. Aback Wenner accustomed at Brannan Street one afternoon to ascertain advisers of the Stones application his clandestine appointment to accomplish buzz calls, he yelled at his secretary for acceptance them in. (The Rolling Stones ran up $US140 in long-distance buzz calls, and Wenner promptly forwarded them the bill.)
Jagger was adamantine up for banknote on the border of the Stones' annulment from administrator Allen Klein, not to acknowledgment the $US40,000 he had absolute on British Rolling Stone. Aback Rolling Stone buttonholed him about why he capital to absorb $US100,000 on a chargeless concert, his cast acknowledgment was "Well, I capital to do the accomplished bout for free, because, you know, I'm richer than the added fellas, and I can allow it.
"I'm aloof joking," he added.
Wenner had about abutting the Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia and Phil Lesh on a helicopter to the anniversary but autonomous out while still continuing on the landing pad. Perhaps he'd apparent abundant of Jagger for one year.
Altamont was a gigantic mistake. That it represented the abrupt and abortive afterlife of Woodstock Nation is a adage that happens to be true: a absolutely crafted Hieronymus Bosch mirror angel of the heaven at Max Yasgur's farm, Altamont was a adulterated anniversary exhausted by "every meatball in the Western Hemisphere", as accompanist songwriter Bob Neuwirth had warned of chargeless concerts, and bedridden by agitated battle and bad acerbic trips, including a man who declared he was abundant and jumped off a adjacent artery overpass.
Members of the Hells Angels, the assassin "security" in wolf pelts and leather, swilled the $US500 account of beer the Stones gave them, exhausted concert-goers with basin sticks, and, finally, stabbed an 18-year-old atramentous fan alleged Meredith Hunter to afterlife while the Stones played Beneath My Deride fifteen yards away.
In advanced of 300,000 algidity admirers in an aphotic and sprawling acreage at night, Jagger blithely advertised his abominable acceptability by assuming Sympathy for the Devil, which anon set off a agitated affray in advanced of the stage. "We consistently accept commodity absolute funny appear aback we alpha that number," he told the crowd, as if allotment of a script. Fifteen account later, there was a asleep man in advanced of him, which was not allotment of the script.
Over the weekend of the concert, Wenner began audition from his agents who were sickened by the abandonment they'd witnessed, and alike added so afterwards they apprehend the banderole in a San Francisco cardboard the afterward day, "300,000 Say It with Music", acutely pre-written afterwards any beholder accounts.
"Those of us who had been there were so dispirited," said staffer and almanac analyzer Greil Marcus, "both by what had happened – it was so awful, in so abounding means – and again by the columnist coverage."
Before the annihilation took place, Marcus and managing editor John Burks advised burying the adventure forth with the blow of the columnist because the anniversary was so bleak. "I bethink John [Burks] saying, 'This is so abominable … what if we aloof ran a cavalcade saying, "Stones Play Chargeless Concert", and ran a brace of paragraphs."
But afterwards the murder, there could be no denial. Burks alleged Wenner over the weekend ambitious they "tell bodies what these f---ers did".
Wenner was apprenticed to face Jagger down. Ralph Gleason told him to awning the Altamont adversity "like it was Apple War II". The afterward week, Wenner, according to Greil Marcus, sat afore his editors over cafeteria and declared, "We're gonna awning this adventure from top to bottom, and we're activity to lay the blame."
For Wenner, chief to accost Altamont bang was a moment of bravery, brave admitting it was by the affliction over British Rolling Stone, and not afterwards Wenner's appropriate calculation. It was a accident account taking.
"I bethink absolutely cerebration this thought, that whatever we did, my accord with Mick would survive," Wenner continued. "If it took a year or two to repair, it would booty a year or two to adjustment . . . I had to be accurate to this."
Wenner deputised John Burks to stitch calm the reportage of 11 altered writers into a adept adventure in the appearance of a Newsweek presidential attack exposé. Alike the almanac critics, like Lester Bangs and Greil Marcus, were affected into service. Marcus was tasked with the best difficult appointment of all: interviewing the ancestors of the annihilation victim, Meredith Hunter. Hunter's addled sister told Marcus that the Stones were "responsible" for her brother's death: "They don't care, they don't care."
Wenner advised the contest of Altamont like a claimed betrayal. Aback he apparent that Hunter's ancestors had never alike been contacted by the Rolling Stones Organisation, he wrote a claimed cheque to the ancestors for $US500.
David Crosby, a allegiant apostle of the Hells Angels, told Rolling Stone he advised the concert "a aberrant ego trip" for the Stones.
"Is Mick amenable for the killing?" ran a explanation beneath a photo of Jagger, who was declared in the adventure as a complacent capital in "a red clover cape and red clover cap", ambitious "the best of hotels, limousines, cuisine".
As his adventure went to press, Wenner did try accepting Jagger to respond, sending a buzzer to Maddox Street in London. "There is no attack to fix blame," he wrote to Jagger. "It was a cosmically agreed anniversary for the end of the '60s."
But that was Wennerian obfuscation. Laying the accusation was the point.
With a dozen reporters at his back, notebooks bristling with damaging quotations from every arrant bedrock name in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Jann Wenner had to apperceive he was baiting the angle for the above administrator of the Trans-oceanic Banana Aggregation aback he said, "We absolutely don't accusation you but your connected blackout is authoritative added bodies anxious and apprehensive and I anticipate if you will accomplish a account in Rolling Stone it will go a connected way appear straightening affairs up and putting bodies at ease."
Jagger didn't reply. But aback the adventure was finished, it larboard aught agnosticism that Rolling Stone was "attempting to fix blame".
"Altamont," said the story, "was the artefact of a abominable egotism, aerial ineptitude, money manipulation, and, at base, a axiological abridgement of affair for humanity."
Wenner had never betrayed his heroes absolutely like this before. He had airtight a almanac or two, angered a few almanac executives, fabricated Eric Clapton faint. But through an actinic mix of petty business affliction and self-preservation, Jann Wenner nailed Mick Jagger's adumbrate to the bank with avenging aplomb.
For a bearing of readers, the adventure of Altamont was the one printed in Rolling Stone, seared into history like a beasts cast captivated in Jann Wenner's grip.
Forty-five years afterwards Altamont, Mick Jagger was still afflicted by Rolling Stone's basic crucifixion. "The botheration with accepting relationships with bodies in the press, it's like politicians in a way," he mused. "They name their annual afterwards you. And they become accompany with you. But again aback commodity happens and goes wrong, you feel that they should be added sympathetic.
"Sympathetic, acceptation alike handed. You don't apprehend them to booty your ancillary adjoin the world, and stick up for you aback you're wrong, but you apprehend to get a fair able at the whip. And I'd acutely acquainted at that point that that didn't appear in this case."
For Jagger, the Altamont adventure was a betrayal by Jann Wenner; for anybody else, it was an articulation point for the adolescence culture.
As the media anecdotal caked about the abstraction of Altamont as the afterlife of the 1960s – with the annihilation weapon in Mick Jagger's hand – the "visibly shaken" accompanist told Ralph Gleason, who was advertisement on Altamont for Esquire, "If Jesus had been there, he would accept been crucified."
This is an edited abstract from Adhesive Fingers by Joe Hagan, appear by Viking and broadcast in Australia by Penguin Random House, $34.99

