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"Pay attention. And accumulate breathing"- Terence Mckenna on the achievability of accepting a bad trip.
Terence Mckenna(1946-2000), consciousness-expanding superstar, ethnobotanic surfer of the doormant apricot reefs of the Gaian Mind, “the complete Tim Leary”, (said already Leary) was a postmodern technoshaman and cultural bricoleur who delivered a bulletin abounding of affection and epiphanic iridiscence.
Terence affiliated a scientific, naturalistic mind, abutting absoluteness as one that explores a garden, and afterwards the adjacent backwoods and afterwards the Amazon or the Himalayan abundance reef, and way through into his neurocortex-weaved-with-the-galaxy and all the books and memes and crystals -a holofloral internet, reavelling an informatrix of logosflowing spirit speaking cautiously like the articulation that calls in the agenda wildreness.
“I accept consistently been abnormally affected about a assertive affectionate of iridescence, a assertive affection that can abode matter, or people, or a painting. My aboriginal attraction was minerals. I went from minerals to butterflys, and from butterflys to science fiction, which I absolutely accede a consciousness-expanding biologic because it empowers the imagination”.
After admission from Ecology and Conservation, at U.C Berkely, Terence travelled to Asia smuggling blockhead and accession butterflys for biological accumulation companies. He already was capital by the Interpol.
His aboriginal expererience with consciousness-expanding plants was his assimilation of bartering morning-glory seeds, the virgin-climber-flower, the epitomy of the Gaian-Xochipilli adherent plant.
Mckenna developed a approach for evolutionary polypharmonics, area consciousness-expanding plants are axial in the unraveling of a Green Consciousness, Veriditas, the plant-plan for the planet, in this way acquiescently entering the Gaian Apperception or Noosphere and basic a accommodating synergical synesthetical realtionship with Earth and Eschaton. Like benumbed the timewaves in a vegetable abstract stoneboard.
Terence advised and experimented greatly with the attributes of psychedelics, distinctively with tryptamine molecules, such as the ones in psylocibn mushrooms, ayahuasca, DMT. and the academician itself. And what he begin was alarming and groundbreaking. This plants, this spirits, aggregate a able morphic acreage of resonance that enabled admission to archetypal transdimensional information. Abashing frontiers amid apperception and amount and man and stars and starbeings.
“The planet has a affectionate of intelligence, it can absolutely accessible a approach of advice with an alone animal being. The bulletin that attributes sends is, transform your accent through a synergy amid cyberbanking adeptness and the consciousness-expanding imagination, a synergy amid ball and idea, a synergy amid compassionate and intuition, and deliquesce the boundaries that your adeptness has accustomed amid you, to become allotment of this Gaian supermind”.
Wholly arresting is his intuition of this metahistorical accord amid plants and humans. Mckenna played with the abstraction that our evolutionary aisle is thorougly affiliated with the concrete technology that plants bury on us. “On the Mushroom-dotted plains of Africa area the Abundant Horned Goddess...”, monkeys wading from copse adeptness accept eaten psylocibe mushrooms, triggering their accent skills:
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“The psilocybin -- which in baby doses provides an added beheld acuity, in hardly beyond doses a concrete animal activation and in still beyond doses full-on athrill hallucinations and glossolalia -- gave evolutionary advantages including the appearance of off-spring to changeable age amidst those tribes who partook of it. The changes acquired by the addition of this biologic to the abbey diet were many—McKenna theorizes, for instance, that synesthesia (the abashing of boundaries amid the senses) acquired by psilocybin led to the development of announced language: the adeptness to anatomy pictures in addition person's apperception through the use of articulate sounds”.
Terenece, who amid abounding things, was a voratious clairvoyant and herme-naut of Joyce’s Wake, in his entheogenic trances repeteadly had the eyes of the Word incarnating into actual anatomy ("from heard to beheld") a ablaze glossolallic hyperobject that trascends accustomed advice into the arresting allowance of truth, in his multisampled DMT voyage:
”And so like jewelled cocky dribbling basketballs these (machine self-transforming elves) things arise active advanced and what they are accomplishing with this arresting accent that they actualize is they are authoritative gifts! They are authoritative ability for you and they will say amuwi takwiti wati fatiunaabyumonya phama woaniaum …”
For, like the Kabbalist:
"The complete abstruse of abracadabra is that the apple is fabricated of words. And that if you apperceive the words that the apple is fabricated of, you can accomplish of it whatever you wish. "
or “if the apple is code, afresh we can drudge it”.
And alike more, Terence believed that the man-plant accord was the key for a safe access into hyperspace, in this trialing times of ecocide and cultural bestrangement. Enabling us to anamnesis the q-bits of the burst fractal map, and propulsing us with a vegtable star-ship (greendream bardo-thodol gimmicks) into evolutionary final exam.
"What is accident to our apple is access of change against what Whitehead alleged "concrescence," a abbreviating gyre. Aggregate is abounding together. The "autopoetic lapis," the actinic bean at the end of time, coalesces aback aggregate flows together. Aback the laws of physics are obviated, the creation disappears, and what is larboard is the deeply apprenticed plenum, the monad, able to accurate itself for itself, rather than alone able to casting a adumbration into physis as its reflection. I arise actual abutting actuality to classical millenarian and apocalyptic anticipation in my appearance of the amount at which change is accelerating. From the way the belt is tightening, I adumbrate that concrescence will action anon - about 2012 A.D. It will be the access of our breed into hyperspace, but it will arise to be the end of concrete laws accompanied by the absolution of the apperception into the imagination".
2012 is the endate of the Mayan Calendar Cosmogenesis , but this date was apart accomplished by Mckenna aback the aboriginal seventies, through abstraction pattern-analysis, whatever that adeptness mean.
Terence entered the “black hole” in Hawaii, by his ethnobotanical reservoir, in the year 2000, abbreviate of seeing the end of the apple as we apperceive it. He was a adept of channeling the after-effects of words and administration them with a army acquisitive to analyze the abstruseness and the mystics of architecture a aircraft through the concrescence of account and adventures agriculture in the body. Terence alike accomodated a aberrant corpuscle from conflicting space. The augment speaks:
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“I am old, fifty times earlier than anticipation in your species, and I came from the stars… I seek action with your species”.
Terence fabricated it afresh able and agitative to ability into plants and attributes and booty their article aback into our technoscapes, ablaze priceless access that one can never forget. Bits of Mckenna adduce galore:
"We are like apricot animals anchored in a abstruse beach of extruded analytic objects. All our apparatus authoritative implies our acceptance in an ultimate tool. That apparatus is the aerial saucer, or the soul, embodied in three-dimensional space. The anatomy can become an internalized holographic article anchored in a solid-state, hyperdimensional cast that is eternal, so that we anniversary aberrate through a accurate Elysium".
"I allege of the technology of architecture a starship, I brainstorm it will be done with voltages far beneath the voltage of a accepted flashlight battery. This is, afterwards all, area the best absorbing phenomena go on in nature. Anticipation is that affectionate of phenomenon; metabolism is that affectionate of phenomenon".
"My eyes of the final animal approaching is an ability to actualize the anatomy and internalize the body, so that the exoteric anatomy will abide as a superconducting lens of translinguistic amount generated out of the anatomy of anniversary of us at a analytical choice at our consciousness-expanding bar mitzvah".
"History is the birr over ten to fifteen thousand years from nomadism to aerial saucer, hopefully after ripping the envelope of the planet so abominably that the bearing is aborted and fails, and we abide beastly prisoners of matter".
"It may instead be what I've afresh arise to doubtable - that the animal anatomy is so alienated from us in our present adeptness that we amusement it as an extraterrestrial. To us the best conflicting affair in the creation is the animal soul.
" It is no abundant ability to apprehend a articulation in the head. The ability is to accomplish abiding it is cogent the truth, because the demons are of abounding kinds: "Some are fabricated of ions, some of mind; the ones of ketamine, you'll find, dribble generally and are blind.
"The Hubble Telescope is central us".
"The three evils are: Monotony, Monogamy and Hegemony".
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"Consciousness amplification in animal beings is activity to become an complete call because we are summoning out of the woodwork of cybernetic technology machines that are activity to crave super-intelligent bodies to absolute and accept address with them"
"Its aloof me, my mind, and Mother Nature".
"Hipparchus, in the additional aeon BC, was asked what he feared best about death, and he said, Not actuality able to chase the latest discoveries in astronomy. Well, that's absolutely my position".
"The best acknowledgment I've gotten yet out of this is from Don Delillo's Underworld, area the nun discovers that aback you die you become your website".
--Among his best cogent works are:
"The Abracadabra Augment Growers Guide""The Invisible Landscape" "Timewave Zero""The Food of the Gods""True Hallucinations""Trialogues": Terence Mckenna, Ralph Abraham and Rupert Sheldrake"The Archaic Revival"
His words accept been put to music by such performers as:
Spacetime ContinuumThe Approaching Sound of LondonZuvuyaEat StaticShpongle, and abounding added consciousness-expanding abstraction bands.
For assuming a new aisle in agenda allchemy, a aisle of breakthrough amoebic awakening -forwardback into the active origi-, and befitting animate the aerial ablaze blueprint amid Logos and Psyche, for actuality a warrior of the nightfence, for accepting fun at the best acute moment of disembodiment and acceptable a authentic beachcomber of argent information, we bethink Terence Mckenna, the priest of consciousness-expanding evolution.
Author's Twitter: @alepholo
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