The HNI uses seven categories that represent human needs; including assistance for meals, groceries, housing, clothing and furniture Salvation Army implements," Pasic said. So, how does it work? The HNI scale combines the seven categories to come up Dundas Community Services is holding a food drive for the Salvation Army on Saturday, October 3 from 9:00am Volunteers are also needed to help with the pick-up of items. Please donate or give a hand with this worthy cause. “I think it’s good for the school to build up that whole team and family feeling, and it helps the community that we live in and the community that supports us,” he said. Shannon Weinberger, community services worker at the Salvation Army, found the These applications will be taken in the Community Room of The Salvation Army at 1001 South Bell Street. If you will need help with food and/or toys this Christmas, please stop by our office at 1007 S. Bell St. to pick up a list of items you will be Southlanders are giving up a roof over their head and a the Invercargill Salvation Army is inviting groups of three or more to spend a night sleeping on cardboard, a couch or in a car on Friday night. Invercargill city councillor Rebecca Amundsen On Monday the Salvation Army in Ocala will begin accepting applications for free Brother’s Keeper also will send as many as 400 meals to people unable to pick up the food on those two holidays. Hoesterey said that despite improving unemployment .
"We need clothes, and furniture, and of course as the winter is coming Since this location isn't operating, Salvation Army workers can pick up donations or they can be dropped off at its Beaufort store. The cause of that fire is still under investigation. Families can visit the Salvation Army’s food bank once every two weeks to pick up a basket of staples ranging from canned vegetables, fruit and soup to peanut better, pasta and other staples. Families who qualify can also pick up a basket every month Daniels adds if you are in need of a coat you can pick one up in Goderich October 27th and 28th from 10 AM until 6 PM at the Salvation Army Church. In Clinton, you can pick up a coat October 29th and November 3rd from 10 AM until 6 PM. The Salvation Army will hold its last auto auction of the year this Saturday Auto donations are accepted year round and free pick up is available. Anyone donating a vehicle will receive a free three-month gold membership to the Kroc Center. .
Gallery of salvation army couch pick up: