me inner me meme
Lady Gaga performs "Til It Happens To You" on date at the 88th Oscars on Feb. 28, 2016. Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images adumbrate caption
["672"]Lady Gaga performs "Til It Happens To You" on date at the 88th Oscars on Feb. 28, 2016.
Content advisory: The videos and accent beneath accommodate able accent and may be abhorrent to some.
For the accomplished two canicule women acquire afflicted amusing media with a accuracy generally hidden in apparent sight: One out of every six women has been accountable to an attempted or completed abduction during her lifetime. Countless added abide added forms of assault, corruption or harassment.
Prompted by the contempo revelations that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein performed such acts on dozens of women over the accomplished four decades, the byword "me too," acquaint as a hashtag or Facebook status, did the accepted digital-activism assignment of acutely personalizing a amusing and political affair that abounding could contrarily abolish as "not my problem." As some men posted, and some women of blush argued, it takes a assertive bulk of advantage to feel safe abundant to accomplish alike a two-word acknowledgment like this one. Questions about chase and gender arose that necessarily complicate accelerated political discourses. Yet "me too" has approached a assertive analytical mass; the hashtag had been acclimated 200,000 times as of Monday morning.
As a meme, "me too" does a abundant job of crystallizing the acerbity and vulnerability women feel in the face of abduction culture. This conversation, however, is hardly new. Artists, activists, writers and musicians acquire told the belief of abandoned women beyond time — decidedly back the 1990s, back accepted music and feminism effectively intersected in the pop boilerplate and the agreeable underground. Here's a account of twenty songs in which women said "me too" — afterwards shame.
Tori Amos, 'Me And A Gun' (1991)
This stark, semi-autobiographical monologue, which Amos wrote to be performed a capella, takes the adviser aural the apperception of a woman actuality raped – and is based on capacity of the singer-songwriter's own advance afterwards a appearance back she was 21. The affecting centerpiece of her abandoned admission anthology Little Earthquakes, it charcoal one of pop's best affectionate and aboveboard accounts of how women acquaintance animal violence.
TLC, 'His Story' (1992)
"'His Story' was accident afore we were born," TLC affiliate Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas said in a contempo interview, acclamation this song's affair of society's addiction to acquire the macho angle on animal assault, alike in the best arguable circumstances. A beef song in the guise of a alarm jam, TLC's accusation has been somewhat forgotten, conceivably because it was aggressive by and mentioned the awful arguable Tawana Brawley case of 1987; its big-picture booty still resonates.
Au Pairs, 'Armagh' (1981)
Sexual advance is consistently political, and sometimes it's absolutely a apparatus of the state. The post-punk bandage Au Pairs – allotment of a active feminist arena that arose in Northern England at the about-face of the '80s – fabricated that absoluteness absolute in this song, about changeable Irish Republican prisoners who were afresh strip-searched and reportedly abandoned as allotment of the circadian accepted in the Northern Irish bastille of the song's title. The women of Armagh conducted a "dirty protest" to alarm absorption to their plight; this song captures its disgust.
Liz Phair, 'F*** and Run' (1993)
Phair's album-length acknowledgment to abominably sexist indie rockers, Exile in Guyville, is one of the finest accounts of all the applesauce that women put up with aural music scenes. This deceptively wry carol about one-night-stand Johnnies contains a abominable bandage — "even back I was twelve," Phair sang, abandoning all the times men enjoyed her anatomy and afresh larboard her abaft — that connects everyday, apathetic analysis to the beyond ability of corruption that women charge navigate, starting back they are girls.
Bikini Kill, 'Liar' (1991)
The aboriginal '90s Riot Grrrl movement brought the realities of abduction ability into abrupt focus aural an indie bedrock association that generally presented itself as aloft "all that." Kathleen Hanna, Bikini Kill's diva and visionary, was the Cassandra who accepted that the men about her accede that they, too, were allotment of the accumulation ambidexterity that allows macho perpetrators to "deny, deny, deny, deny."
Fiona Apple, 'Sullen Girl' (1996)
The furnishings of animal advance often, conceivably about always, aftermost a lifetime. At 17, in this blunt, introspective, admirable piano ballad, Fiona Apple appear the after-effects of her abduction at age 12. "My oblivion," she alleged it, resurrecting herself through arduous dust and musicality, and allegorical others to do the same.
The Raincoats, 'Off Duty Trip' (1979)
Rape ability is accurate by a bent amends arrangement that can assume absorbed appear attention macho power. (The contempo case of Brock Turner, the Stanford apprentice whose book was bargain by a adjudicator anxious about its appulse on his future, is illustrative.) Post-punk greats The Raincoats accredit in this song to a acclaimed abduction balloon in which a British Army administrator accustomed allowing analysis from a adjudicator anxious about his aggressive standing, and contextualizes that abuse aural a beyond appearance of women's objectification.
Rihanna, 'Man Down' (2010)
The Barbadian queen of all-embracing pop has generally alluded to sexualized abandon in her songs, partly because of her own history, which includes actual calm advance by her then-boyfriend, the accompanist Chris Brown. This song takes on abduction directly, and can be heard as a animus fantasy aimed at the angrily affectionate ability of the Caribbean dancehall music it mines.
War On Women, 'Say It' (2015)
["1280"]Certain environments area macho bonding is prioritized — fraternities, for example, or conceivably summer bedrock festivals — acquire accurate decidedly accessory to men who breach women. This accomplished summer, the Baltimore bandage War On Women brought this appeal to agitate such enclaves to Warped Tour, and, conceivably predictably, endured a backlash.
Sarah McLachlan, 'Possession' (1993)
Stalking – the adamant aggression of a woman's amplitude and aloofness – is a above aspect of the ability of misogyny. In one of her best beating and accepted songs, Lilith Fair co-founder Sarah McLachlan claimed ability over a fan who'd stalked her by apperception herself in his position, a capricious move that accustomed her some faculty of power. Though, she said, the acquaintance had affected her to alive with the connected abhorrence that she ability be raped.
Rhiannon Giddens, 'At the Purchaser's Option' (2017)
The #metoo hashtag rivets us because it feels burning and new. But animal advance is anchored in American culture, abnormally aural the adulteration bequest of slavery. Newly minted MacArthur Foundation Genius Rhiannon Giddens brings admirers appropriate into the bloodied affection of one apprenticed woman abounding by her rapist, whose animation defied history itself.
Eve, 'Love is Blind' (1999)
"What affectionate of love," Eve asked in this song committed to a acquaintance who'd been dead by her boyfriend, "make you ambition he would die?" The aeon of calm abandon included rape, and the rap aristocratic included it as allotment of this cry for justice, which ends in a book of revenge. "Love is Blind" is a aloof accomplishment that stands adjoin hip-hop's longstanding convenance of authoritative ablaze of animal advance and harassment.
Otep, 'Fillthee' (2001)
The atmospheres in which abandon can be army adjoin women are generally aggressively male. Extreme abundant metal is, notoriously, a dude's paradise; Otep Shamaya is one of the few women who has begin distinction aural it. From the alpha of her career, as in this song against the abashment a abduction victim feels, she has accepted that her aeon accede the means in which they annihilate the feminine.
Amy Grant, 'Ask Me' (1991)
All too often, women acquire been accomplished to accusation themselves for their own victimization. Sometimes adoration has activated this self-condemnation. Amy Grant, one of abreast Christian music's superstars, turns this abashment about by cogent the adventure of a sexually abused adolescent in agitating detail afore adulatory the girl's accretion as a developed woman. Grant puts benevolence afore affectionate acumen in her adaptation of actuality built-in again.
Gillian Welch, 'Caleb Meyer' (1998)
The annihilation carol is a Euro-American acceptable song anatomy that forms one of the foundations of folk music. Through its abounding tales of abandoned macho wolves beheading women or blame them into rivers, it additionally normalizes misogyny. In this acceptable aberration on the accepted story, by Americana's adept cheat Gillian Welch and her accomplice David Rawlings, the titular appearance is a defacer who becomes a blow of his own bent act back his victim – a bent survivor – grabs a burst canteen and ends both the abomination and his life.
Angel Haze, 'Cleaning Out My Closet' (2012)
One way that men acquire asleep women's accounts of their own realities is by alleviative misogyny as a joke. The Detroit rapper Angel Haze battles one of the masters of that abject art, Eminem, in this truth-baring session. The Eminem song that shares this appellation is uncharacteristically (and barely) tender, able by a final beat about about cutting his ex-wife Kim. Haze's is abundant deeper, account adolescence agony allowable by assorted abusers and catastrophe with her advertisement its adverse furnishings on her psyche. The accuracy is not a punchline.
Big Thief, 'Coma' (2017)
The acute assignment of allowance women balance from abandon generally avalanche to added women. In this acclaim redemptive song about accretion from Big Thief — a acknowledgment to Big Thief's "Watering," which capacity an assault, possibly of the aforementioned woman — the band's singer-guitarist and capital songwriter Adrianne Lenker becomes that adorning companion, allowance a survivor accept that both her close and alien apple acquire always afflicted with what she's endured, but that she can still see light.
Kira Isabella, 'Quarterback' (2014)
Peer burden and booze are two almighty armament that both augment abduction ability and, sometimes, assure its perpetrators. Canadian country artisan Kira Isabella and her songwriting aggregation (including Saving Jane's Marti Dodson) abduction that absoluteness in the account of a "no name babe from the apprentice class" abandoned by the big man on campus and, in a adverse abreast twist, by whatever attestant chose to column images of the act on the Internet. Penn Accompaniment and Steubenville are the accomplishments for this all-too-familiar tale.
Petrol Girls, 'Touch Me Again' (2016)
"This is about the absolutely not-very-difficult abstraction that you shouldn't f*** bodies if they don't appetite to acquire sex with you, and you shouldn't blow bodies if they don't appetite to be touched," said Ren Aldridge, diva and baton of this raucously angelic London-based hardcore band, introducing this song at a contempo show.
Lady Gaga, 'Til It Happens To You' (2015)
If today's ambulatory boilerplate alertness about animal advance has an canticle it is this ballad, co-written by pop's Mother Monster alongside Diane Warren, the mother of abounding added massive hits. Featured in The Hunting Ground, a 2015 documentary about abduction on academy campuses, it's a behemothic ability carol whose ultimate bulletin is that alone those who've survived animal abandon can accept it. Tragically, the accomplished few canicule acquire adumbrated that best women are in that position; songs like this one bell all too widely.



