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Young-earth creationists like to say things of this sort: if the apple is absolutely billions of years old, afresh God (or Jesus) is a liar. Today’s column begins a abbreviate alternation of accessories analytical and arduous that claim.
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An important archetype involves the axial YEC acceptance that adversity and afterlife amid animals is a absolute aftereffect of beastly sin, such that animals did not ache or die above-mentioned to the Fall. Plants weren’t included in the curse, and YECs attention the cachet of insects and added invertebrates as ambiguous (see comment #1 here), but added animals were.
On that basis, creationist physician Elizabeth Mitchell gave a acerb abrogating analysis to a appropriate affair of the pro-ID magazine, Christian Research Journal, adherent to the question, “Where Did We Appear From?” Although she accepted the “[m]any admirable accessories in this account [that] authenticate the impossibility of Darwinian change and the defalcation of all-powerful evolution,” she still begin the affair to be “dangerously compromised” by the actuality that best authors acquire an old earth. “Thus, there lurks throughout the account a accepted acceptance of millions of years of active and dying.” The absolute acceptance “that such miseries were all allotment of God’s ‘very good’ conception (so alleged by God in Genesis 1:31) is to assail God’s character. If God had alleged a apple already abounding of action and afterlife ‘very good,’ afresh He either had a atrocious faculty of irony or didn’t apperceive what He was talking about, or worse, He is a liar.”
She said the aforementioned affair back commenting on William Dembski’s angle that an omnipotent, all-seeing God could accomplish accustomed angry predate the Fall chronologically, while still accepting the Fall be its apostolic cause. Finding Dembski’s advancement “unbiblical,” Mitchell added, “Scripture (such as Romans 5:12ff) is bright that afterlife entered the apple as a absolute aftereffect of Adam’s sin. Disputing what God audibly says on the arena of what God could do is about calling God a liar.”
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It’s acrid that Mitchell cited that accurate access in Romans in abutment of her appearance that beastly afterlife resulted from beastly sin. As the abundant accustomed theologian Edward Hitchcock acicular out afore the Civil War, that actual access shows “not that afterlife anesthetized aloft all animals, but aloft all men; and because all had sinned, an act of which the inferior animals, bankrupt of moral natures, are not capable” (quoting Hitchcock, cited below, pp. 300-301). Hitchcock was right. Romans 5:12-14 gives no abutment for the YEC appearance that no animals died afore the Fall.
Let’s attending added carefully at Mitchell’s allegation that Dembski “is about calling God a liar.” She seems to accept that the Bible teaches the YEC theodicy with such accuracy that it is above question. To be sure, one can accomplish a appropriate biblical and apostolic case for the teaching that beastly afterlife resulted anon from beastly sin. Indeed, that was the accepted Protestant appearance during and afterwards the Reformation. Martin Luther and John Calvin begin it in Genesis 3:17-18, and John Wesley accustomed it in a sermon, “The Accepted Deliverance.” On the added hand, according to a abundant abstraction by Jon Garvey, the aforementioned appearance had absolutely been absolutely alone by best theologians above-mentioned to the Reformation, including Augustine (especially in The City of God, book 12, buck 4) and Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologica, Allotment 1, catechism 96, commodity 1, Reply to Objection 2). Were Augustine, Aquinas, and abounding others calling God a liar?
Even added importantly, the Bible itself gives us cogent affidavit to abstain the affectionate of arbitrary assertions about theodicy that Mitchell and added YEC authors generally accomplish after hesitation. Several biblical passages can be cited in abutment of their view, yet in added places God’s Word gives actual altered answers about the agent of beastly suffering. Amid the abounding texts I ability mention, I’ll confine myself to the final capacity of Job and the ninth affiliate of John’s gospel.
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“The Just Upright Man is laughed to scorn,” colorized block of Job and his accompany from Illustrations of the Book of Job (1826), by William Blake.
The absolute book of Job is about the agent of suffering—yet we attending in arrogant for alike one advertence to Adam, Eve, or the Garden of Eden. Appropriate from the start, we are told that Job “was blameless and upright; he feared God and alone evil,” a description that God himself anon affirms in the aforementioned words, abacus that “There is no one on apple like him.” (Job 1:1 and 1:8). Yet, God accustomed Satan to agonize Job with abundant suffering, and “In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.” As the ball unfolds, Job’s three “friends” appear to “sympathize with him and abundance him” (Job 2:11), uttering the biblical agnate of Shakespearean soliloquies, yet Job is still not comforted (with accompany such as those, it is not too adamantine to understand). Back all is said and done—and a abundant accord added is said, than done—God assuredly appears afresh on date and answers Job “out of the storm,” saying, “Who is this that obscures my affairs with words after knowledge?” (Job 38:1-2) In some of the best abstruse and majestic passages in all of Scripture, God pulls rank on Job, ambitious him to acknowledgment what no beastly can acknowledgment and arduous a beastly to acquaint what alone the Creator can know—while abrogation the ultimate catechism of the accomplished book unanswered.
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God keeps his own counsel, administration it not alike with his servant, Job. God does not acquaint Job that his own sin brought about his suffering; nor does he acquaint Job that the sins of Adam and Eve brought about his suffering. What the Bible does acquaint us, in the alone book-length analysis of the botheration of suffering, is that we bald creatures do not apperceive what God knows: we do not apperceive why the angelic suffer.
Likewise, back Jesus heals the man built-in blind, “His aggregation asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was built-in blind?’” Jesus’ acknowledgment is absolutely alfresco the YEC box. “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God ability be displayed in him.” Jesus did not authorize his account that “neither this man nor his parents sinned.” He did not (for example) add, “but his aboriginal parents sinned, back they ate the banned bake-apple in the garden, and their sin fabricated him blind.” He larboard Adam and Eve absolutely out of his answer, alike admitting this would accept been the absolute abode to accompany them in.
Taken together, these two biblical passages are artlessly bashful about the account of suffering. This isn’t a bendable blackout that is calmly ignored. It’s an acutely loud silence: God never tells Job to accusation his adversity on what went bottomward in the Garden, and Jesus never tells his aggregation to accusation Adam and Eve for the amaurosis of their descendent. While I don’t accusation anyone for captivation the acceptable Protestant appearance about the agent of suffering, I do anticipate there are accomplished biblical affidavit for analytic it—am I calling God a liar?
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As for beastly suffering, some biblical passages assume to betoken that God does not necessarily appearance it in a abrogating way, as we ability apprehend if it were a absolute aftereffect of beastly sin. Perhaps the best amazing such access is Psalm 104, one of my admired texts in all of Scripture. Almost the absolute Psalm is adherent to praising God for abounding wonders in the creation, including the accouterment of aliment and abode for animals. The accent is overwhelmingly absolute in its description of God’s majestic babyminding and affliction for the creation, including predation. Nothing is said or adumbrated about the Fall, except for a abrupt accusation of sinners in the final verse. In the bosom of this abundant paeon to the maker of heaven and earth, the Psalmist says, “You accompany darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the backwoods prowl. The lions barrage for their casualty and seek their aliment from God. The sun rises, and they abduct away; they acknowledgment and lie bottomward in their dens.” A few verses later, we apprehend that “All creatures attending to you to accord them their aliment at the able time. Back you accord it to them, they accumulate it up; back you accessible your hand, they are annoyed with acceptable things.” I do not see any way to accommodate the accent of those arresting passages with the YEC theodicy.
Am I calling God a liar?

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