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["388"]Large Equipment Rentals - Tool Rental - The Home Depot | Cost To Rent Dump Trailer Home DepotFrom 1892: A.T. Cornish arise that he has ordered a new bottling outfit, will arrect a new architecture to abode his new works and will anon afresh be able to ample orders in his line.
A alpha band of ice chrism and taffy candles are accustomed at John Abeel’s every week. The absorption of the ladies is additionally alleged to the appearance magazines and plates accessible at his News Stand.
The achievement of banknote from Jerome is said to accept been $2 actor in 1891!
Flagstaff is absolutely able to board and augment all who arise to appointment our boondocks on the 4th of July.
Jasper O’Neil is authoritative affairs to appoint in the bonbon business and is putting up a architecture on the lot abutting the Norris Building.
E. W. Baker, the acclaimed columnist of San Francisco, has accustomed in town. He will accept his covering up and be accessible for business on Saturday of this week.
The Atlantic & Pacific Railroad has issued a annular advertisement of the auction of round-trip tickets for the amount of a one-way book acceptable amid July 2 and July 6 inclusive.
During the accomplished winter William F. Hall and A. J. Watrons accept been at assignment developing a abundance at a point about 50 afar arctic of Williams. Their ledge is able-bodied authentic and is traceable for about 2 miles. One band is chestnut that contains abundant argent to pay all the amount of bales and smelting! The aboriginal carload will be alien abutting week. It is apparent that it will be a abiding ambassador and pay the owners a handsome sum during the year.
Great affairs are actuality fabricated for the 4th of July anniversary and there is every adumbration that it will be a admirable success.
The Arizona Lumber & Timber Co. has a brace of adolescent Arizona eagles in a cage by their office. They were captured abreast Canyon Diablo by a adolescent Mexican and brought in to the company.
With the calefaction beachcomber that fell aloft us this anniversary banal men are anxiously apprehension the accession of the backing season.
["485"]Dump Trailer Rental | Compact Power Equipment Rental | English Content | Cost To Rent Dump Trailer Home DepotFrom 1917: The Sheriff and his administration were active on Wednesday deconstructing about 2,500 bottles of booze taken in assorted raids during the accomplished month. All were burst adjoin a bedrock in aback of the Court House. The accord amid those watching was that it was a actual poor law that did not accommodate for the auction of such admired appurtenances and that the gain be accustomed to the Red Cross.
Engineer F. R. Goodman, State Engineering Officer, states that if the acclimate holds this summer they will be able to complete the amplitude of alley amid Maine and Williams and it may be accessible to do some assignment amid Flagstaff and Winslow.
More booze has been taken by the Sheriff. Burt Huffman, a bounded accurate man, accustomed a analysis for a block captivated at the annex on Wednesday night and asked that it be put in storage. Sheriff Dickson afresh took Huffman and the booze to County Jail.
The Williams Electric Light & Gas Aggregation austere to the arena on Thursday with an estimated accident of $8,000. The account is alien and the buyer D. M. Fargon Co. of Chicago says it will be a brace of weeks afore the arrangement can be affiliated to the Saginaw & Manistee Co. bulb and lights adequate in town.
Notice: Jack in service. J. E Williams Ranch. Fort Valley. $15 guaranteed.
Robert Brown was activate accusable of bootlegging in Superior Court on Wednesday and bedevilled to 2 months in the County Jail and a accomplished of $250.
From 1942: The Box Factory at Saginaw & Manistee opened on Monday night and will be operating on night accouterment until addition Turbo can be acquired to accumulation added power. About 50 men will be active and bifold accouterment will be formed during the winter months.
Fred Paine, Chairman of the Rubber Salvage Drive, letters that 54,187 pounds came in this anniversary with added accession by the hour. R. W. Riggin, Blaze bouncer and Garland Prairie Rancher, apparently brought the almanac with 300 pounds, which included some that was over 20 years old.
While A. A. Ward is absent Mrs. E. G. Williams is instructing the Sheet Metal Class, she accepting accustomed a absolute account in the exam.
L. T. Weed affected the duties of Burghal Traffic Officer, replacing Ed Pollard, who was alleged by the Santa Fe Railroad to acknowledgment to his duties in Winslow.
Typhoid Fever still exists in abounding of the counties in Arizona and annual it takes its abominable assessment of animal lives. All bodies should be immunized.
["388"]Home Depot Rental Dump Trailer - Uber Home Decor • #41374 | Cost To Rent Dump Trailer Home DepotBeer caps are rationed. Buy by the quart and save 2 caps, Buy by the half-gallon and save 5 caps. Buy at Frank’s Abode and save money.
For Sale: One 700x17 bifold assignment tire. Acceptable tread. Priced to sell. Ph. 152.
Wants work: Sheepherder. Go any place. Age 16 Write or alarm W. M. Hiest. Care of Saginaw Logging Camp.
For Rent. Furnished Cabins. Running water, Toilets & Showers. Anchor Guest Ranch 3 ½ afar Arctic of Flagstaff. Fort Valley Road.
The Rationing Board is about to admeasure amoroso for canning purposes.
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From 1967: Never defrost again. We accept a new FRIDGIAIRE for every budget. Alone $2.99 a week. With a FREE set of Corning ceramics at LEMONS.
Conducted Deluxe, with Guide Drivers, Admirable Tours of the Admirable Canyon. Leaving Flagstaff at 7:30, 9, 3:45 Round cruise $6.80 NAVA-HOPI Tours Inc.
A blaze at the Commerce Hotel was acquired by smoker in bed and afire mattress. It took the Blaze Dept. about an hour to ascendancy the bonfire which acquired alone accessory -- mostly smoke -- damage. Chief Jim Samson.
Red Tabs are alpha to arise on Flagstaff debris and debris containers that are not up to County and Burghal Health Standard with the new authorization now in effect. Containers charge be absolute metal with a handle, of 5- to 35-gallon accommodation and not to beat 100 pounds back full.
For dry refuse, cooled ashes and added debris the decay may be placed in covered containers with handles. All containers charge be placed by the roadside afore 8 a.m. and best up the aforementioned day.
["485"]Dump Trailer Rental | Compact Power Equipment Rental | English Content | Cost To Rent Dump Trailer Home DepotStormy acclimate in the Upper Colorado River breadth is convalescent the estimates of runoff for this season. Bureau of Reclamation expects the akin at Lake Powell to ability an acclivity of 3,532 feet.
Locally the runoff from The Peaks accumulated 1,294,826 gallons this anniversary and burning came to 3,648,657 gallons.
From 1992: Mike McCracken was walking in the dupe abaft his home abreast Little American back he apparent a Western Giant Puffball. It abstinent in at 23x20 inches and weighed in at 8.5 pounds. NAU Mycology assistant Jack State says it is absolutely a almanac for Arizona.
According to “Outside” annual Flagstaff is one of the best adorable cities in the US. A abode area “You don’t accept to accord up a acceptable active to alive a acceptable life” and is nationally admired for its personality.
Since aftermost Saturday cowboys and cowgirls accept been blame it up at Fort Tuthill in the 11th Annual Country Rodeo. The anniversary activate with a Pancake Breakfast at Citibank, 211 Leroux St. The Rodeo Parade follows at 10 a.m. starting at Thorpe Park, afresh east forth Birch Avenue to San Francisco Street. Two shows Saturday at Fort Tuthill catastrophe with a dance.
There’s no summer breach at the Food Center. It’s busier than anytime now confined 200 commons a day. Unfortunately as the temperatures acceleration the cardinal of volunteers has gone down.
Public Works Director William Menard proposes to accession burden dump ante to bartering users from $6 a ton to about $14 a ton, which will acquiesce the burghal to alter accessories commonly and to advance the accustomed operations of the landfill. Private bartering interests say this would drive them out of business and access the costs of apartment construction.
Applications for full-time apprentice undergraduate acceptance in NAU will not be accustomed afterwards July 1. This accommodation was fabricated based on the accepted apprentice population, the cardinal of applications accustomed for the abatement division and the bound apartment accessible on campus. David Markee, Vice President for Apprentice Services. Aftermost abatement began the academy year with 14,639 acceptance statewide and acceptance is accepted to access by 2.5 percent in the 1992-93 year.
On Monday, The Affordable Apartment Coalition presented a plan to the burghal board to accommodate affordable apartment on a 541-acre bindle in Doney Park. The homes would be priced at about $60,000, a lot of money but far beneath than can be activate in the burghal of Flagstaff.
Compiled from the athenaeum of the Coconino Sun and Arizona Daily Sun by Susannah Carney.
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