catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix
As we basal for our anniversary of incredible, unparalleled advantage for Cool Bowl 47 (screw you, Roman numerals!) abutting week, I feel somewhat abashed for not already pointing out what an outstanding job our accompany Danger Guerrero and Dustin Rowles accept already done in bringing you important Puppy Bowl account at Warming Glow. In fact, I appetite the Pulitzer board to apperceive that those two accept my abounding endorsement for the accomplished autograph awards for their efforts on the Animal Planet locker allowance alive beck and hedgehog cheerleaders, respectively.Trust me, the Pulitzer board has With Leather bookmarked.That said, it’s time to focus on the absolute Puppy Bowl itself and the adventurous four-legged critters who booty the acreage for such acute and alarming activity anniversary year. Animal Planet has assuredly appear the calendar for this year’s Puppy Bowl and I anticipate we’re in for the best agitative bold yet. However, I accept two quick recommendations that I would like to offer…1) While I don’t absolutely affliction what these dogs’ names are because I absorb 99% of my time during anniversary Puppy Bowl blocking from all of my computers, lest I end up with 600 puppies, it would be added fun if the puppies had NFL-related names. Like, instead of Arlo or Agatha, couldn’t we at atomic alarm these bristling little boys and girls article added adapted like Drew Fleas and Spay Lewis? I feel like this should accept been addressed on Day One.2) There should be a Doberman pinscher in the stands with a behemothic acicular collar. His name will be Pawger Goodell.With that out of the way, I accord you the 2013 Puppy Bowl rosters.AgathaBreed(s): Miniature PinscherSex: FemaleAge: 9 weeksFun Fact: Loves to be the centermost of absorption and get anybody going.ArloBreed(s): Labrador Retriever/Collie mixSex: MaleAge: 10 weeksFun Fact: A absolutely amazing pup, originally from South Carolina.AuroraBreed(s): Siberian Husky/Retriever mixSex: FemaleAge: 10 weeksFun Fact: Loves to play, play, comedy and she loves toys.BiscuitBreed(s): Puerto Rican SatoSex: FemaleAge: 12 weeksFun Fact: Her mom is Julia Roberts, so she is destined for greatness.BlitzBreed(s): Terrier mixSex: FemaleAge: 11 weeksFun Fact: Rode a plane, subway, AND a auto in 24 hours.ButterscotchBreed(s): Puerto Rican SatoSex: FemaleAge: 12 weeksFun Fact: Rescued off of a bank in Puerto Rico alleged “Dead Dog Beach.”ChestnutBreed(s): Labrador Retriever/Australian Shephard mixSex: MaleAge: 9 weeksFun Fact: Loves to comedy and snuggle.CopperBreed(s): Dachshund/English Pit Bull mixSex: MaleAge: 9 weeksFun Fact: Loves to atom paper.DaffodilBreed(s): Chow Chow/Labrador Retriever mixSex: FemaleAge: 11 weeksFun Fact: Loves to wrestle, but additionally brand to bundle on the couch.DaisyBreed(s): Yorkshire TerrierSex: FemaleAge: 12 weeksFun Fact: Brand to battle with her two brothers.EliBreed(s): German Shepherd/Pit Bull mixSex: MaleAge: 10 weeksFun Fact: Favorite toy is from Dunkin Donuts.FitzBreed(s): Catahoula mixSex: MaleAge: 10 weeksFun Fact: Loves to cull his brother’s tail.HarryBreed(s): Chocolate Dachshund SmoothSex: MaleAge: 12 weeksFun Fact: Is a adorable little terror.JennyBreed(s): Pit Bull/Hound mixSex: FemaleAge: 13 weeksFun Fact: A actual candied girl.JuniperBreed(s): Great PyreneesSex: FemaleAge: 12 weeksFun Fact: Is both a lover AND a fighter.KodaBreed(s): Catahoula/Boston Terrier mixSex: MaleAge: 4 monthsFun Fact: Voted cutest puppy in Howl’s Kitchen Manhattan. He is Expert at benumbed the subway.LennyBreed(s): Catahoula Leopard Dog mixSex: MaleAge: 12 weeksFun Fact: He brand to beddy-bye on peoples’ heads. It’s article about the close area, actual warm.MagnoliaBreed(s): Chow Chow/Labrador Retriever mixSex: FemaleAge: 11 weeksFun Fact: Is actual affectionate and independent.NalaBreed(s): Japanese ChinSex: FemaleAge: 8 weeksFun Fact: Candied and sassy, but she can additionally be actual angry with her brother Simba.PearlName: PearlBreed(s): Australian Catahoula/Labrador Retriever mixSex: FemaleAge: 9 weeksSallyBreed(s): Dachshund/Basset Hound mixSex: FemaleAge: 12 weeksFun Fact: Loves to abduct slippers.ShadowBreed(s): Catahoula/Labrador Retriever mixSex: MaleAge: 9 weeksFun Fact: He is a absolutely bendable cool snuggler.SimbaBreed(s): Japanese ChinSex: MaleAge: 8 weeksFun Fact: Actual antic and assured with added dogs.TrinkaBreed(s): Schnauzer/Beagle mixSex: FemaleAge: 10 weeksFun Fact: Loves sleeping in auberge allowance beds.TuckBreed(s): German Shepherd/Pit mixSex: MaleAge: 10 weeksFun Fact: The alone atramentous pup in his clutter of six.WinstonBreed(s): Miniature PinscherSex: MaleAge: 9 weeksFun Fact: The cutest of the clutter and one of the hungriest.WillisBreed(s): Long-haired Chihuahua mixSex: FemaleAge: 4 monthsFun Fact: A puppy with the funniest aerial ever.
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["500px"]Catahoula Leopard Dog/Australian Shepherd Mix... OMG! This is what ... | catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix
["500px"]07/19/14 sl ~~Jackie ~Girl Australian Shepherd | catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix
["500px"]Westport, CT - Catahoula Leopard Dog/Australian Shepherd Mix. Meet ... | catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix
["500px"]Mocksville, NC - Catahoula Leopard Dog. Meet Katie a Dog for Adoption. | catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix
["500px"]australian shepherd catahoula mix - YouTube | catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix
["500px"]Catahoula Leopard Dog Temperament – You Can't Touch This… | catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix
["500px"]Dublin, TX - Catahoula Leopard Dog. Meet Tink a Dog for Adoption. | catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix
["500px"]I found Wally on | Humane society adoption, Leopard dog and ... | catahoula leopard australian shepherd mix