school chalkboard prices
Courtesy / Sea Coast Management
This architect's apprehension shows how the century-old Plummer Academy in Falmouth was adapted into Plummer Chief Active afterwards a multi-million-dollar renovation.
The century-old Plummer Academy in Falmouth has been adapted into Plummer Chief Living, a new absolute chief active association adjoining to OceanView at Falmouth Retirement Community, afterwards a $6.5 actor renovation.
The center, confined seniors 55 years and older, is set to attainable this month.
Sea Coast Administration Co., started in 1989, purchased the academy in 2013 from the boondocks of Falmouth and apprenticed Developers Collaborative to backpack out the project. Sea Coast is a developer, buyer and abettor of bazaar amount chief active communities — including OceanView at Falmouth and Highland Green in Topsham.
The transformation of Plummer Academy was awarded the 2017 Maine Preservation Honor Award for efforts to bottle aboriginal architecture. Plummer Chief Active retains appearance of the aboriginal school, including the gym, which will serve as a association room, the amphitheater stage, and elements of the classrooms throughout anniversary residential unit. The centermost is pet-friendly and has four ADA attainable apartments available, a 24-hour aliment band and on-site citizen babysitter in affiliation with the Southern Maine Agency on Aging. Leasing opportunities are currently available.
John Wasileski, Sea Coast architect and owner, told Mainebiz by buzz that he started his career in the mid-1970s at Avesta Housing, again alleged York-Cumberland Housing, whose mission is to advance low- and moderate-income chief and ancestors apartment for York and Cumberland counties.
"From there, I accomplished I admired alive in the development and administration apple for the mission of developing safe, appropriate and affordable apartment for seniors," he said. "Plummer targets bodies with abstinent incomes, admitting abounding chief affairs out there ambition bodies with college incomes."
The project, on 2.5 acres, has 34 units alignment from 600 to 1,100 aboveboard feet, with rents starting at $1,200, he said. Bisected the units are in the aboriginal 22,000-square-foot academy architecture and bisected are in a 20,000-square-foot brick-exterior accession complete for this project.
The acquirement amount for the academy was $750,000. Investment for advance was $6.5 million. The activity accustomed a 20% tax credit, accessible through the Department of Interior for the rehabilitation of historic, income-producing buildings.
The acquirement of the academy fabricated faculty because it's adjoining to OceanView, he said.
"And we didn't appetite addition abroad to body article that would be a use that was adverse to us," he said.
The academy was in acceptable action at the time of purchase, Wasileski said.
"It was an old school, but adequately able-bodied kept up," he said. "The big affair is that back a academy goes vacant, it needs to be heated, or abroad the walls get addle and aged and the floors warp. But because the anatomy was acrimonious and there was acceptable security, it was in acceptable shape."
The advance included:
Key characteristics of the activity include:
"So the cultural aspect of its history as a academy were retained, as able-bodied as the concrete aspects of artery and mortar," he said.
Also developed was a sidewalk that connects Plummer and OceanView, aberrant throughout the acreage and dupe and chip with a boondocks accepted breadth adjoining to Plummer.
Wasileski said he sees affluence of charge for affordable chief housing.
"There's not a lot of affordability in the greater Portland and Falmouth breadth for chief housing," he said.
Wasileski said he's additionally renovating the above Sisters of Mercy Motherhouse at 605 Stevens Ave. in Portland for affordable- and market-rate chief housing.
He expects those to be accessible for hire by backward 2018.




