chalkboard theme powerpoint
The appropriate presentation commemorating 30 years of continuing accustomed apprenticeship in Indiana relied on a architecture that, according to some participants, is already anachronous and should be alone continued afore the 60-year celebration.
Judges, attorneys and law advisers stood abaft podiums and sat at tables carrying advice and their opinions through lectures, console discussions and PowerPoint slides. This is the acceptable way CLE courses accept been presented to Hoosiers, but during his about-face on a panel, Indiana University Maurer School of Law assistant Fred Cate declared the accepted architecture as “very, actual boring.”
Others agreed.
The final console discussion, appropriately advantaged “Thinking Alfresco the Box: New Techniques in Carrying and Administering Binding CLE,” acclaimed regulations and traditions are creating barriers to affective these accustomed seminars above the accepted “butts-in-seat” approach. Attorneys sitting in an auditorium, irenic watching a abecedary analysis actual and accepting acclaim based on the hours spent in appearance continues to be the accepted adjustment for befitting the practicing bar beside of changes in the law.
“Perhaps it’s time … to appraise whether we should augment what we anticipate of as education, how we admeasurement it, and what it should attending like for our alone attorneys,” said Julia Orzeske, controlling administrator of the Continuing Accustomed Apprenticeship Regulators Association and above controlling administrator of the Indiana CLE Commission.
The allocution of change was captivated in a affair appearance the 30th ceremony of Indiana CLE. Hosted by the Indiana Supreme Court and the Indiana Agency for Continuing Accustomed Education, the celebratory accident on Oct. 19 in Indianapolis included block and chat forth with a analysis of why continuing accustomed apprenticeship was developed and two discussions on how technology is impacting the assignment of the courts and lawyers.
Presenters and participants at the ceremony saw the amount in CLE and apprehend the courses will abide accordant far into the future. But in the closing altercation aback the attorneys were accustomed the befalling to speak, several advocated for things to be done differently.
“Some guy continuing up on a belvedere with 95 PowerPoint slides and … it’s afterlife by PowerPoint,” Cate, who is carnality admiral of analysis at Indiana University, said afterwards his console discussions.
["500px"]“If you anticipation you adeptness be alleged on, you’d put your corpuscle buzz bottomward and you’d pay attention.”
True to its roots
Indiana allowable CLE in 1986, acceptable the 18th accompaniment to do so. However, the state’s CLE roots amplitude aback to the 1950s aback the Indiana Accompaniment Bar Association began publishing Res Gestae and seminars started bustling up about the state, all focused on educating active lawyers.
In the 1980s, CLE became mandatory. The ISBA appointed a assignment force to appraise the issue, and the Indiana Supreme Court catholic to altered genitalia of the accompaniment to altercate the amount with bounded judges. In 1986, the ISBA House of Delegates accustomed abacus Aphorism 29 for binding CLE to the Rules for Admission to the Bar and the Discipline of Attorneys. A breach Supreme Court again adopted the aphorism in a 3-2 vote.
Since then, CLEs accept developed and are now offered by the courts, law schools, law firms, bar associations and alfresco vendors. The capacity ambit from new laws and convenance techniques to technology, convenance administration and wellness. Some presentations accept airy the classroom format, such as an belief CLE conducted by Justice Steve David in 2012 at a gym while he and the participants rode exercise bikes.
Speaking afterwards the ceremony event, advocate John Krauss said CLEs charge advance a affiliation to the convenance of law to be worthwhile. Attorneys accept to break problems and actualize opportunities for clients, so the courses should accommodate the accoutrement and adeptness for accomplishing that.
“The profession is not stagnant, so we can’t be stagnant,” he said. “We accept to learn.”
["500px"]Christina Miller, carnality armchair of the Indiana Agency for Continuing Accustomed Education, accustomed the agency associates accept been befitting an eye on the proposals submitted for CLE approval so they do not go too far afield. Yet, she noted, some abstracts accept been successful. In particular, she acicular to the Evansville Bar Association hosting a CLE in 2016 on a bus as attorneys catholic to a baseball bold for a amusing outing.
“It’s not aloof about putting it on the chalkboard and giving a address anymore,” Miller said. “That’s what we’re action to accept to apprentice if we’re action to accumulate bodies affianced who’ve already had an 8-hour or 10-hour workday.”
New formats
The best way to authority people’s absorption is to “mix up the modalities of teaching,” said Cate.
He acicular to analysis assuming abounding individuals tune out afterwards the aboriginal 35 account of a lecture. Attorneys who accept to sit hour aloft hour alert to a presentation in a CLE apparently are not application much, but they can apprentice added if the advance comes with a dosage of activity. Again, citation research, Cate acclaimed bodies apprentice best aback they can collaborate with the teacher, role comedy or assignment in baby groups.
From his own acquaintance teaching law students, he believes the new bearing of attorneys advancing into the profession will force reform. Acceptance today accept abbreviate absorption spans, axis on their computers and watching a cine for a few account again flipping to a bold of anchoress afore beat on article to read.
“If we anticipate they can sit for hours and booty this being in, they are action to die; their active are action to explode. Either we’re action to see them application added means of opting out,” Cate said, answer the advancing attorneys will sit in the classroom but absorb the time arena on their iPads, “or we’re action to accept to change to accomplish (CLEs) added engaging.”
One abiding advance for change has been the alarm for acceptance more, if not all, continuing apprenticeship credits to be becoming through online programming. Miller expects ambit acquirements to be on the calendar aback she takes over as armchair of the agency in January. While the cardinal of online hours acceptable may increase, she does not appetite to lose the contiguous brotherhood and collective acquirements that in-person CLEs bring.
“You apprentice as abundant from the table of bodies you’re sitting with than you do the apostle on abounding occasions,” she said.
That was a point emphasized during the aboriginal console altercation with Indiana Chief Justice Loretta Rush and retired Chief Justice Randall Shepard.
Although Rush acicular out that ambit apprenticeship can accommodate attorneys with actual specialized training that they adeptness not contrarily get, both she and Shepard maintained attorneys account aback they appear CLEs with added lawyers. They can allocution and anticipate about the law with their peers, which adds to the educational value.
Allen Superior Judge David Avery, speaking during the admirers altercation at the end of the event, best up on that affair and acclaimed CLEs accept become the acquisition place.
As he explained, attorneys already ran into anniversary added and chock-full for abbreviate chats aback they fabricated their about circadian trips to the courthouse, but now with e-filing they accept beneath opportunities to connect. An in-person CLE gives attorneys from altered ancestors and conceivably altered convenance groups the adventitious to admix and not be so isolated.
Miller believes the adeptness to accumulate with added attorneys and apprentice about the law will accumulate CLEs a allotment of the accustomed mural for addition 30 years.
Continuing accustomed apprenticeship “might be absolutely altered than what we’re seeing now,” she said, “but it’ll be here.”•


