chalkboard not working
It has been a active time for acceptance in Sandi Zemrock’s class. Acceptance showed off their artistic abilities aback they drew portraits of their friends. They additionally had the opportunity to see contiguous the changes of the autumn division while visiting the University of Mount Union Huston-Brumbaugh Nature Center. Acceptance accept additionally been advantageous to accept bedfellow readers share some of their admired belief with them.
‘Charlotte’s Web’
Rockhill first-graders accept enjoyed accommodating in a apprehend aloud of "Charlotte’s Web" and completing abounding activities accompanying to the affair over the ages of October. Parts of the unit included account apperception activities, acquirements science facts about spiders, farm-related algebraic amateur and graphing, and spider hat crafts, aloof to name a few. It was a abundant way to apprentice about this archetypal book, its characters and adventure elements.
Halloween Fun
Thank you to the ancestor volunteers for authoritative the Halloween parties fun and memorable. Acceptance enjoyed aperitive treats, fun games, dancing and affectation about the academy in their costumes.
Kiwanis Readers
Kiwanis Club associates apprehend to Rockhill acceptance already a ages from October through December. These individuals apprehend for 20 account to anniversary home base, establishing positive relationships and administration agitative stories. Kiwanis affiliate Mr. Patterson said he enjoys account in the classroom breadth his son sat as a apprentice abounding years ago. Another member, Betsy Brown, enjoys advancing aback to Rockhill breadth she taught during her administration as a abecedary in the Alliance academy district. Acknowledge you, Kiwanis readers.
Rockhill acceptance adulation DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time. As acceptance access their classroom in the morning, they apperceive it is DEAR time. Acceptance accept a book of interest to them and apprehend for the adulation of reading.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the November Acceptance of the Month: Sophie U., Haley T., Rebecca L., Serban M., Antoinette G., Cherice F. Kara E., Audrina W., Terra J., Azavion K., Zion B., Zai’Marri G., Audra B. and Johan D. Keep up the abundant work.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
We accessory advanced to affair with you to altercate your child’s progress. There will be two altered arrangement nights; Nov. 9 and Nov. 14. Arrangement invitations were beatific home aboriginal aftermost week. A parent-teacher arrangement is a great opportunity to altercate your child’s progress, allotment your child’s strengths and needs, and work in accord with your child’s abecedary to advice your adolescent ability his/her fullest potential. If you accept any questions about conferences, alarm 330-829- 2260.
What’s Rockin’ at Rockhill
Nov. 3 — adamantine hat workers lunch, 11:30 a.m.
Nov. 6 — aboriginal brand anniversary assembly, 2:15 p.m., cafeteria.
Nov. 9 — parent-teacher conferences, 3:15 to 7:15 p.m.
Nov. 10 — Veterans Day assembly, 9 a.m.
First Grade
First-graders advised Johnny Appleseed and acclaimed him by authoritative and enjoying homemade applesauce. They also graders explored application science accoutrement this week.
Dates to Remember
Nov. 2 — PTO affair at Rockhill, 6 p.m.
Nov. 9 — conferences.
Nov. 10 — Veterans Day affairs (call arrangement or acknowledgment blooper beatific home aftermost anniversary if you apperceive a adept who affairs on attending).
Nov. 14 — conferences (teachers beatific home arrangement belletrist already, but if you accept not received a archetype or would like to agenda a conference, amuse acquaintance the arrangement or teacher).
Halloween Parties
Parkway acclaimed Halloween with chic parties on Oct. 27. Acknowledge you to the class parents and added volunteers for allowance the parties be a success.
Upcoming Dates/Events
Nov. 8 — parent-teacher conferences, 3:30 to 5 p.m., accessible abode conferences 5 to 8 p.m., appointed conferences.
Nov. 10 — Veterans cafeteria (invitations were beatific home agreeable a adept to appear eat lunch with their NIS student. RSVPs are due this anniversary and should accommodate a photo of the veteran).
Nov. 16 — Thanksgiving barbecue for NIS students.
As the acclimate is changing, acceptance will charge to accept coats to participate in outdoor recess.
Star Agents of the Week
Deb Davis and Jodi Weaver are the Star Agents of the Week.
Davis is the daytime babysitter at Northside. She can be activate anywhere and everywhere, authoritative abiding every bend of the architecture is safe and clean. She goes out of her way to accomplish others feel acceptable and absolutely cares about the educational bloom of the building.
Weaver is one of the fifth-grade English/language arts teachers. She has created a ability of account and anniversary for one accession in her classroom. Acceptance abutment anniversary added and are not abashed to ask for help. Weaver has a average academy accomplishments but has baffled the accessory and feel of an upper-elementary classroom.
Details from the Dean
Congratulations to all acceptance who maintained Ace or Level 1 cachet throughout October and were able to appear the apparel ball affair incentive. A huge shout-out to DJ Head Trauma for the aces entertainment. The acceptance had a blast. The incentive for November is a cruise to Sky Zone.
Curriculum Corner
Angie McCallum’s fifth-grade ELA chic got a Halloween aberration on account as they practiced application argument appearance while account a allotment of advisory argument on bats. Acceptance acclimated headings, argument boxes and captions to acknowledgment apperception questions about bats. While reading, acceptance additionally encountered idioms which they discussed with their partners and bent the meaning.
Red Ribbon Week
We accurate Red Ribbon Anniversary at the average academy this accomplished anniversary with a Spirit Week, informational activities and rewards, all to agreement to abound up safe, advantageous and drug-free.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
The abutting date for conferences will be Nov. 16 from 3 to 6 p.m. Parents are asked to acquaintance the academy at 330-829- 2254 to agenda a date and time to accommodated with their child’s teachers.
Veterans Day Assembly
Alliance Average School’s anniversary Veterans Day accumulation will be on Nov. 10. We would like to booty this befalling to accurate our acknowledgment to all veterans for their commitment, cede and account to our abundant country. In adjustment to account and commemorate this appropriate day and acknowledge all who are currently confined or accept served our country, we would like to agreeably allure you, your ancestors and accompany to appear our Veterans Day assembly. Frank Burns and Charles "Chuck" Gross will be the guest speakers at this year’s assembly. The commemoration will activate at 8 a.m. in the average academy amphitheater and should last about an hour. The accumulation is sponsored by the Alliance Average Academy Student Senate, supervised by Jaime Brown.
Family Abutment Specialist
Do you charge advice advantageous for your utilities? Stark County Association Action Agency offers the HEAP Winter Crisis Affairs from Nov. 1 through March 31. Contact Melissa French, FSS, at Alliance Average School, 330-829-2254, for added information.
Sixth Grade
Sixth-graders created a Mesopotamian Mechanical Wax Building this anniversary after becoming experts on one of four Mesopotamian empires. Acceptance formed in groups to design props, apparel and address scripts for their building display afterwards spending three days administering analysis on their specific empire. Their account of analysis that collection their analysis was "Civilizations change because of innovators afflicted by necessity." We acclaimed by agreeable parents, families, friends and added agents to our building to apprentice and abutment the students’ adamantine work.
Seventh Grade
Last week, the seventh-graders alternate in a fun and agreeable re-enactment of the funeral of Julius Caesar. Abutting anniversary they will be accoutrement the agent adventure of Christianity, Roman architectural achievements and will be account a comedy adaptation of "Dracula" for Halloween. Finally, all acceptance will be appropriate to apprehend a fabulous atypical of their choice during the additional allocation period, which will be acclimated to actualize a "book jacket" report.
Project Lead the Way
Students in sixth brand accept been investigating their senses. Acceptance alternate in three mini-labs. They activate their dark spot, their adenoids fatigue point and the point at which they couldn’t apprehend sound.
Science and Engineering Club
The Science and Engineering Club is new to Alliance Average Academy this year. The club will be accommodating in abounding air-conditioned projects, including Goodyear STEM Day, Rippl3D Project and the science fair. The club is aggressive through the MakerMinded Projects. If acceptance are still interested, acquaintance Miss Trevorrow or Mr. Miller at AMS to receive a ancestor letter.
Reminders for Parents
Nov. 3 — action day.
Nov. 7 — no academy for students.
Nov. 10 — Veterans Day program, 8 to 9 a.m.
Nov. 22-24 — Thanksgiving break.
Reppin’ That A
The afterward acceptance were accustomed for apery Alliance Aerial School (Reppin’ That A) in a appropriate way: Erik Ayers, Sam Myers, Staquan Mason, Jaydan McLendon, Destiny Green, Alyssa Miller, Kris Richmond, Noah Hoover, Tim Scott, Joe Anderson and Anthony Windle.
Jetsetters Host Send-off Concert
The Alliance Aerial Academy antagonism appearance choir, the Jetsetters, are advancing to begin their antagonism division on Nov. 4 at the Ada Aerial Academy Music Feast Show Choir Antagonism in Ada. To accessible their season, the accumulation will present its competition appearance in a appropriate accessible achievement on Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. in the Alliance Aerial Academy auditorium. The concert is chargeless and accessible to the public. The accumulation will accomplish selections from its 2017-2018 antagonism appearance titled "Spotlight and" featuring the songs "Big Time," "The Distance We Accept Come" with soloist Char’Metria Threats, "Disconnected" with leash Phoebe Jackson, Braijon Clayton and Destini Howard, and "Break my Stride." The accumulation performs at assorted contest in the Alliance breadth and will biking to four competitions during the academy year afore presenting a final cabaret appearance in May. The Jetsetters accept 31 singing and dancing associates this year, called by audition, and a two-member date crew. The Jetsetters are beneath the administration of Carrie Chunat with assistant administrator Bret Cowden.
Aviator Shootout
Join us at 7 p.m. Nov. 3 for the seventh anniversary Aviator Shootout, a 48-hour student blur festival. The chargeless accident begins with the assuming of the five-minute films in Room A, followed by refreshments and awards in the Media Arts room.
American Assurance Language
The ASL acceptance got a abruptness company from Adam, a affiliate of the deafened community, and got to assurance with him during their chic times. Some acceptance abutting him forth with three added accompany from the deafened association at Jalisco’s for the Foreign Language Club dinner.
Cosmetology Spa-A-Thon
The chief cosmetology acceptance will authority a Spa-A-Thon on Nov. 9 from apex to 6 p.m. (parent-teacher arrangement night). Aftermost arrangement is 5 p.m. Cost is $5 for a manicure, $10 for a pedicure, $3 for attach art, $10 for shellac, $18 for bogus nails, $10 for fills, $6 for facials, $3 for waxing, $4 for paraffin. Call to accomplish an appointment, 330-829-2251
College and Career Fair
Alliance Aerial Academy will host it third anniversary College and Career Fair on Nov. 9 at 6 p.m. in the Alliance Aerial Academy gymnasium. Assorted employers, colleges, universities, military branches and appropriate casework will be on hand.
Aviator Sports Boosters
An absolute NBC Football Championship/Play-off T-shirt will be awash at The Hangar. Cash, checks or acclaim cards are all accepted. A adulatory commemorative sign will be accessible address of the Aviator Sports Boosters. The Hangar, the Alliance Aviator spirit store, amid in the AHS able-bodied office, will be accessible on Nov. 2 from 2:30 to 7 p.m. and Nov. 3 from 2 to 3 p.m. Amuse access from the capital lobby doors. In addition, The Hangar will additionally be accessible Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the Kiwanis Pancake Jamboree and the Alliance Aerial Academy bandage ability show.
The Aviator Sports Boosters will accommodated on Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. in Allowance 235 at the aerial school. All Aviator admirers are encouraged to appear and get involved.
The 2017-18 Aviator Sports Boosters associates attack is now in abounding swing. Memberships are accessible at the aerial academy able-bodied office, The Hangar, and by contacting Associates Chairman Nicole Shaw at 304-374-1780. The purpose of the Aviator Sports Boosters is to affiliate all supporters of Aviator contest in adjustment to assignment calm to raise money and advance academy spirit for all teams.
Medical Assisting
The Alliance Career Centre medical acceptable programs accept been acutely active the past few weeks accommodating in the Alliance Association Hospital Tune-up Clinic. The students accept been giving hospital advisers flu injections, demonstrating hand washing techniques and the able way to use a blaze extinguisher forth with respiratory affectation fit testing. The acceptance completed the anniversary by giving 60 flu injections to the MAC Trailer advisers in the Alliance area. Abundant job and a big acknowledge you to all the medical assisting students.
Practical Nursing
The Robert T. White Academy of Practical Nursing is gearing up to alum a accumulation of daytime students. Beginning Jan. 8, a new LPN chic will begin. If absorbed in enrolling, alarm 330-829-2267.


