answers to pictoword level 50
When you are in the affection for a new bold on your adaptable accessory 17 Fast, Fun, and Chargeless Adaptable Amateur for a Quick Fix 17 Fast, Fun, and Chargeless Adaptable Amateur for a Quick Fix Sometimes you aloof charge a bold to annihilate bristles minutes. These abundant adaptable amateur let you accept fun in abbreviate bursts. Read Added , the options can be overwhelming. For both Android and iOS users, the food accept added than abundant fun and arduous amateur in the chat category. If you are adorable for article agreeable and altered in a chat game, analysis out these accomplished choices.
Wordscapes is a newer bold that combines creating words with a crossword puzzle. You aloof bash to affix the belletrist to actualize words that fit into the crossword. Accumulate in apperception that not all accessible words are correct. They charge fit into the crossword addle for you to succeed.
If you adore adequate chat amateur 8 Relaxing iPhone Addle Amateur That Can Help You Disentangle 8 Relaxing iPhone Addle Amateur That Can Help You Disentangle Sitting in advanced of a bold on your iPhone is one of the easiest means to unwind, abnormally with a few abstracted puzzles. Read Added , again Wordscapes is absolutely one to analysis out. The addle packs are themed with admirable adumbration from sunrises to forests to oceans. The bold additionally has a affable soundtrack to enhance your experience. For a accidental and arduous chat game, Wordscapes is fantastic.
Download: Wordscapes for Android | iOS (Free)
Another letter-connecting chat bold with a counterbalanced claiming is Words Crush: Hidden Themes. You are presented with belletrist to affix that actualize words for the theme. But, the ambush is that aback you bash through them, the actual belletrist fall. So, be accurate to affix them appropriate aback you accept added than one of the aforementioned letter.
Try not to accomplish mistakes, and acquire stars so that you can alleviate added themes. You can arch to the beach, kitchen, farm, and alike alien amplitude aback you do well. Words Crush: Hidden Capacity has a simple concept, but agreeable gameplay.
Download: Words Crush: Hidden Capacity for Android | iOS (Free)
Maybe aback you comedy a chat game, you like to mix pictures with it. If so, booty a attending at Pictoword. This out-of-the-ordinary chat claiming tests your analytic skills. You will see two pictures that amalgamate to actualize a word. For example, one account ability be a key and the added a chalkboard. Ample in the cardinal of belletrist apparent to actualize one chat based on the images: keyboard in this case.
Pictoword offers quests for you to complete for added bold goodies, so be abiding to analysis for new ones often. You can additionally accompany the circadian challenges and acquire coins. Then, use those bill to access hints that abolish or acknowledge belletrist or let you skip the puzzle. Pictoword is a abundant admixture of a account and chat game.
Download: Pictoword for Android | iOS (Free)
Another air-conditioned chat bold that uses pictures is Wordalot. Much altered than Pictoword, Wordalot is a crossword puzzle. Your clues for anniversary chat abide aural the displayed picture. So, you charge accessible up your empiric abilities toolbox for this one, because it can be a challenge.
To play, tap one chat in the addle that you accept you know. Ample in the belletrist from the ones shown, see if you are correct, and again accumulate going. If you change your apperception about a letter, aloof tap it to abolish it from the puzzle. The letter set changes for anniversary chat you tap, which in itself is a hint.
Download: Wordalot for Android | iOS (Free)
With an upbeat affair and blithe music, Chat Cookies will accept you baking up words to break its puzzles. You will see spots that appearance how abounding words you can actualize and the cardinal of belletrist in each. Then, annoyance admitting the belletrist at the basal to actualize the actual words that fit.
Word Cookies lets you drag the belletrist or use hints aback you get stuck. You will alpha as a Novice Chef, but with your analytic expertise, you will become an Ultimate Chef in no time. The bold currently has 32 packs with abutting to 600 levels of fun.
Download: Chat Cookies for Android | iOS (Free)
WordWhizzle Chase is agnate in gameplay to Chat Cookies, but contains a whopping cardinal of levels at over 900. You see a affair displayed at the top and spots for words at the bottom. Bash through the belletrist to actualize the words that both bout the affair and fit the spots.
This chat bold is a little trickier in that you can alone affix belletrist in beeline lines. But, you can use belletrist added than once. The bigger you do, the added you progress, and the harder the bold gets. For chat bold fans, WordWhizzle Chase is a agitating challenge.
Download: WordWhizzle Chase for Android | iOS (Free)
Languinis is a analogous chat addle bold that appearance a blue adventure to go forth with it. Bout three or added tiles to acknowledge letters. Then, use those belletrist to actualize words and accommodated the akin objectives. Your ultimate ambition is to chargeless the little Languinis.
The bold has able-bodied over 500 levels, altered boosts and power-ups, arduous gameplay, and alarming cartoon and sounds. Bout added than three items to actualize appropriate tiles and again amalgamate them for massive explosions. And remember, best words and belletrist with college credibility will get you to your objectives quickly.
Free the Languinis with your words of acumen in this upbeat game.
Download: Languinis for Android | iOS (Free)
If you like to stick with story-based chat games, AlphaBetty Saga is one absorbing option. It’s developed by King, the creators of Bonbon Crush Saga (our tips Best Bonbon Crush Saga Cheats, Tips, and Hints to Climb the Leaderboard Best Bonbon Crush Saga Cheats, Tips, and Hints to Climb the Leaderboard Struggling to bright levels in Bonbon Crush Saga? Let us appearance you the best tips and hints for aggressive the leaderboards and assault your friends. You'll be crushing bonbon like never before! Read Added ). This one takes you into a abrasion apple with Betty and Professor Alpha. Affix affecting belletrist to actualize the accomplished scoring words you can and complete the akin goals.
AlphaBetty Saga has over 100 levels with admirable characters and bright graphics. Watch your move absolute and cardinal of lives, actualize able letter tiles, and accept fun with words in this airy game. And if you like added types of addle amateur on your adaptable device, booty a attending at these alarming collections Choose Your Puzzle! These Adaptable Collections Offer a Wide Array Choose Your Puzzle! These Adaptable Collections Offer a Wide Array Love analytic puzzles on your phone, but appetite lots of altered types? These adaptable addle collections accommodate chat games, argumentation puzzles, Sudoku, and added in one accessible amalgamation for Android and iOS. Read Added .
Download: AlphaBetty Saga for Android | iOS (Free)
Bold Moves is addition analogous addle chat game, but still manages a altered playstyle. You bash to bandy the tiles and accomplish matches of three or more. However, your ambition is to bout the tiles absolute belletrist to absolution them into the puzzle. The addle is displayed aloft and consists of an adorning quote, for a nice touch.
When you absolution abundant belletrist and apperceive the acknowledgment to the puzzle, tap Solve. Then, ample in the missing belletrist and move assimilate the abutting level. Bold Moves has its arduous obstacles, appropriate tiles, and accessible boosts like agnate games.
With admirable cartoon and absorbing music, this chat bold from the Oprah Winfrey Network is a audible winner.
Download: Bold Moves for Android | iOS (Free)
Sometimes the time-tested types of chat amateur are the best enjoyable. Infinite Chat Chase Puzzles brings aback the amusement of cardboard addle books. With two bold modes, you can either chase adjoin the alarm or break the puzzles at your own pace.
The bold has a huge array of single-player chat chase categories. Pick from capacity like animals, art, TV shows, and sports with affluence of levels aural each. You can additionally alleviate appropriate categories by watching a video or advantageous to abolish the ads. Infinite Chat Chase Puzzles is ideal for admirers of this genre.
Download: Infinite Chat Chase Puzzles for Android | iOS (Free)
Alpha Omega has been on the chat bold arena for a brace of years, and with acceptable reason. This is a crossword-style chat bold 10 Chargeless Apps for Analytic Crosswords on the Go 10 Chargeless Apps for Analytic Crosswords on the Go Crosswords accept confused into the avant-garde era, and they're so fun on Android. Read Added with arduous puzzles. You accept bound hints with belletrist that are in the amiss order. Aloof tap to bandy the letters, accumulate in apperception the hints, and break your way to the abutting challenge.
What makes Alpha Omega angle out, abreast from its brain-teasing gameplay 15 Alarming Addle and Academician Teaser Amateur for Chrome 15 Alarming Addle and Academician Teaser Amateur for Chrome Put on your cerebration cap, accessible up Chrome, and analysis out these fun and arduous academician teasers. Read Added , is the audio and beheld effects. You can baddest from adorable capacity and adore the abatement soundtrack as you play. If adequate adaptable amateur are your favorites, again Alpha Omega is a must-have.
Download: Alpha Omega for Android | iOS (Free)
["500px"]This account covers the area for chat games, from searches to crosswords to analogous Words After Friends: 7 Mind-Bending Single-Player Chat Amateur Words After Friends: 7 Mind-Bending Single-Player Chat Amateur Aback all you appetite is a quick analysis for your cant after relying on addition else, aloof blaze up one of these absurd single-player chat games: Best will assignment either on iOS or Android. Read Added . Abounding chat bold fanatics like them all and comedy them avidly. But, maybe you accept a accurate blazon of chat bold that you enjoy.
If you accept a admired blazon of chat game, feel chargeless to allotment it forth with a advancement for a fun one in the comments below!



