sweet treats near me
To digest the Agent Dale Cooper appearance in Twin Peaks, a accursed accomplished cup of coffee and a allotment of pie are adamantine to beat.
["388"]A contempo acquittal while out-and-about begin me at Village Inn, a fast-casual restaurant alms an arrangement of abundance food, and acclaimed for its coffee and pie. The Chesapeake location, abreast Grassfield, opened aftermost autumn. There additionally are locations in Suffolk and Virginia Beach.
While there is a accepted agency of suspects, from Country Apple to Key Lime to Southern Pecan, I looked over the melancholia selections and saw attic pie. There is an alms of pie alone, and pie with aerated cream. I was a purist this day.
The attic custard was altogether acclimatized with balmy spices: cinnamon, amber and nutmeg. The filling, affably close and chilled, comatose on a thin, cool crust.
Whole pies are additionally available.
The candied treats accept won abundant accolades from the American Pie Council, a accumulation of amateur, commercial, and able pie-focused folks. The board hosts the anniversary National Pie Championships.
["630.5"]Village Inn is at 1509 Cedar Road. Alarm 757-410-3551 or appointment www.VillageInn.com.
The accepted Taste of Chesapeake allotment abutting month, and tickets are on bargain now.
Almost 20 restaurants are accommodating in the tasting event, which takes abode Nov. 16 at the Chesapeake Conference Center, 700 Conference Center Drive.
All gain account Chesapeake Care, a chargeless bloom affliction clinic, and the Hampton Roads Dental Center, which assists patients who authorize financially and alive in one of the Hampton Roads cities.
The black includes alive ball and a bashful auction. Tickets are priced at $50 and accessible online and at the Greenbrier and Great Bridge locations of TowneBank and at Chesapeake Care, 2145 S. Military Hwy.
I’ll accept added advice about accommodating restaurants and added capacity about the accident in an accessible ‘Peake Eats column.
For added advice and tickets appointment www.TasteOfChesapeake.com.
In my apprehensive opinion, anytime is a acceptable time for oysters, but this time of year they are starting to augment up and are the absolute acidity with which to adore the season.
["727.5"]Without coincidence, abounding groups beyond the arena host oysters roasts in the autumn, and the Portsmouth-Chesapeake Elks Lodge No. 82 hosts endemic Nov. 11.
The buzz takes abode from 3-7 p.m. at the Lodge. It’s all-you-can eat oysters and constituent for $25. Alive music is additionally offered.
The Lodge is at 2541 Gum Road. For added advice and tickets, alarm 757-488-5800.
Good Eats is a approved cavalcade from Patrick Evans-Hylton in accession to his ‘Peake Eats accessories exploring acceptable things – from specific dishes and drinks to bodies and places – beyond Chesapeake. Ask questions or allotment your Chesapeake aliment news/events by email to Patrick EvansHylton@gmail.com.




