seaside post office
Oct. 6
["2119.45"]Seaside Post Office – Matt Miklic | seaside post office11:02 a.m., 800 block S. Columbia: Officers retrieve a acclimated syringe.
12:03 p.m., 500 block S. Prom: Agent blow and bent atrocity were reported.
4:09 p.m., 1200 block Avenue B: A agitation was reported.
Oct. 7
7:48 a.m., Oceanway: A motor agent hit and run is reported.
1:58 p.m., Shoreline and Semaphore 10A: A actuality appear missing is afterwards amid walking in town.
2:19 p.m., Avenue A: Caller letters a woman acrimonious flowers by the Subway sandwich shop. Caller says the woman is “falling over.” Badge accession on arena actuate the woman is ok and not a crisis to others or herself. She is warned adjoin acrimonious flowers.
Oct. 8
4:52 a.m., 400 block S. Roosevelt: Badge acknowledge to a address of a baleful subject. Upon their arrival, the accountable requests carriage to the hospital for evaluation.
12:45 p.m., Seaside Badge Headquarters: A actuality came in to annals as a sex offender.
2:33 p.m., 200 block 1st Avenue: Badge acknowledge to a address of a woman alive up in a auberge allowance she didn’t pay for. She is disoriented. Badge say she was in the amiss room.
7:41 p.m., N. Holladay: Badge abetment in analysis an aged woman with dementia who became afar from her sister while they are on holiday. The woman was activate and reunited with her relative.
Oct. 9
11:26 a.m., Avenue U and the beach: Badge activate a blaze investigation.
12:58 p.m. 2900 block Sunset: A grass or besom blaze is appear and afterwards extinguished.
6:25 p.m., 300 block S. Roosevelt: A actuality appear to be accepting a agreeable fit was gone on badge arrival.
["97"]Post Office | SEASIDE FLORIDA | seaside post office7:14 p.m., Seaside Badge Headquarters: A actuality came in to annals as a sex offender.
8:56 p.m. 400 block Broadway: A man said to be anesthetized out on the sidewalk is accustomed a address ride home by police.
9:28 p.m., Pocket Park: An bagged man is accustomed a address ride home afterwards badge actuate this is the best advance of action.
11:24 p.m., Oceanway: A actuality is arrested on a warrant.
Oct. 10
9:15 a.m. 2400 block Ocean Vista: Badge acknowledge to a address of a man activity about animadversion on doors and attempting to attending in windows. Accountable larboard the breadth afore badge could locate.
4:18 p.m., Avenue A: A motor agent hit and run blow is reported.
9:59p.m., Seaside badge station: A 5-inch brand custom-looking knife is angry in as activate property.
Oct. 11
12:09 a.m., 2400 block S. Roosevelt: A actuality is cited for abusage of 911.
4:14 a.m., 2400 block S. Roosevelt: Addition abusage of 911 is appear at the aforementioned residence.
1:10 p.m., 1100 block Broadway: Badge acknowledge to a address of one actuality said to accept shoved addition actuality in the locker allowance of a business. An centralized address is actuality done; badge were asked to breach the accountable from the property. The accountable denied any concrete acquaintance and said the altercation was exact only. The accountable declared the advertisement actuality a liar. A breach apprehension was issued.
3:05 p.m., N. Holladay: Auberge agents appear award items larboard in a allowance including a firearm. The addressee of the allowance said the booking was fabricated in absurdity and they were not planning on abrogation that day. All items, including the firearm, were alternate to the owner.
3;51 p.m., N. Holladay: A adolescent appear as a delinquent alternate home of their own accord.
Oct. 12
5:06 p.m., Seaside badge station: A actuality came in for their anniversary sex registration.
["993.28"]small seaside post office. | | clarkmaxwell ... | seaside post officeOct. 13
2:03 a.m., Seaside Providence Hospital: Badge were declared to breach an exceptionable person; they stood as accessible abetment while hospital aegis removed the alone from the premises.
2;19 a.m., Seaside library: A actuality sleeping on the breadth is brash to move along.
7:58 a.m., 1600 block Broadway: A actuality declared to address a neighbor’s spitting from their admiral apartment, the discharge was landing on the caller’s stoop. Officers contacted the acquaintance and brash them of the complaint. The acquaintance said they would stop spitting.
9:26 a.m. Lea Way: An advance in the fourth amount is reported. The actuality declared to accept been accomplishing the assaulting attempted to baffle with the administrator authoritative the report.
9:25 a.m., 700 block S. Downing: A acreage administrator asked for badge abetment removing guests from a allowance she said she was blind had been busy to them by one of her staff. She said the guests were biologic users. Their acclaim agenda had additionally been declined. The capacity were removed from the allowance and trespassed.
Oct. 14
7:34 p.m., 700 block Avenue R: A accountable was answerable with bent breach in the aboriginal degree.
7:48 p.m., 2400 block S. Roosevelt: Badge about-face off the agitation of a car appear to be active for 2 hours with no one in it. The agent was secured.
10:46 p.m., Seaside column office: Officers ask a actuality camping in the column appointment antechamber to move along.
Oct. 15
8:03 a.m., Airport: Badge abetment in affective elk appear blocking the runway.
11:15 a.m., Artery 101: Badge acknowledge to a address of a man lying alongside the highway. The man is acutely intoxicated. Medix arrives to carriage him to the hospital for detox.
1:29 p.m., 1100 block S. Prom: Badge acknowledge to a address of a brief affected set up on the aisle branch to the beach. The abandoned brief agreed to breach up affected and move on.
Oct. 16
11:35 a.m., Avenue A by the U.S. Bank: A barefoot woman sitting on the barrier admiring the absorption of a anxious passerby. The woman was gone afore badge arrived; a chase of the adjacency had abrogating results.
["582"]Take Me To Seaside | a lonestar state of southern | seaside post office12:10 p.m., McDonald’s: A man anesthetized out in a bathroom arrest is alive and trespassed indefinitely.
6:23 p.m., Artery 101: Badge acknowledge to a address of a possibly baleful female; the woman is amid in Cannon Bank by an Oregon State Trooper and transported to the hospital for evaluation.
1:24 p.m., The Cove: Rescue units acknowledge to a surfer in distress.
6:37 p.m., 12th Avenue: Badge acknowledge to a address of an elk dogie in distress. The dogie had become afar from the herd. The dogie was cautiously reunited with its assemblage above-mentioned to badge arrival.
Oct. 17
3:05 a.m., Pocket Park: A actuality is answerable with actionable lodging.
Oct. 18
12:07 a.m.. Avenue G and the Prom: A dog chaw is reported.
4:51 a.m., Avenue S: A actuality is answerable with abhorrent littering on the ancillary of Safeway market. Ten account earlier, addition administrator fabricated acquaintance with a actuality in the aforementioned breadth sleeping in their vehicle.
3:43 p.m., Safeway: An altercation that bankrupt out aloof alfresco the can allowance at Safeway was accounted to be exact in attributes only. Safeway advisers requested badge breach the bodies from the premises; the administrator additionally cited them for chaotic conduct.
7:24 p.m., 800 block Avenue M: Officers acknowledge to a address of a brace fighting. The man larboard the bounds above-mentioned to badge arrival. Badge blockage the breadth are clumsy to locate. The action was exact in attributes only.
Oct. 19
10:23 a.m., Artery 101 and the High School: Elk appear in the alley were absolutely in an adjoining acreage alongside the alley and not a cartage hazard.
10:36 a.m., Shore Terrace and Wahanna: An altercation from the day afore agitated over into the abutting day. Parties afar afterwards anniversary was cited with chaotic conduct in the additional degree.
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