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CHEROKEE COUNTY, SC (WSPA) – We’re audition added tales of adaptation from bodies impacted by Monday’s tornadoes.
Homes in Cherokee County were destroyed as bodies hunkered bottomward central them.
“Everything went atramentous outside,” said Samantha Whisnant about the moments afore the tornado. “I had them (sons) in the laundry allowance and one bottom out aback the beam collapsed.”
She said she was central the home on West Diesel Drive with her sons Jaxon, 3, and Tanner, 6, aback the storm hit.
“My aerial started bustling like I was activity up a abundance and all the insulation was like snow,” she said. “We aloof started sliding and it acquainted like an aeon of advance but I’m abiding it was aloof 45 seconds, maybe a minute.”
As an EF2 tornado devoured the abode she said she angry to her faith.
["388"]“My son aloof hollered we’re activity to die, ‘momma, amuse don’t let me die’,” she said. “We chock-full appropriate area we were and we cried out to God.”
She said as anon as an escape seemed accessible they headed to the aback door.
“I aloof couldn’t get the aperture accessible and I heard.. I was babble for help,” she said.
By that time, acquaintance Jeremy George was hasty appear them.
“They’re aback aperture was locked. I heard them agreeable so I kicked the aback aperture in as adamantine as I could – I don’t alike apperceive how I kicked it in,” George recalled.
Whisnant said the insulation was everywhere, alike camouflaging their pet cat.
“I angry about and saw the cat,” she said. “He’s white but he was lying in a accumulation of insulation so all I saw were eyes and I affective him.”
“I aloof best both the boys up and we took off running,” said George. “They had area bedrock and actuality on their heads. I got them out but they came out aloof agreeable and crying.”
He said he didn’t alternate allowance aback he noticed the home was destroyed.
“I aloof did what anybody abroad would’ve done,” he said. “I assumption God aloof put me actuality today for some reason.”
Minutes abroad from their home, a ancestors on Fairview Road abreast Highway 11 in Cherokee County had additionally been through the tornado.
“My wife and granddaughter, two abundant admirable babies, my sister in law,” said Frankie Queen.
Frankie Queen says they heard the complete added tornado victims consistently remember.
“It was as loud as I’ve anytime heard – articulate like a alternation abiding enough,” he recalled. “The roof flew off the house, windows bankrupt and it’s aloof amazing that we got out after anybody actuality injured.”
He said had one capital anticipation as the tornado anesthetized through.
“Just get us out of actuality alive,” he said, as his articulation cracked. “The abode and actuality can be replaced but the ancestors can’t.”
He said he and his wife congenital the home aback in 1961. “It’s memories there, you know,” he said.


